similar to: Debugging not triggered...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Debugging not triggered..."

2006 Oct 12
How to get a decent stack trace?
Hi, I just gave Mongrel a try on my Rails app. After running ''mongrel_rails start'' everything seems fine. Yet, when I start a request I get the following error message on the console: ERROR: You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occured while evaluating nil.readpartial That''s it. The application works fine with Webrick and
2006 Sep 04
mongrel proxies waiting endlessly
Sometime my mongrel server threads..would simply stop responding to the requests...and in the logs i get following error: Tue Sep 05 03:56:40 IST 2006: ERROR: Transport endpoint is not connected - getpeername(2) Tue Sep 05 03:59:21 IST 2006: ERROR: Transport endpoint is not connected - getpeername(2) Tue Sep 05 03:59:21 IST 2006: ERROR: Transport endpoint is not connected - getpeername(2) Tue Sep
2006 Oct 24
[WARN] Got 99% CPU?
Hey folks, I ran into a few people at RubyConf who were having 99% CPU issues. Please contact me if you meet the following criteria: 1. You are running a production site. 2. You are experiencing 99% CPU errors. 3. This is frequent enough that you cannot manage it. Thank you. Please contact me off-list about it. -- Zed A. Shaw, MUDCRAP-CE Master Black Belt Sifu
2006 Dec 22
Zed, you''re a moron :-)
Hi ! My mongrel just starting spitting out these nice lines: The error occured while evaluating nil.accept. TELL ZED HE''S A MORON. !!!!!! UNHANDLED EXCEPTION! You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! Not sure what happened or why, but just FYI: Zed, you are a moron :-) Happy holidays! Gitte Wange
2006 Dec 23
exception logging
Hi all- I''m running mongrel with a tiny HttpHandler that hooks into a larger library I''m working on. I''ve run into a snag with trying to debug with it in that I''m not entirely sure how to get the exception logs of errors that are raised. All I get to stderr is this: Fri Dec 22 17:16:14 -0800 2006: ERROR: Couldn''t find Models::Contact without
2006 Aug 29
Setup with Apache 2.2 proxy balancer : timeout during uploads
Hi all, I encounter timeout errors during file uploads in my Rails application. I think the problem may be in the Mongrel configuration. Here is my setup: * Load balancer (Cisco CSM, my provider''s Catalyst 6509) * Apache 2.2.3 with mod_proxy_balancer * Mongrel * Rails 1.1.6 * Ruby 1.8.4 * MySQL 5.0.22 * file_column I host an application in which users may upload medium files
2006 Aug 22
Multiple mongrels for one app
Hi mongrel-users, This is my first post, so I''m not sure if it''s been asked before, but I can''t find an answer anywhere. If I have one rails application running, one processor I''m running it on, and mongrel is multi-threaded, why should I have more than one mongrel running? Everyone seems to agree on 3-5 mongrels per rails app, but why? I must be
2006 Sep 07
what should be correct .conf file for being served by apache for static content
Recently while i turned on USR1 debugging...mongrel running behind Apache2.2threw following debugging messages: Thu Sep 07 15:58:30 IST 2006: 0 threads sync_waiting for /charts/%5EBSESN, 1 still active in mongrel. Thu Sep 07 15:58:40 IST 2006: 0 threads sync_waiting for /images/tab_but_normal1.png, 3 still active in mongrel. Thu Sep 07 15:58:40 IST 2006: 0 threads sync_waiting for
2006 Oct 31
Problems with mongrel dying
Hi One of the two mongrel processes has died in the middle of the night four times in the past 9 days, and I need help debugging this. Each time the symptoms are the same: * Each time I can restart the process via cap -a restart_app. * Before the restart, there is nothing unusual in production.log or mongrel.log. * During the restart, about 100 repetitions of an error message are generated in
2006 Aug 24
Invalid HTTP format, parsing fails
Hi, I am having a bit of a problem with my app that is using mongrel. For a particular vendor we use, they are generating links that look like:
2006 Dec 06
Debugging high CPU with Mongrel
I''m running a site that gets ~30k to 40k page hits per day. In the last 4 days my mongrel processes have been jumping into high CPU usage a couple of times a day to the point where my site becomes unresponsive (database on a diff machine with no load). The only way for me to resolve the problem and reduce load on the machine is to delete my rails cache directory (I have plenty of space
2006 Nov 04
Mongrel Pre-Release -- Ruby''s LEAK Fixed (Death To Mutex!)
Howdy Folks, This release is after painstaking analysis of a memory leak that was reported by Bradley Taylor, reduced by myself, and then fixed after much work. You should all thank Bradley for finding the bizarre fix. It turns out the Ruby has a memory leak when you use pretty much any thread locking primitive other than Sync (Mutex, Monitor, etc.): The fix (for
2006 Sep 03
Mongrel Pre-Release -- Docs and more Docs
Hi Everyone, Just want to get out another ping on the Mongrel pre-release saga. I''ve updated a bunch of the documentation to include documents people have donated and to beef up the FAQ for most of the questions people have asked over the past month. INSTALL gem install mongrel --source= CHANGES * Fixed memory leak by switching to Sync rather
2006 Sep 18
Random(?) action hanging
Is this the behavior that supposedly indicates a problem with a particular action? Mongrel in development mode randomly hangs on random actions. Further requests cause USR1 logs like: Mon Sep 18 13:04:03 PDT 2006: 0 threads sync_waiting for /, 2 still active in mongrel. Mon Sep 18 13:07:52 PDT 2006: 1 threads sync_waiting for /public/stylesheets/table.css, 3 still active in mongrel. Mon Sep 18
2006 Aug 29
restart - `exec'': Operation not supported
I''m using the latest Mongrel ( and restarting causes Mongrel to die. From mongrel.log: ** USR2 signal received. ** Restarting with arguments: ruby /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel- start -C config/mongrel.yml /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel- `exec'': Operation not supported - ruby
2006 Aug 11
Running some code right before the app is available to users
I do some indexing using acts_as_ferret in a rails app. I need to do some preloading of the index''s sort fields so that the first request that sorts doesn''t take 5 minutes to complete. I tried sticking my preload code in config/environment.rb and that worked but it gets ran in rake migrations, tests, etc, when it''s not really needed. Is there anything specific to
2006 Oct 01
Mongrel woes fixed
Hello all, For the past couple of weeks I have been spending some time debugging a couple of issues I was having with Mongrel when I put load on it. I have seen two distinct issues: 1. Mongrel stopped responding as if in an endless loop. 2. Mongrel crashed when severely loaded. I believe to have resolved these two issues and have attached patches which shows the resolution (simple as it is).
2006 Sep 20
Spinning mongrels and SIGUSR1
First off: Our clusters are LVS balanced Apache 2.2.3 + mod_proxy_balancer + gem mongrel / mongrel_cluster 0.2 + memcached / gem memcache_client + gem rails 1.1.6 on debian boxen, and a pgcluster backend. On 2 of our deployed clusters, we are getting the "spinning mongrel" problem. As the clusters are very low volume right now, it takes days to collect a spinner, making it
2007 Feb 07
Hi list: I started to make a quick GemPlugin command [ssl::start] that sets up an stunnel before calling the normal [start] command. so $ mongrel_rails ssl:start will do everything that start normally does and configure/setup an stunnel. The question... Obviously this plugin will require stunnel to be installed. What do you think is the best move: 1) nothing, just require that people
2007 Feb 15
Multiple Processes Spawned from mongrel_rails start ?
Hello, I have mongrel 1.0.1, rails 1.2.2 ruby 1.8.5 running on Centos 4.4. When I execute the mongrel_rails start -d I see that 3 processes are spawned. See below: [root at ccc aaa]# mongrel_rails start -d [root at ccc aaa]# ps -def |grep mong root 2743 1 9 07:14 ? 00:00:01 /usr/bin/ruby /usr/bin/mongrel_rails start -d root 2744 2743 0 07:14 ? 00:00:00