similar to: Success story

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Success story"

2006 Jan 09
Wine WMF vulnerability?
Hi, I recently read about that Wine is vulnerable against the WMF bug that was recently closed on Windows. Is it really true? Is Wine really as bug-for-bug compatible with Windows? :-) Best regards, Zolt?n B?sz?rm?nyi
2007 Apr 29
Which version of DirectX 9 does Wine support?
Hi, I came across a game demo, Shrek the third. The installation went almost smoothly, but the installation directory it went into was C:\Program Files\My Product Name instead of the suggested default: C:\Program Files\SHReK the THiRD The demo said it requires DirectX 9c and indeed it doesn't run because it needs d3dx9_32.dll. It seems Wine doesn't provide this DLL currently. Best
2005 Oct 23
Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows installation failure / Wine-20050930
Hi! I wanted to install Transport Tycoon Deluxe for Windows but the installation does not even start. I have wine-20050930-1fc3winehq.i686 on my system, FC3/x86-64. The installation directory seems strange on the very first window, every backslash character is painted as a strike-through upcase letter W. Browsing for another directory or typing the directory manually gives the same problem.
2011 Sep 15
Using unix paths in console mode wine apps
Hi, is there an environment variable that enables plain Unix filenames in Wine applications? I need to cross compile PostgreSQL and some third party modules on my Fedora 15 system to 64-bit Windows. PostgreSQL uses its "pg_config" for 3rd party code to tell the include dir, compile flags, etc: [zozo at localhost postgis-1.5.3]$ /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/bin/pg_config.exe
2006 Nov 14
How to print to file?
Hi, I have some problems with a Hungarian tax software, finally it's usable with wine-0.9.25 but it seems printing is broken. The print preview shows the correct sheets and the print dialog shows my installed CUPS printer. But when I actually print, it seems it uses wingdings or some symbol font. How can I redirect WINEPS output to a file so I could diagnose the .ps file? It may be that I
2007 Mar 21
Direct DVD-RW access possible?
Hi, I found that my DVD-RW supports LabelFlash/DiskT@2 and after killing the SCSI command filter in the kernel I was able to successfully burn labels on some DVD-Rs with Nero 7 Premium as well as Yamaha's LabelFlash Index Maker from VMWare. Is it possible to access the DVD-RW directly from Wine so I don't have to use VMWare for this task? BTW, LabelFlash Index Maker happily runs with
2006 Feb 11
Wine 0.9.7 failure report: hungarian tax software
Hi, I wanted to try Wine whether it was capable of running "Abev", the official hungarian tax software. Main installer is: and one has to install at least one tax form type for this software to be usable. Choose one of the numbered tax form installers, e.g.:
2017 Oct 02
Fwd: Re: Fwd: R errors
Please do not just reply to me but also to the list as other people there more expert than I may be able to help you better. Michael -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Re: [R] Fwd: R errors Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2017 18:39:39 +0900 From: NYI NYI HTWE <nyinyi at> To: Michael Dewey <lists at> Dear Michael Thank you for your response. It is my
2005 Oct 22
Wine 20050930 and Barbie Beauty Styler
Hi, I just installed FC4 and Wine-20050930 for my sister from this place: Thanks for the compilation, Dieter! My sister's daughter has whined for "Barbie Beauty Styler", so I tried installing it. The installation from the CD root kept complaining about it has to
2006 Dec 19
MSSQL + ODBC + BDE + WINE colaboration
Dear Master I am new comer in this mailing list. Can you tell me how to connect BDE and ODBC for MSSQL connection using wine. I have already install BDE from Delphi 5 and DBCrab from Winetools. ODBC is OK to connect MS SQL database. But when I joint with BDE using ODBC to connect database there is some error like : [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNETLIB] SQL Server does not exist or
2002 Sep 09
Re: [S] First max of a vector
>>>>> "MikeM" == Michael M Meyer <mikem at> >>>>> on Sat, 07 Sep 2002 18:40:01 -0700 writes: MikeM> which(x==max(x)) will return the indices fo all MikeM> elements that are equal to the max. So the first max MikeM> would be which(x==max(x))[1] (At least this works in MikeM> R, I assume it does in
2009 Dec 21
Borland Database Engine (BDE)
I've installed Wine 1.1.35 on a fresh Ubunti 9.10 and attempted to install the BDE. The BDE Administrator runs normally (BDEADMIN.EXE) but I'm unable to make any connections to our Firebird server - attempts to open the connection give me error "Vendor initialization failed" and "Cannot load an IDAPI service library. File GDS32.DLL". I've put this file into the
2017 Oct 02
Fwd: R errors
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: NYI NYI HTWE <nyinyi at> Date: Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 1:49 PM Subject: R errors To: R-windows at Dear I'm very new R-user. I run a model successfully and my supervisor ask me to confirm the result. Then I run the same model again. However, it returns the error message in printing report and model creating as below
2007 Jun 14
Compression and Excludes not working
Hello, Using rsync 2.6.9: --compress-level=9 brings up an error "Command not found". Also this command: rsync -e "ssh -p 2222" -axzvc --progress --stats --exclude=/home/patwa/public_html/dl/ --exclude=/home/patwa/public_html/jithwish/ --exclude=/home/patwa/public_html/senaka/ /home/H/HGBackup13062007 ; sync Works in that it transfers the
2005 Apr 15
Oracle error "Ora-01012: not logged on" on BDE under wine
Hello, folks. I am having a problem to connect the Oracle using an alias in BDE under WINE. I did install the Oracle Client and the BDE under WINE and both working perfectly. However, when I create an Oracle alias in BDE, I cannot to test the connection, obtaining this error: "ORA-01012: not logged on" Any suggestion ??? Thanks, Robson Sampaio.
2007 Jun 16
Rsync Error 23 at main.c:1385
Hello, It would appear there is a problem with Rsync. I get the following error when trying to rsync with my website: Some files could not be transferred, rsync error 23 at main.c:1385. It would seem this is not an isolated problem: 85%22&meta=lr%3Dlang_da%7Clang_nl%7Clang_en%7Clang_fi%7Clang_fr%7Clang_de%7C
2005 Jul 12
Problems with BDE
Hello I am trying to run a program that use BDE, but i get the error: An error occurred while attempting to initializa the Borland Database Engine. I installed BDE 4.51 and 5.1 but is equal. What is wrong?? Some ideas?? Regards Joaquin
2002 Jan 28
Hi folks, I'm new to WINE and have actually read the docs, so go easy on me. My machine is setup to dual boot between Red Hat 7.2 and Windows2000. This is what I get when I try to run Eudora 5.1 from my Win2k partition. This is as far it'll go--no window ever displays. I get identical results with either WINE 20020122 or a CVS snapshot from yesterday evening. Let me know if
2010 Apr 01
Unable to get software using Yum
Hi I am new to CentOS and been into Linux for about 3 months now. I first started off with fedora and also trying my hands on CentOS now. Basically i used yum to download softwares on the fedora box. I mainly require the snmp agent for my linux boxes so as to test my network management product. On some of the CentOS boxes the following command worked for me : yum install net-snmp it
2002 May 08
BDE Instaler error 1620
When I was trying to install Borland Dadabase Engine 5.2, I received a error message : 1620 : Internal error in windows instaler . I looked at xterm for more information about this error. I read another message that told me "Windows instaler didn?t reconized this file with a valid windows instaler file." .