similar to: Search Algorithm Used for Keyword Search

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Search Algorithm Used for Keyword Search"

2018 Jun 20
Welcome to the "Xapian-discuss" mailing list
Hi, I'm new to Xapian and wanted to know if it has a specific feature. I want to be able to check the relation between two terms on a page based on how close they are together on the page. I want to use a combination of n-gram based labeling and the "slop" feature found in Elasticsearch. Does Xapian have this/a similar feature? I haven't been able to find any programs that have
2011 Mar 26
Building Xapian on Mac OSX 10.6.x
I have a project that requires Xapian for a 32 bit arch, but Mac defaults to 64 bit. How can I configure Xapian core and Xapian python bindings to build 32 bit?
2011 Mar 26
Building Xapian on Mac OSX 10.6.x
I have a project that requires Xapian for a 32 bit arch, but Mac defaults to 64 bit. How can I configure Xapian core and Xapian python bindings to build 32 bit?
2017 Apr 23
Question about the ticket #743 omindex: delay libmagic checks
> > I'd suggest to start with you just look at moving the libmagic check after > the filesize checks, so you don't need to get into whether libmagic or > the database check is cheaper on average. hi, Olly, I have moved the libmagic check after the filesize check directly, can you provide
2017 Mar 23
GSoC 2017: Letor Click Data Mining
> You could do that by identifying the search session instead of the user, > which makes it closer to what we need than to something that might trip you > into privacy concerns. Okay, that would be much better. :) > Third records some information about what sort of query it is — add, > morelike or a plain query. Last provides the estimated match size and then > the HTTP
2019 Apr 08
Student Introduction
This might be a little late but I was engaged in my university examinations. Moreover, I have an exam even today so apologies for the delay. Also, I had to change my project from weighting schemes to improve to improve estimated total number of results as weighting schemes was demanding a lot of time going through it. I would really appreciate if you could review my proposal asap.
2016 Sep 22
issues compiling omega
All, I'm having some issues compiling omega. Here are the particulars I'm on win7, using cygwin 4.9.2 64 bit. Here's the relevant output from make: libtool: link: g++ -fshow-column -Wall -W -Wredundant-decls -Wpointer-arith -Wca st-qual -Wcast-align -Wno-long-long -Wformat-security -fno-gnu-keywords -Wundef -Woverloaded-virtual -Wstrict-null-sentinel -Wshadow -Wstrict-overflow=1
2016 Sep 09
problem with bindings configure script
All, I'm trying to compile xapian core and bindings under cygwin. I have no issues running the configure script and then compiling core, but bindings is giving me some issues. I'm running the configure script for bindings as follows: in xapian-bindings-1.4.0 directory. ./configure XAPIAN_CONFIG=/home/John/xapian-core-1.4.0 --with-java and had two issues. The first I solved by doing
2017 Apr 08
Omega: Missing support for newer weighting schemes
> It may be worth splitting that part of the $set documentation out into its > own section somehow, because it's getting a bit long - Undoubtedly; $set command has the longest section on the documentation page :) But it would be hard splitting that up because the documentation is organised in a way that each command is really contained in its own specific section. > and the details
2019 Mar 03
A Greeting for Xapian community
On Sun, Mar 03, 2019 at 04:20:21PM +0000, James Aylett wrote: > On the documentation build, I'm not sure what's going on. I'm on > Debian stable here, and I don't have texinfo installed. ./bootstrap > completes successfully for me. My understanding of makeinfo is that > it's not actually needed for Xapian, and the build system shouldn't > complain about its
2016 Aug 29
Forming a "Project Leadership Committee"
Xapian is in the process of joining the Software Freedom Conservancy (, but one thing we need to sort out before we can finalise this is some sort of more formal project leadership structure. James Aylett and I have discussed this with Bradley Kuhn from Conservancy, and we think the most appropriate model currently would be a small group of at least 3 (to avoid deadlock
2011 Apr 27
Omindex: what are the default numbered indexes?
> -----Original Message----- > Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 13:35:20 +0100 > From: James Aylett <james-xapian at> > Subject: Re: [Xapian-discuss] Omindex: what are the default numbered > indexes? > To: <xapian at> <xapian at> > Cc: 'Xapian Discussion' <xapian-discuss at> > Message-ID:
2017 Jan 17
Regarding GSoC 2017
Hello, My name is Prakhar Pratyush. I am a 4th year Electronics & Communication engineering undergraduate student at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee. My primary areas of Interest are machine learning, and Information Security and I am proficient in C++/Python/JavaScript programming languages as well. I was looking into the past gsoc organizations, and I came across Xapian. I
2018 Sep 29
xapian parser bug?
Today we noticed that keywords can't be searched as prefixed terms. Or that's what it looks like anyway. I tested and, or, and not. ╰─% NOTMUCH_DEBUG_QUERY=y notmuch search 'subject:"and"' Query string is: subject:"and" notmuch search: A Xapian exception occurred A Xapian exception occurred parsing query: Syntax: <expression> AND <expression> Query
2011 Apr 09
Pretty URLs for omega?
Hello :-) How can the default omega URL be prettified? http://<host_ID>/cgi-bin/omega is working fine, giving us all omega's default CGI parameters. Now we want multiple databases which could be accessed using http://<host_ID>/cgi-bin/omega?DB=<index_ID> but this is starting to get messy. It will get messier when we start to customise templates with
2010 Dec 16
Failing to build PHP Bindings OSX 10.6
Very odd this, I have downloaded the latest xapian-core and bindings. Installed xapian-core no problem in /usr/local/xapian However I am getting very strange errors when running make when trying to install the PHP bindings, it configures fine. Paste bin here: I am missing something obvious I know... I have built 1.0 on this machine in the past fine... John
2011 Jun 06
Higher weight on exact matches when doing wild card search
Hi I am working on a search which needs wild card support. Unfortunately this makes some searches for short words return bad results, because they match a lot of words that aren't related to what the user actually wants. I'm wondering if there's a good way to make specific matches get a higher weight than longer words? Example: when search for car, documents containing car are
2011 Jun 14
Problem installing Xapian python bindings on Mac OS X
I am using xapian-bindings-1.0.16.tar.gz ./configure --prefix=$HOME PYTHON=/usr/bin/python PYTHON_LIB=/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages --with-python --without-ruby --without-php --without-tcl and I get configure: error: Can't find xapian-config, although the xapian-core runtime library seems to be installed. If you've installed xapian-core from a package, you probably need to install
2012 Jan 15
Wiki broken link
There's a broken link on the wiki at The first Perl example points to but that url gives a 404 error. I'd fix it but I don't know where the examples are kept these days. Jim.
2012 Jan 15
Another broken link
At page <>the python examples file, <>