Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "Diabetes Software"
2015 Feb 05
[SPAM] This could bring down the whole Diabetes Industry
Forget anything you`ve ever been told about Diabetes...
Because this `average` man`s discovery has not only
CURED over 20.000 people of their diabetes in just two weeks,
but it has the potential to wipe out the $245 billion
diabetes pharma industry FOR GOOD.
And get this
2012 Jul 12
Taller: Iniciación a los gráficos estadísticos con R
Se podrá seguir el taller en la red a través de videoconferencia.
Objetivos del Taller: La elaboración de gráficos de calidad y, en
su caso, destinados a la publicación requiere una reflexión sobre
los métodos, tipos y soluciones que pueden emplearse desde R. En
este taller discutiremos los aspectos relacionados con los
procedimientos para realizar gráficos de
2013 Sep 10
Próxima reunión del "Grupo de Usuarios de R de Madrid - 26-Septiembre"....
El próximo 26-septiembre comenzamos la nueva temporada de reuniones del
"Grupo de Usuarios de R de Madrid".
Esta temporada trae algunas novedades, una de ellas es que intercambiaremos
el lugar de las reuniones entre la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNED y ahora
el bar S10 en el que esperamos mantener unas reuniones más próximas y si
cabe informales.
Por ahora tenemos un par de
2012 Dec 07
Switch from MySQL/CourierMail to MySQL/Dovecot
Hello, new here.
I am a Centos/Fedora user, and for the past 3 years have been running my
mail server using Postfix/MySQL/CourierMail/Squirrelmail on Fedora. The
current incantation of the tutorial is at:
Well it is time to rebuild my mailserver; this time on Centos 6.3. My
2023 Dec 18
Function with large nested list
Hello list,
I want to make a large rulebased algorithm, to provide decision support for drug prescriptions. I have defined the algorithm in a function, with a for loop and many if statements. The structure should be as follows:
1. Iterate over a list of drug names. For each drug:
2. Get some drug related data (external dataset). Row of a dataframe.
3. Check if adaptions should be made to
2009 May 22
bug in rpart?
I checked the Indian diabetes data again and get one tree for the data with
reordered columns and another tree for the original data. I compared these
two trees, the split points for these two trees are exactly the same but the
fitted classes are not the same for some cases. And the misclassification
errors are different too. I know how CART deal with ties --- even we are
using the
2006 Mar 26
Newbie clustering/classification question
My laboratory is measuring the abundance of various proteins in the
blood from either healthy individuals or from individuals with various
diseases. I would like to determine which proteins, if any, have
significantly different abundances between the healthy and diseased
individuals. Currently, one of my colleagues is performing an ANOVA on
each protein with MS Excel. I would like to analyze
2009 Feb 26
error message and convergence issues in fitting glmer in package lme4
I'm resending this message because I did not include a subject line in my first posting.
Apologies for the inconvenience!
> Hello,
> I'm trying to fit a generalized linear mixed model to estimate diabetes prevalence at US county level. To do this I'm using the glmer() function in package lme4. I can fit relatively simple models (i.e. few covariates) but when
2009 May 12
questions on rpart (tree changes when rearrange the order of covariates?!)
I am using rpart for classification with "class" method. The test data is
the Indian diabetes data from package mlbench.
I fitted a classification tree firstly using the original data, and then
exchanged the order of Body mass and Plasma glucose which are the
strongest/important variables in the growing phase. The second tree is a
little different from the first one. The
2009 Oct 27
"ipredknn" - How may I find values?
Hi everybody!
I want to find a closer neighbourins observation. This is my code:
2013 Apr 25
Assigning a variable value based on multiple columns
Hi All,
I'm hoping someone can help me with a relatively simple problem. Take the following dataset:
ID Diabetes ESRD HIV Contact
1 0 0 NA 0
2 1 0 NA 0
3 NA 1 0 0
4 0 NA 0 1
5 1 1 1 0
I want to generate a
2013 Feb 04
reshape help
Dear R users -
I have a list of patient identifiers and diagnoses from inpatient
admissions. I would like to reorganize the list, presently in a long
format to a wide format in reshape, but in the absence of a "time" element,
I am uncertain how to do this - any help greatly appreciated.
A nausea
A diabetes
A kidney failure
A heart attack
A fever
B fever
2008 Jan 22
Help - linear regression
I am trying a linear regression model where the dependent variable is the size of the heart corrected for the patient's height and weight. This is labelled as LAVI. The independent variables are race (european or non-eurpoean), age, sex (male or female) of the patient and whether they have diabetes and high blood pressure. sample size 2000 patients selected from a community.
when I
2009 Feb 26
(no subject)
I'm trying to fit a generalized linear mixed model to estimate diabetes prevalence at US county level. To do this I'm using the glmer() function in package lme4. I can fit relatively simple models (i.e. few covariates) but when expanding the number of covariates I usually encounter the following error message.
gm8 <-
2013 Nov 12
Data Analyst and Coordinator
Dear R-Sig-Jobs members,
For its Executive Office in Brussels, The International Diabetes
Federation (IDF) is looking to hire a Data Analyst & Coordinator with
significant R experience. This person will join the Epidemiology and
Public Health unit that sits within the Policy & Programmes
department. They will be responsible for the management of IDF?s
high-profile Diabetes Atlas. They
2016 Jan 19
Statistician / Data Analyst in Brussels, Belgium
Dear R-Sig-Jobs members,
For its Executive Office in Brussels, the International Diabetes Federation
(IDF) is looking to hire a Statistician and Data Analyst to join the Policy
& Programmes department. This person will be responsible for the management
of the high-profile IDF Diabetes Atlas (www.diabetesatlas.org). They will
coordinate the collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation
2005 Oct 17
Ordinal GEE model
I am trying to fit a ordinal GEE model using ordgee {geepack}. In order to check the validity of the function, I specified the correlation structure as independence (i.e. constr = "independence") and compared the result with that using polr {MASS}.
Because a GEE model with an independent working correlation structure is equivalent to an ordinary GLM model, we would expect the same
2024 Jan 17
Is there any design based two proportions z test?
Hello Everyone,
I was analysing big survey data using survey packages on RStudio. Survey
package allows survey data analysis with the design effect.The survey
package included functions for all other statistical analysis except
two-proportion z tests.
I was trying to calculate the difference in prevalence of Diabetes and
Prediabetes between the year 2011 and 2017 (with 95%CI). I was able to
2010 Mar 09
create picture (k -the nearest neighbours)
I want to create a nice picture about my result of k -the nearest neighbours
algorithm. Here is my easy code:
2003 Jun 13
lars - lasso problem
I tried to use lars() but neither with my own data nor with the sample data it
works. I get in both cases the following error prompt:
> data(diabetes)
> par(mfrow=c(2,2))
> attach(diabetes)
> x<-lars(x,y)
Error in one %*% x : requires numeric matrix/vector arguments
> x<-lars(x,y, type="lasso")
Error in one %*% x : requires numeric matrix/vector arguments