similar to: quesiton about the mem=size option

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "quesiton about the mem=size option"

2015 Sep 10
quesiton about the mem=size option
Reply All should keep it on the list. On Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 9:40 PM, <john_cutler at> wrote: > Gene, > > Thank you for your response I have a follow up to that. > > I have 2 different machines using the same pxe boot for both machines > machine A fails at pxe boot if i don?t have mem=2048m while machine b > will fail if it contains mem=2048m Not
2004 Jan 12
DOCMEMORY 2.0 (simmtester) and MEMDISK
Like a lot of people, I am using SYSLINUX + MEMDISK to make a technician universal boot disk on a USB key (I have done the same with ISOLINUX and MEMDISK for a CD using Bart's method for bootable CDs) I *LOVE* Syslinux and MEMDISK, and what I can do with floppy images! I have a few problems that have cropped up, most notably the DOCMEMORY program ( boots fing, but the
2013 Jun 29
Plop Boot Manager quit working with 5.10
> On 06/28/2013 05:32 PM, Patrick Verner wrote: > > I have updated syslinux in Parted Magic's test version to the 5.10 release. > > With 4.06 I booted plop like this: > > > > LINUX /boot/plpbt/plpbt.bin > > > > Now it says /boot/plpbt/plpbt.bin... ok > > Booting kernel failed: Invalid argument > > > > Other "extras" like
2007 May 25
multiple comboot files?
Is there a way for isolinux/syslinux to execute a list of comboot files immediately at startup, and only once? I have a bunch of small comboot .com files that I want to batch run immediately, then after that do a DISPLAY boot.msg similar in some ways to an autoexec.bat. For example: DEFAULT mycd APPEND ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us .... TIMEOUT 300 ONSTARTUP mybatch <- ???
2004 Jan 26
Problem with FreeDOS + himem64 + PXELINUX + memdisk
(FreeDOS developers, I apologize for the redundant parts of this message. But I want to bring the SYSLINUX folks into the discussion, and the SourceForge mailing list archives are broken.) Background: I have a little Sourceforge project ( for which I use SYSLINUX to provide CD-ROM and PXE boot support for my boot disk. And it works great with MS-DOS. However,
2013 Jul 08
Plop Boot Manager quit working with 5.10
On 06/30/2013 09:45 AM, Gene Cumm wrote: > > My cuent understanding is as follows: HPA is using the label "ancient > kernel" for any kernel that has a hard-coded load address and that > linux.c32 and all 5.xx+ (they're actually the same code) are less > likely to be able to succeed in loading these kernels due to how the > core/linux.c32 responds to the memory map
2004 May 19
alternatives to memdisk for use with pxelinux?
First off, Thank you for pxelinux. It works as expected and for my needs it is a most useful project. I apologize in advance for posting this question as it is in part off topic, but I have searched extensively with little results. Are there any alternatives to memdisk for use with pxelinux for booting troublesome floppy images with such applications that fail to use INT 15h, AX=E820h. Having
2012 Apr 02
booting a dos floppy from a disk image over pxe
Hello, I'm trying to boot a dos floppy stored on a disk image which is initially loaded over pxe using memdisk. I've created the disk image as follows: dd if=/dev/zero of=$IMGLOCATION/$IMGNAME bs=$(( 1024 * 1024 )) count=20 LOOPDEV=$(losetup --show -f $IMGLOCATION/$IMGNAME) MAJOR_MINOR=$(ls -l $LOOPDEV|awk '{print $5$6}'|sed 's/,/:/') DMSIZE=$(( $(ls -l
2009 Mar 23
Memdisk + Freedos problem
I and some other people have problems with running the freedos image included in Ultimate Boot CD (UBCD), when using memdisk for floppy emulation. Memdisk starts booting the image and freedos shows the following menu: 0 Boot Clean 1 Boot UMBPCI (silent) 2 Boot UMBPCI (optimal) 3 Boot UMBPCI (semi-defensive) 4 Boot EMM386 (optimal) 5 Boot EMM386 (semi-defensive) 6 Boot no UMB (defensive) 7 Boot
2007 Jul 13
[memdisk] collision between memdisk and emm386 (FreeDOS)
Hi I'm using memdisk as part of CD Shell' isolinux. I've created custom floppy disk image 8440kB size. I've put FreeDOS kernel and bootsector into the floppy. Boot process goes fine with this command: isolinux /boot/memdisk initrd=/ximg/fdos.img c=60 h=8 s=36 floppy The problems begin when I try to run FreeDOS memory manager emm386 from the floppy image. my config.sys: ...
2010 Dec 07
MEMDISK issue with OptiPlex GX280,620
A kind request for help please. MEMDISK is causing an issue with the Dell OptiPlex GX280 and GX620 platforms. Booting a PC-DOS/Ghost, disk image is successful (and proper) when using version 3.83. See results below: MEMDISK 3.83: Ramdisk at 0x07eeaa00, length 0x007bc000 command line: initrd=images/ghostclient/280_620/osbootc.img BOOT_IMAGE=memdisk MEMDISK: Image seems to have fractional end
2003 Apr 07
Quesiton about SIP and MSN
Hi,I would like to ask a silly question. I want to test * with MSN messager. I want to know if I should setup a SIP server in my LAN. I don't know what the MSN's sign-in name means. And how to configure it in sip.conf and extensions.conf. A example would be appreciated. john -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2002 Apr 23
Reboot quesiton
Hello Everybody I have looked all though your mailing lists and your documentation and i can't find an answer to one question... How do you reboot wine.. Meaning some apps need to reboot before it can complete the install.. Rerunning the setup program does not do it, it says your last install was not completed and stops.. Can your run wine with a flag or something that will complete
2003 Apr 01
A quesiton about MSN
Hi, I would like to ask a silly question. How could I setup MSN messager with * ? I really don't know how to setup it. Thanks. john -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2003 Apr 08
sweave quesiton
if i write a funciton like this f <- function(x) Sweave("report.Rnw") and report.Rnw has an R chunk like this: <<>>= print(x) @ i get an error: 'Object "x" not found'. is there a way to avoid this without using assign to create a global variable? thanks, rafael
2006 Oct 28
A quesiton on data manipulation
Hi, I have a data set (data frame) describing some features of the students in a high school in the following format: Stu ID Year feature 1 feature 2 ............. 1001 1990 1001 1991 1001 1992 1002 1990 1002 1991 1002 1992 Some features of a few of these students are missing, I would like to
2009 Dec 08
[PATCH] doc: document mBFT and "safe hook"
From 8be8951015673d6279d7d49b0138645194317dc2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Shao Miller <shao.miller at> Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 19:11:38 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] doc: document mBFT and "safe hook" --- doc/memdisk.txt | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) diff --git a/doc/memdisk.txt b/doc/memdisk.txt
2009 Apr 14
"keeppxe" broken in 3.74 - short-cycle 3.75
It appears that the 3.74 completely broke the "keeppxe" directive -- not due to the command-line parser, but due to mishandling of the flag later. I consider this to be severe enough to do a short-cycle 3.75. As a result, I would like help with: a) are there any other bugs that snuck through? b) once I have a 3.75-pre1, I would really appreciate help testing it. The goal is to have
2002 Mar 05
Question Regarding MEMDISK from HP
Dear Mr. H. Peter Anvin, I am trying to figure out the physical address of where the PXE DOS image (downloaded in PXE) is stored by MEMDISK in the Extended Memeory. Is it at E98000h as specified in the PXE spec or the address to is random. What I am trying to figure out is a safe range of extended memory segment (100000h to E98000h), where HP tools can safely allocate extended memory in DOS
2006 Feb 27
booting dell diagnostic hd image with isolinux
Dell has an ISO image (Dell version 5061A0, A5061) available here which contains an ISO with an hard disk image and no-emulation boot. I've estracted the hard disk image (size=2048000) and I'd like to boot it with isolinux. I tried kernel memdisk append initrd=dell5061.img The Dell/Dos os