similar to: game helps students learn Math

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: " game helps students learn Math"

2004 Apr 11
hi: we can create big floopy image under linux. just use mtools. i edit /etc/mtools.conf, then use dd to create a emtpy image, then use mformat to format the image and make it bootable. i now use a 20MB floppy image with memdisk. Regards, tbsky > I hope I've understand that all, somebody wants to create a floppy-image > larger than 2.88MB an use it with memdisk? I have modified a
2007 Sep 06
Invite from Carl Woodward (
CarlWoodward (cjwoodward at has invited you as a friend on Quechup... ...the social networking platform sweeping the globe Go to: to accept Carl''s invite You can use Quechup to meet new people, catch up with old friends, maintain a blog, share videos & photos, chat with other members, play games, and
2007 Sep 04
Invite from Ben Askins (
BenAskins ( has invited you as a friend on Quechup... ...the social networking platform sweeping the globe Go to: to accept Ben''s invite You can use Quechup to meet new people, catch up with old friends, maintain a blog, share videos & photos, chat with
2012 Mar 13
Manipulate strings reordering some elements
Hi R-Users, I want to manipulate some strings in the following way. I have the following vector with spanish municipalities: municipios<-c("Allande", "Aller", "Amieva", "Avil?s", "Belmonte de Miranda", "Dega?a", "Franco (El)", "Gij?n", "Goz?n", "Grado", "Grandas de Salime",
2006 Nov 29
actionmailer on Debian Etch
Hello, I have two debian etch systems, both have rails. I have installed them with apt, not gems. No problems so far. Now I have tried to use the actionmailer. The results: mage@miranda:~/temp$ rails mailer create create app/controllers [....] create log/test.log mage@miranda:~/temp$ cd mailer mage@miranda:~/temp/mailer$ script/generate mailer Letter test send
2007 Sep 04
Invite from Ben Askins (
BenAskins (ben.askins at has invited you as a friend on Quechup... ...the social networking platform sweeping the globe Go to: to accept Ben''s invite You can use Quechup to meet new people, catch up with old friends, maintain a blog, share videos &amp; photos, chat with other members, play games, and
2005 Jan 01
lme: Variances
Hi R users! I will try to state my question again. I have longitudinal data and fitted the following model with lme: Y = X*beta + U + W(t) + Z where U ~ N(0, nu*I) I is the identity matrix, so this is the random intercept W(t)~ N(0, sigma*H) and H is a matrix which incorporates a Gaussian serial correlation (covariance) in the offdiagonal
2002 Jul 15
[Q] htb
Hi Can I make htb node (class) without rate limit For example limit ip1/len1 to xx kb limit ip2/len2 to yy kb any other traffic - without limit? -- Best regard, Alexander Trotsai aka MAGE-RIPE aka MAGE-UANIC My PGP at[.asc] Big trouble - Your modem doesn''t speak English.
2002 Sep 16
error in htb or I don''t understand something
Hi I''m use htb and as I think if I don''t setup default class, all other (not classified) traffic must going throw 0 class without any shaping But when I try to make such config all other traffic doesn''t transmiting. I have some clients on vlan connected with modem (routing, not bridging) So modem has own addresses I try shape clients not modems If no default - no ping
2006 Apr 28
Problem calling xyplot() within a function
Hi All I'm fairly new at R so there might be on obvious solution to my problem with calling the lattice function xyplot( ) from my own function. The function script is given below. The problem is that the xyplot() call does not do anything! I just get a blank graphics window and no error messages. The simple plot() function call works fine when not commented out so I know the data is
2006 Feb 13
activerecord << operator
Hello, I am new here and actually I am writing my first RoR app. My question is: -------- class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :messages end class Message < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :topic end class ForumController < ApplicationController def post message =[:message]) @topic = Topic.find(params[:id]) @topic.messages
2002 Nov 07
Could someone help me understand htb queuening
Hi anyone I try to use htb and got some strange situation My hbt config is root htb with default to 999 class Then I make 2 classes 999 and 998 And make many many (near 60) leafs attached to 998 root ! ! 999 998 ---...---> many leafs root attached to ethernet dotQ subinterface 999 make rate where high (50Mbit) but according to tc -s class
2004 Mar 04
Domain Admin with tdbsam on 3.0.2a
Firstly I apologise for the length of this query but I am hoping that if I document everything I did someone might respond / be able to help. My Configuration is Samba 3.0.2a as a PDC on Redhat 8. I cannot for the life of me get the "Domain Admins" functionality to work I am hoping that another set of eyes can shed some light on this problem as I have now spent 41 hrs googling /
2006 Aug 12
url_for and :defaults
Hello, in my routes there are (just for testing): map.connect '':controller/:id/:action'', :defaults => {:action => ''alma''} in my controller: def alma render :text => url_for(:id => 123) end so I go to: http://localhost:3000/music/store which generates: http://localhost:3000/music/store/123/index Where the
2002 Jul 12
IMQ crash dump
Hi I try setup imq pseudo device for shaping I''m work such script #!/bin/sh TC=/sbin/tc /sbin/modprobe imq numdevs=1 /sbin/ip link set imq0 up $TC qdisc add dev imq0 handle 1: root htb default 1 $TC class add dev imq0 parent 1: classid 1:1 htb rate 10mbit # client1 tunnel tunnel $TC class add dev imq0 parent 1: classid 1:2 htb rate 256kbit $TC filter add dev imq0 protocol ip parent 1:0
2007 Dec 12
possible bug in eager loading
Hello, @users = User.find(:all, :include => {:user_data => :user_data_field}, :order => "username = '''' desc", :limit => 50) This produces: User Load IDs For Limited Eager Loading (74.648762) SELECT * FROM (SELECT DISTINCT ON (, username AS alias_0 FROM users LEFT OUTER JOIN
2019 Apr 12
External Authentication
Hi Vex, There's always the alternative to install a Microsoft server, and pay for everything. For an educational institution, the license fees are acceptable, but the MS licensing conditions are very complex. In principle you need a license for every device that connects to a MS server, plus the OS license(s). And the hardware. Another alternative is Redhat IPA (and clones). And
2006 Aug 11
after_initialize and after_save
Hello, I am still reading Agile Web Developer pdf, it says about after_initialize and after_find. There is a Joe asks part when I read that they are special, however I didn''t really get the idea, why they are. On in the manual there is some sort description about their speciality, however their full descriptions are missing. What are the difference between
2014 Feb 03
get current song
Hi, I use dynamic playlist, so do not have static list of files. I sream this play list on my mage via simple flash player, and show this playlist in this page with ajax-ed javascript. Here is question. I need to get current song, but when I ask icecast server I get wrong information. Sometimes song is still playing, but info from server is updated to next track. I have many short (3-5-10
2008 Dec 31
APC Back-UPS ES-750
At one time I had my Back-UPS ES-750 working with nut and the usbhid-ups driver. Not sure what has changed, but I can't get the driver to load now. It exits with this error: Network UPS Tools - UPS driver controller 2.2.2 Network UPS Tools: 0.29 USB communication driver - core 0.33 (2.2.2) No matching HID UPS found Driver failed to start (exit status=1) lsusb -v gives me: Bus 003 Device