similar to: Wine Clipboard Problem

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Wine Clipboard Problem"

2007 Oct 22
Help! bad cyrillic font rendering
Good Day! I have a problem with rendering of cyrillic font in one window. Everything is fine in others windows of the same program. I've tried to copy fonts from Windows, where this program works, but it doesn't help. LANG=ru_RU.UTF-8 I runned wine with "WINEDEBUG=trace+font,trace+dialog": ... trace:font:CreateFontIndirectW (-21 0 0 0 31 3 2 1 204) L"Courier New" Bold ?
2012 May 08
Ubuntu 12.04 64bit + Wine 1.5.3 (or 1.4) + .NET Framework3.0
First of all it's clean installation of Kubuntu 12.04 64-bit. Then: Code: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install wine1.5 Then I got a 32-bit wine environment: Code: rm -rf .wine WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine winecfg Then I tried to install .NET Framework3.0: Code: wget && sh winetricks dotnet30
2001 Nov 05
couple of notes of wine in mandrake and access good luck
i had a hard time tweiking my wine in mandrake. some tips, i am using xfree for now it runs like a cadillac. # This loads the DBE extension module. put this in your XF86Config-4 Load "dbe" Load "glx" Load "dri" # This loads the miscellane replace the trheads lib ngpt-1.0.1-1.i386.rpmcd and this is my config [Drive C] "Path" =
2002 Jan 25
Just to add those ****** are the username and password being passed on to (I presume) the next stage of the UD process. And attached my ~/.wine/config the only setting I tried both options with was Managed=N (and =Y). -------------- next part -------------- WINE REGISTRY Version 2 ;; All keys relative to \\Machine\\Software\\Wine\\Wine\\Config ;; ;; MS-DOS drives configuration ;; ;; Each
2001 Nov 18
Trying to run Interent Explorer 5 / 6
Hi all, I'm trying to run IE because it's needed to start an online role playing game. I use 11/18 version of wine The only message i get is: fixme:ntdll:NtOpenThreadToken (0xfffffffe,0x0000000c,0x00000001,0x405e5c98): stub and the classical 'pthread_rwlock_rdlock' I join a copy of my config file. If someone succeed to run it, please send your config file. -------------- next
2005 Feb 22
missing fonts for centos 4?
there seem to be very few iso8859-1 (latin-1) fonts. in particular the lucidatypewriter fonts aren't there for 8859-1. but it does have 8859-2. just playing with xfontsel i see about 800 8859-1 fonts and 2000 8859-2. did something get left out? i did an everything install. and further poking with yum doesn't show any other font packages that could be installed. # yum list all
2002 Jan 14
The 4th Coming : 2 mouse cursors
Skipped content of type multipart/alternative-------------- next part -------------- WINE REGISTRY Version 2 ;; All keys relative to \\Machine\\Software\\Wine\\Wine\\Config ;; ;; MS-DOS drives configuration ;; ;; Each section has the following format: ;; [Drive X] ;; "Path"="xxx" (Unix path for drive root) ;; "Type"="xxx" (supported types are
2002 Feb 26
Hi there, I'm trying to get the game Halflife working with Wine. I downloaded the latest Wineversion with CVS. I built it with : # ./configure --prefix=/usr/wine --enable-opengl # make depend && make && make install Then I insert the halflife cdrom and do: # mount /mnt/cdrom # cd /mnt/cdrom # wine SETUP.EXE It loads up the Halflife install wizard (progressbar goes from 0 to
2004 Sep 07
Heroes of Might and Magic III
Hi, I've managed to run the game but there is a problem with the multiplayer. When I choose "hot seat" option for multiplayer game the button "Ok" is shaded and not available, so I cannot play. Also I cannot add aditional players. May be I need to install TCP/IP Protocol? I've read somewhere that this may be direct play problem. Any ideas? Wine-20040813. Here is my
2001 Jul 19
Help No luck with Lotus Notes 5.0.7
Question: Setup or code problems? (rather than making you wade through the mire that is my config file and error dumps). If you answer me, please copy me also in email. Thanks. John Olson Computer setup: Athlon 650, Linux-SuSE 7.1, Win98, Win2k, KDE2.1.2 w/Qt-experimental 2.3.0, XFree86 4.1.0, TNT2 card w/32MB, 128MB Ram, plenty of hard drive space. Situation: Have
2002 Oct 18
non-English filenames (one more attempt)
Speaking of the low answer-to-question ratio, here's a question I posted a week ago but did not get a single answer. Please help me! Before posting, I've searched lots of docs (unsuccessfully), and the problem is critical for me. I have a Win98 machine with Russian file names. As suggested in many places, I put the following into smb.conf: client code page = 866 character set =
2005 Jun 07
bug or not bug :) ? in dovecot imap
Hi Timo Sirainen ! I have possible found the error at analysis of the body letter with embedding in national coding, in the manner of: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Content-Type: application/msword; name==?koi8-r?B?zcXUy8kgzsEgy9LP09MuZG9j?= Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment;
2004 Oct 25
LDAP: strange "net groupmap" behaviour
Dear Sirs, I did the following command (against ldapsam backend): net groupmap add rid=3002 unixgroup=wheel type=local ntgroup=Marketoids comment=Mm -d 10 I just wanted to add new group. But instead of that I saw many-many-many records: lib/smbldap.c:smbldap_search(963) passdb/pdb_ldap.c:ldapsam_getgroup(2008) they all wanted to find group with gidNumber=4294967295, yes, sure, there's
2004 Nov 05
My Keil uVision2 can not work in wine under MDK10.1
Wine use to work well in Mandrake10.0. But I find it can't work in Mandrake10.1. The problem like this: I can start Keil uVision2 (A develop tool for MCU), it seems well. But when I compile my C51 programs, it issue some message in console: fixme:console:SetConsoleCtrlHandler (0x476d9a,1) - no error checking or testing yet wine: Unhandled exception (thread 000d), starting debugger...
2001 Sep 21
Wine-20010824 problems with wineinstall and loading windows DLL's
Hi I am running Slackware Linux 8.0 with Kernel 2.4.5 and perl 5.6.1. I have my windows partition(D:) mounted at /windows and my fat startuppartition(C:) at /dos. Windows itself is found in /windows/windows. I tried installing Wine-20010824 using wineinstall and these are the problems I had: - When wineinstall was searching for existing windows installations it said: 'Windows was not
2005 Apr 06
New to Wine
Hi, I'm new to wine and I'm running the following: OS: Solaris 10 3/05 release on x86 system Wine: wine --version fixme:file:get_default_drive_device auto detection of DOS devices not supported on this platform Warning: the specified Windows directory L"c:\\windows" is not accessible. Warning: the specified System directory L"c:\\windows\\system" is not
2001 Sep 22
"No program start menu found"
I've looked at the web page and Still no luck, I'm getting the same error message: My config file is attached below: Here's what my director tree looks like: /home/magreen/c/windows/Start Menu/Programs What piece am I missing? TIA! -------------- next part -------------- WINE REGISTRY Version 2 ;; All keys
2002 Feb 08
Wine, IE5, Win2000 and RH 7.2
Hi all, I try to run IE5.x under Win2000 using Wine. I installed the package codeweavers-wine-20010626-4 and ran winsetup to produce the following config file: WINE REGISTRY Version 2 ;; All keys relative to \\Machine\\Software\\Wine\\Wine\\Config ;; ;; MS-DOS drives configuration ;; ;; Each section has the following format: ;; [Drive X] ;; "Path"="xxx" (Unix path for
2005 Mar 10
how to install dcom98.exe ie6, and directx 9.0c
Hi, Does anyone how i can get this installed? I get errormessages if i install them, dcom98.exe just quits when he's installing, internet explorer 6 stops after registering ole objects and directx 9.0c gives an error: An internal error occured. Please refer to directx.log in your Windows Folder to determine problem (directx 8.1 gives an error: could not locate the directory) this is my
2003 Jul 10
wrong char encoding in koi8-r table
>Submitter-Id: current-users >Originator: Dmitry Sukhodoev >Organization: sputnik >Confidential: no >Synopsis: wrong char encoding in koi8-r table >Severity: serious >Priority: medium >Category: ports >Class: update >Release: FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE i386 >Environment: System: FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #0: Mon Jul 7 22:36:36 YEKST 2003