similar to: proposal for Community Approved Third Party Repos (CATPR)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "proposal for Community Approved Third Party Repos (CATPR)"

2015 May 27
CATPR - new article for pending proposal
Hello, I have been working on a proposal for CentOS that would allow certain third party repositories to have their release RPM included in the CentOS Extras repository, similar to how epel-release is included now. username: CarlGeorge proposed subject: Community
2015 May 27
CATPR - new article for pending proposal
Thanks Alan. While working on this draft, I accidentally deleted the old content, and now I cannot edit the page anymore. Can you re-add my edit access on this page? Carl George ________________________________________ From: centos-docs-bounces at <centos-docs-bounces at> on behalf of Alan Bartlett <ajb at> Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2015 01:27 PM To:
2015 May 27
CATPR - new article for pending proposal
On 27 May 2015 at 19:07, Carl George < at> wrote: > Hello, > > I have been working on a proposal for CentOS that would allow certain third party repositories to have their release RPM included in the CentOS Extras repository, similar to how epel-release is included now. > > >
2011 Aug 19
PHP 5.3: IUS vs CentOS repos
I need to upgrade PHP because the latest WordPress requires one at least at 5.2.4. What are the tradeoffs of using the php53 packages provided by CentOS versus IUS? I've seen that installing the RHEL-derived php53 requires removing php first and it creates package conflicts because it doesn't provide a virtual php-common package. That suggests I should install the IUS package. Is
2015 May 01
delete account
I tried that before I created the "CarlGeorge" account. It gave me an error stating that the user already existed (again, this was before I created the "CarlGeorge" account). However, just creating a new account as "CarlGeorge" worked. Please delete the "carlgeorge" account. The email account tied to it is the one I want to use on the
2015 Apr 30
delete account
Hello, I goofed and didn't read the contribute page before trying to create my account on the wiki. I created the first account as "carlgeorge". I then created a second account in the proper format, "CarlGeorge". Please delete the first account. Carl George Rackspace RPM Development
2015 May 01
delete account
On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 12:31 PM, Carl George < at> wrote: > Hello, > > I goofed and didn't read the contribute page before trying to create my > account on the wiki. I created the first account as "carlgeorge". I then > created a second account in the proper format, "CarlGeorge". Please delete > the first account. >
2013 Oct 18
3rd party repositories
Can anyone comment on the use of 3rd party repos for newer versions of software like php, python and mysql? Two I am aware of are puias and ius. Is one preferable to the other? Can their packages be installed in parallel to and without interfering with base packages?
2009 Nov 20
wiki contribution
Hello, I created a wiki username JoshuaFranklin and would like to contribute a description of to this page: IUS is a new third party repo for RHEL that provides the "latest upstream versions of PHP, Python, MySQL". It is sponsored by internal work at Rackspace (but officially unsupported). Thanks, Joshua
2017 Sep 21
weird wordpress/php/pecl/ssh problem
So I'm running a centos 6 server which among other things hosts a website using wordpress.?? I'm using php56u from IUS on C6's native apache, and pecl + ssh because php-ssh2 is kinda broken. I ran smack dab into this exact problem: In my case, wordpress 4.7.6 auto updated, and I notied that 4.8.2 was available, so I chose my standard
2019 May 22
PHP 7.3 and IUS repo
Does anyone know if PHP 7.3 is coming to the IUS repo soon? I'd rather upgrade from 7.2 than tear out IUS and replace with Remi. -- -- Steve
2011 Mar 14
CentOS 5.5 php configure errors
I am attempting to install odbtp on my newly created lamp server running CentOS 5.5 and php 5.2.17. The odbtp compile failed looking for lots of zend related files supposedly in the php install dir. I learned from the odbtp project forum that I need to run configure in the php source directory. So I downloaded the php 5.2.17 source and ran ./configure and got these results: root at myserver
2014 Apr 21
CentOS 5.10: Upgrading from IUS's php52 to CentOS's php53 questions
I would like to update one of the websites on my server from Joomla 1.5 to Joomla 3.2, but it wants PHP 5.3. I am currently using IUS's php52 5.2.17, which is fine for the Joomla 1.5 and the various WordPress sites (up to 3.9) currently served on this server. I plan to test the update procedure on my home (test) system (a pretty much identically setup system) before possible breaking my
2023 May 26
IUS not pulling latest PHP packages
Hi, I am running CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core) and have enabled both epel and ius repository - ius-release-2-1.el7.ius.noarch - epel-release-7-14.noarch IUS not pulling the latest PHP packages. I have ran yum clean metadata and yum clean all commands but no luck. The latest version is *7.4.33* # php -v PHP 7.4.30 (cli) (built: Jun 10 2022 16:22:42) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) The PHP
2023 May 26
IUS not pulling latest PHP packages
Hello, looking at the metadata for EPEL and IUS, neither seem to carry PHP 7.4. It is EOL anyway, so you should migrate to PHP 8. To find out where your current PHP comes from try something like: # rpm -qf /usr/bin/php # rpm -qi php I would recommend you switch to Remi's repo and upgrade to PHP 8: Kind regards, Steve Am 26.05.2023 12:50, schrieb Kaushal
2015 Mar 24
error building php spec file
Hi Ashish, Which CentOS version you using? > If it is CentOS 6 then instead of building it from source, you can use IUS > repo which has latest php packages. > Below is the link for the packages in IUS repo for CentOS 6. > <> > I'm using CentOS 7. I'll check to see if I can get php version 5.6.7
2019 Apr 08
Issues when updating CentOS 7
On Sat, Apr 6, 2019 at 1:03 AM Jyrki Tikka <jyrki.tikka at> wrote: > > >I wanted to update my CentOS 7 install this morning and I > started>getting the errors from below. > >Any ideas on a fix? > Certainly! > >Error: Package: python34-xapps-overrides-1.0.4-13.el7.x86_64 (@epel) > > Requires: xapps(x86-64) = 1.0.4-13.el7 > >
2012 May 02
Upgrading PHP and PHP53 on CentOS5 - Progress/Problem w/ Squirrelmail
Greetings In the attempt to upgrade the technology stack on CentOS 5 from stock PHP to PHP53 I have made some progress. Much thanks to all respondents, especially Jesus. One repository that provides a complete set of builds and seems to fulfill both PHP and PHP53 requirements is the IUS one: Repos here:
2023 Apr 30
Should '@" now be listed in tools:::.get_internal_S3_generics() ?
>>>>> Karolis Koncevi?ius writes: > But this might require a more detailed investigation. For example I > just noticed that even with the patch `@` is still not listed in > .S3_methods_table(). Afaict base does not register any methods for @ or @<- ? -k > KK. >> On Apr 29, 2023, at 4:44 PM, Karolis Koncevi?ius <karolis.koncevicius at> wrote:
2012 Apr 15
including third party javascript API in Rails 3.1 works in server mode, but not when testing
Hey, I can use google maps api v3 in my Rails 3.1 app in development by including the following in the layouts/application header: <script src="[ key here...]&sensor=false&libraries=places" type="text/javascript"></ script> But when I integration test my app (capybara-webkit) I get a js error associated