similar to: <vcpu placement='static' current='N'>M</vcpu>

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "<vcpu placement='static' current='N'>M</vcpu>"

2015 Jun 12
Re: <vcpu placement='static' current='N'>M</vcpu>
Am 12.06.15 um 11:43 schrieb Dominique Ramaekers: > Did you shutdown the guest before making this change? Yes. I even can't set this setting while the machine is powered off. Here ist the machines xml. <domain type='kvm'> <name>changed</name> <uuid>c71f66b3-2fd1-42f0-b8be-42999857eb95</uuid> <memory
2011 Apr 21
[PATCHv11 0/6] libvirt/qemu - persistent modification of devices
Here is v11. Fixed comments/bugs and updated against the latest libvirt.git. Changes v10->v11: - fixed comments on each patches - fixed cgroup handling in patch 3. - fixed MODIFY_CURRENT handling in patch 4. most of diff comes from refactoring qemu/qemu_driver.c -- conf/domain_conf.c | 40 ++ conf/domain_conf.h | 5 libvirt_private.syms | 3 qemu/qemu_driver.c | 727
2012 Apr 20
How to make nice tiny sized figures on graphic devices producing scalable vector output?
Hello! Usually whenever I want a tiny plot, I just create it as is (or even large) and then downscale it in the end application like LaTeX of MS Word. However, all these graphic devices like postscript, pdf, win.metafile retain physical sizes, so it would be natural if I can just insert graphics as is provided those have proper physical sizes embedded. The question is what is the best
2017 Jul 05
expand gridded matrix to higher resolution
Hi all, (if me email goes out as html, than my email client don't do as told, and I apologies already.) We need to downscale climate data and therefore first need to expand the climate from 0.5deg to the higher resolution 10min, before we can add high resolution deviations. We basically need to have the original data at each gridcell replicated into 3x3 gridcells. A simple for loop can do
2010 Oct 29
doubt in climate variability analysis in R!
Hello all, I am trying to use "clim.pact" package for my work, but since this is the beginning for me to use gridded datasets in "R", I am having some trouble. I want to do seasonal analyses like trends, anomalies, variograms, EOF and probably kriging too to downscale my 1 degree gridded data to 0.5.  So, as a first step, I compiled my entire dataset (with 25
2017 Jul 07
Extreme frustration with GIMP
I am not a graphics person. Also can't afford to hire one. Trying to follow instructions at I use the "intelligent scissors" just like they say, spend quite a bit of effort doing so. Then click the foreground select tool - just like they say - and suddenly everything I did with the intelligent tool is undone. WTF?
2014 Jul 30
problem when using qemu 2.0.0 + libvirt 1.2.6
Hi I got a problem when using qemu 2.0.0 + libvirt 1.2.6 . It just can not define a kvm vm successfully , errors like this : # virsh define 5ab4f49c-c99f-4dbd-9d7d-17a946b4c5a7.xml error: Failed to define domain from 5ab4f49c-c99f-4dbd-9d7d-17a946b4c5a7.xml error: unknown OS type hvm After several tries, i found that Qemu2.0 /qemu-kvm1.2+ libvirt1.0.2 and lower version is ok Qemu2.0
2008 Apr 24
Pure Ruby HTTP parser
Before anything else, let me state this: Of course it''s going to be PAINFULLY slow on MRI. That''s not the point :) I thought I''d try out writing out a Ruby version of the parser for the purposes of Rubinius. For those of you who aren''t aware, Ragel supports a goto-driven FSM on Rubinius by injecting assembly directly, and Rubinus head honcho guy Evan Phoenix
2007 Apr 25
[LLVMdev] LLVM projects: Change framework
hi all, I have used LLVM extensively over the last 2 years. I have realized a so called change framework that based on the LLVM framework. Basically it is a framework that augments the JIT to understand "changes", such that a mutator process can formulate changes in a change language (inspired by DTrace's D), which is too compiled to LLVM and sent to the application process.
2015 Mar 19
C code to generate domain XML
Hi, Are there any C code (in libvirt) to generate domain XML like the one we supply to virsh? Thanks!
2012 Aug 14
Which functions call qemu_driver API?
Hi, Excuse me, I have watched qemu_driver.c where most of the libvirt API is overrided in order to connect qemu. But I am confused which functions then call those qemu_driver API? I mean where is the qemu_driver implementation? Libvirt.c? But how does the qemu_driver connect and control qemu? Thanks a lot! Regards, Corey -------------- next part -------------- An HTML
2002 Jun 10
Very strange problem with profiles
Hello, I have just had a client of ours encounter an extremely weird problem with roaming profiles. Wheather or not it's samba related I do not know, but I believe it could be. The problem is that the person in question is MOVING files from one location to another inside "My Documents" while logged in using a domain account WHILE DISCONNECTED from the network. He also changes a few
2014 Feb 10
Help? Running into problems with migrateToURI2() and virDomainDefCheckABIStability()
Hi, We've run into a problem with libvirt 1.1.2 and are looking for some comments on whether this is a bug or design intent. We're trying to use migrateToURI() but we're using a few things (numatune, vcpu mask, etc.) that may need adjustment during the migration. We found that migrateToURI2() mostly works if we use XML created by copying the domain XML from the running instance
2017 Jul 05
expand gridded matrix to higher resolution
Hi Peter, apply(t(apply(mm,1,rep,each=3)),2,rep,each=3) Jim On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 5:20 PM, Anthoni, Peter (IMK) <peter.anthoni at> wrote: > Hi all, > (if me email goes out as html, than my email client don't do as told, and I apologies already.) > > We need to downscale climate data and therefore first need to expand the climate from 0.5deg to the higher
2018 Jun 13
RFC: Pass Execution Instrumentation interface
Fedor Sergeev <fedor.sergeev at> writes: > On 06/12/2018 12:04 AM, David A. Greene wrote: >> // PIA - PassInstrumentationAnalysis >> if (PIA->skipTransformation()) { >> return; >> } >> // Do it. >> PIA->didTransformation(); > That should be easily doable (though the interface would be part of > PassInstrumentation > rather
2003 May 23
timeout problems with 2.2.8a
Last year the samba servers for our Georgia Tech computer clusters were crashing about once a day running samba 2.0.7. Upgrading to 2.2.5 was disastrous - the Windows machines in the cluster started giving chronic bad-password errors. Since daily crashes seemed an easier problem to fix, we dug in and fixed the 2.0.9 source code. (Our patch is attached, for those interested in running 2.0.9
2010 Dec 21
How to get a working dovecot.conf?
Hi, I installed openSUSE 11.3 server version, and followed the guidelines from: Everything works, accept loggin into dovecot. For many days i tried to get logged into dovecot, from localhost, from other pc in the lan, from squirrelmail, not possible. I read manuals on and tried to set the passwd db
2010 Sep 15
why does automounting removable media always have options nodev, noexec, nosuid?
i'm experimenting with some basic removable media mounting exercises for an upcoming class, and i read that, while you can use gconf-editor to change some of the mount options in cases like that, there is no way to override the mount options of nodev, noexec and nosuid. for example, that claim is made here (admittedly for fedora, but it appears to be true for centos as well):
2009 Dec 09
[LLVMdev] [PATCH] increase the max number of physical registers
On Dec 8, 2009, at 3:31 PM, Jakob Stoklund Olesen wrote: > > On Dec 8, 2009, at 11:33 AM, Evan Cheng wrote: > >> This caused a massive slow down to post-ra scheduler (llc -O3 on x86, -O2 on ARM). I'm going to revert it for now until it has been addressed. > > Probably caused by this member: > > /// KillIndices - The index of the most recent kill (proceding
2015 May 05
[LLVMdev] [AArch64] Should we restrict to the pointer type used in ldN/stN intrinsics?
Hi, The ldN like intrinsics (including all the ld1xN, ldN, ldNlane, ldNr, stN, stNlane) can use any pointer types. The definition (in of such intrinsics use 'LLVMAnyPointerType', which means we can pass any pointer type to such intrinsics. E.g. I tried following case ld2.ll: define { <4 x i32>, <4 x i32> } @test(float* %ptr) { %vld2 = call {