similar to: dual head question

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches similar to: "dual head question"

2010 Dec 23
a simple question for a newbie
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Bonjour, I would like to setup a minimal linux samba server on my private lan: share the /tmp directory on the server, and share any printers plugged to the server. I would like that access to these two shares will be possible without any password from any windows computer on the lan. Up to now, I have some password problem which I don't
2004 Jan 30
Cannot resolve name <name>#0x3
I have just posted this message, forgetting to add the subject....: Bonjour, I have recently somme difficulties to use samba -M, the answer is: Cannot resolve name <name>#0x3. Here is an exemple: $ smbclient -M falstaff added interface ip= bcast= nmask= Cannot resolve name falstaff#0x3 But if I use -L, the name is resolved: $ smbclient -L falstaff
2004 Dec 08
printing server
Bonjour, I have some problem to configure a printing server with samba. I have a private network with a linux box as a gateway to the internet and several machine on this network some under windows, others under linux. One of the linux machine (which is not the gateway) has a printer which I want to be shared by the windows machines. The gateway has as private IP number and the linux
2011 Oct 20
Strange R behavior for product of two sum of integers
Dear gentlemen, Can you explain me why the following happens (any OS I think, and even on 64 bits)? > sum(1000:1205)^2 [1] 51581223225 > sum(1000:1205)*sum(1000:1205) [1] NA Warning message: In sum(1000:1205) * sum(1000:1205) : NAs produced by integer overflow Best, Pierre -- Pierre Lafaye de Micheaux Adresse courrier: D?partement de Math?matiques et Statistique Universit? de
2007 May 10
Re : CDF of a Multivariate Normal
Hello, In my simulations, I have to use the values of the cumulative distribution function of a multivariate normal with known mean vector and dispersion matrix. Please, can you tell me if there is a package in R to do that? Thank you very much for your greatly appreciate cooperation. Bernard Colin Colin Bernard Professeur titulaire Département de Mathématiques Faculté des Sciences Université
2008 Apr 15
codes for MCMC
I look for codes sources of R (examples of application) to implement examples on Monte Carlo, MCMC and Gibbs sampling. -- Dr. P. NGOM, Facult? des Sciences et Techniques D?partement de Math?matiques et Informatique Universit? Cheikh Anta Diop Dakar - S?n?gal ---------------------------------------------------------------- Universite Cheikh Anta DIOP - DAKAR
2009 Sep 29
LDAP integration
Hi all, I looked on the Internet but I didn't find any good how-to. I would like to integrate a ldap server ( with all users data) with asterisk to authenticate SIP users. With this solution I will only need to add a user on ldap, it will not be necessary to add any special configuration on sip.conf Is that possible???If so, How can I configure this setup??? Thanks in advance -- Rafael S.
2002 Jan 23
multivariate simulation
To whom it may concern, I try to simulate a non-normal multivariate distribution. The MASS package allows by mean of "mvrnorm" command to perform a multivariate normal simulation. Is there an equivalent command for an arbitrary multivariate distribution available in the R-language? Thank you in advance. Bernard Colin Colin Bernard Professeur titulaire D?partement de Math?matiques et
2018 Jul 11
Mitel only supported VMware virtualization platform for some CentOS servers based products
Hi, Some Mitel products, which are CentOS 6.x or 7.x servers based with some telephony services added, are only supported on VMware virtualisation platform, even all if theses CentOS guests are certified on last CentOS/Redhat Virtualization or Microsoft Hyper V platforms. So, at he moment we have three bad choises : - Migrate part of our virtualization services from KVM/libvirt to VMware ; -
2007 Apr 23
Debian sarge 2.6.18 Traffic Manager freeze under load ...
Hello I''ve got Debian sarge 2.6.18 Traffic Manager setup as a bridge. This server is p4 hyperthreading with 3Gb of memory. Yesterday on 10:00pm start to see in my syslog that ip_conntrack was full and on 12:00pm the server was frozen ... I precise that I''ve already change CONNTRACK_MAX=131072 and HASHSIZE=65536 values I''m not sure that is a direct conntrack
1999 Dec 02
problem with par(fig=value)
hello all, I want to draw a figure with multiple plot on the same page using the par(fig=value) parameter but > par(fig = c(0, 50, 60, 95)/100, adj = 5/10) > eboulis(iris.acp) > par(fig = c(45, 100, 60, 95)/100, mgp = c(3, 1/2, 0)) > boites(iris.acp) draw the graphics on 2 different pages. what am I doing wrong ? thanks for your help. Mathieu [using R 0.65 under Linux Redhat
2018 Feb 23
Kimchi and noVNC
Hi, I've rebuild Kimchi/Wok 2.5.0 based on ClearOS packages. I've also upgraded noVNC 1.0.0. Unfortunatly the QEMUExtendedKeyEvent which fixes French keyboard's detection doesn't work for me at the moment. But maybe, the problem is located in my QEMU 2.11.0 implementation. If someone want to digg his own way ?
2018 Jul 12
Mitel only supported VMware virtualization platform for some CentOS servers based products
Hi, I finaly find enough legal stuff, from the French government recommandations, to qualify our CentOS KVM/libvirt as a platform we can use. By the way the legal advisory of KVM is not as the save level as its technical quality : Le 11/07/2018 ? 18:07, Jean-Marc Liger a ?crit?: > > Hi, > > Some Mitel products, which are CentOS 6.x or 7.x servers based with > some telephony
1999 Dec 03
R-help Digest V1 #34
R-help Digest Friday, December 3 1999 Volume 01 : Number 034 In this issue: [R] model.tables Re: [R] Installing R on Slackware Linux Re: [R] Installing R on Slackware Linux [R] nlmin Re: [R] nlmin Re: [R] nlmin Re: Summary: [R] Wanted: online Introduction to R [R] Applying a function of several variables to data Re: [R] R and XML -- a near perfect
2005 Dec 12
Extremely slow Samba3 performance with ArcView/WinXP
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi! I have a user who is running a Samba server to store data files for his ArcView 3.3 application. Client operating system is Windows XP professional. With Samba2 (2.2.8a) this was working quite fine, it usually took less than a few seconds to load and render one of the GIS presentations with ArcView. We then did an upgrade to Samba3 (3.0.20b)