similar to: NUT-Monitor

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100000 matches similar to: "NUT-Monitor"

2018 Feb 02
CentOS 7, systemd, nut-monitor, and failing to shut down the UPS
On Feb 2, 2018, at 8:07 AM, Roger Price wrote: > >> # check to see if we need to actually shutdown the UPS then do it >> /usr/sbin/upsmon -K >/dev/null 2>&1 && /usr/sbin/upsdrvctl shutdown > > I don't have NUT + systemd + CentOS/RHEL, but I'm confused by your script. "upsdrvctl" is a front end to your driver. You are sending a command
2023 Jun 14
Accessing: upsstats.cgi Error: no hosts to monitor (check hosts.conf)
Not fully true about example configs in docs: man pages for CGI bits have some :) etc. Other than that, check permissions - e.g. OTOH if Apache user may read your
2019 Feb 12
Monitor Eaton 93PS UPS
On February 12, 2019 9:37:17 AM UTC, nicolae788 <nicolae788 at> wrote: >I also operate an HP T1500 G3 which it's an Eaton made UPS. Connected >on >usb i get frequent communication errors and data aquisition stopped. >Mine >has a serial connection, also. Operating via serial has no trouble. >Maybe >it's something related to usb setting in bios, i.e.
2012 Jul 15
NUT monitor
I installed NUT version 2.6.3-1ubuntu1.1 w/the client and server and the nut monitor. When I open the monitor, I get an error: error connecting to 'local host' ([Errno] connection refused). What can I do to get NUT to work? I can not tell if the NUT program is working or not. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04 32 bit Installed NUT from the Synaptic Package Manager. My computer is a Systemax
2018 Aug 08
Query NUT via SNMP on Linux?
On Aug 8, 2018, at 5:36 PM, Garrett Michael Hayes <Garrett at> wrote: > > I guess I wasn't as clear as I thought I was. > > I am NOT asking about how to monitor a UPS using SNMP. > NUT is already configured and monitoring the UPS just fine on a USB connection. > > I'm asking if it is possible to query NUT, using SNMP, *about* the UPS it is
2017 Jun 29
NUT supporting Modbus TCP
Yeah, I have its datasheet (it's a Xantrex XW invertor by the way). I do not know why creating a more-or-less generic driver is an issue. Of course, there are Modbus beasts that can scare everyone but mostly one would need to read either intreger or float numbers out of Modbus registers in order to decide whether or not to start or stop the shutdown process. 24 ???? 2017 ?. 19:25:14
2010 Feb 08
question about multi ups monitoring and reactions with nut
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello everybody, I have a Debian network server doing monitoring for three UPS devices. > MONITOR r3000xr at localhost 1 monuser xxxxxxxxxx master > MONITOR apcups01 at localhost 1 monuser xxxxxxxxx monitor-only > MONITOR apcups02 at localhost 1 monuser xxxxxxxxx monitor-only I want nut to send an email to root for every changes nut
2015 Oct 17
Assistance with understanding how to setup NUT for our small server room
[please use reply-all to include the list. thanks!] On Oct 16, 2015, at 12:47 PM, Charles Mccrea <charlesmccrea at> wrote: > > Hello, > > We have a small server room for our various Proxmox Host Servers, UTM system and managed switches. I've recently discovered NUT and would like to use it to monitor our UPS boxes using Raspberry Pi's. I have a few
2019 Apr 03
upssched Not Running
2023 Aug 05
Android client capable of NUT monitoring, exists and can be made better
Hello all, A recent issue discussion pointed me to an Android app called "apcupsd-monitor", which is in fact *also* capable of NUT and Eaton IPM (via XML/HTTP?) protocols, and looks quite neat for a mobile dashboard: * * As programs go, it is always
2009 Jul 15
Status of nut snmp SUBagent
Hi!. I recently installed NUT on my servers to monitor a Eaton Ellipse UPS. Now I'm planning my next step: Monitor the UPS status with cacti using snmp. I see that there was a nut snmp subagent (I'm not talking about the nut-snmp driver) ( But the current link doesn't work (404). I haven't found anything about it in the web. ?Is
2024 Nov 10
NUT stopped working after an upgrade
Thanks for the tip, Jim. I just figured out what is going on. The system is now working. ==> This one is on me. <== The root cause was the specification of the bus number in the ups.conf file. Here is what it looks like now: ============ [cyberpower] driver = "usbhid-ups" port = "auto" vendorid = "0764" productid =
2019 Apr 03
upssched Not Running
Was /etc/nut/upssched-cmd automatically installed? I don't have it on my raspberry pi. :-( On 2019-04-03 1:54 p.m., Mike wrote: > I figured this out and it is working now.  This fix seems strange to me > and is possibly a bug.  I'm sharing in case it might help others. > > I had to uncomment all of the NOTIFYFLAG statements whether I was > changing them or not. 
2017 Jun 24
NUT supporting Modbus TCP
On Jun 24, 2017, at 10:57 AM, Sergei Naumov wrote: > I was wonering if there is a driver that supports communicating with a Modbus aware device over IP. I have a solar/wind invertor that can broadcast its state and I would like to monitor the batteries. If they discarge to a certain voltage or come to a defined state, I would perform a shutdown. All of this information id provided in Modbus
2024 Dec 03
battery not installed, but battery still 100% and NUT 2.7.2-4 does not catch this and report a error
Hello all, While investigating some outstanding issues still labelled as being for NUT v2.8.3 release, I stumbled upon and thread (unfortunately it is not in my mailbox, so I can't reply to the old thread), which raised a few distinct points, including: * Lack of
2020 Nov 18
NUT with Geekworm x728 UPS Hat on RPi?
Also for i2c specifically, you can look at examples in asem and recently pijuice drivers. Hope this helps, Jim Klimov On Wed, Nov 18, 2020, 11:25 Roger Price <roger at> wrote: > On Thu, 5 Nov 2020, Nick Ellson wrote: > > > I searched the forum from the website and didn’t get any hits, so I > thought I’d ask here. > > I have an RPi 4B running Home
2018 Feb 01
CentOS 7, systemd, nut-monitor, and failing to shut down the UPS
I've been wrasslin' with a problem on a CentOS 7 host that I'm using as my main NUT server. When the battery gets low while the server is shutting down it is supposed to signal the UPS to shut down as well. This is clear, well documented, and The Right and True Thing to Do<tm>. However, the default scripts provided in the EPEL RPM aren't actually doing it. The host halts as
2019 Feb 12
Monitor Eaton 93PS UPS
I also operate an HP T1500 G3 which it's an Eaton made UPS. Connected on usb i get frequent communication errors and data aquisition stopped. Mine has a serial connection, also. Operating via serial has no trouble. Maybe it's something related to usb setting in bios, i.e. Legacy mode, speed setting, etc. However on serial mode looks like the eaton or hoe power protector software does not
2018 Jun 27
Android NUT client?
[when replying to the list, please use "reply all" - the list does not mangle Reply-To headers] On Jun 26, 2018, at 3:14 PM, Parker Reed <parker.l.reed at> wrote: > > I've been looking around but haven't been able to find even a mention of a client on Android. Does one exist? I am not aware of one, but it seems like it shouldn't be too hard to write
2024 Mar 08
NUT 2.8.1 (source build) Pi OS bookworm 32 bit - nut-monitor trying to connect to UPS - Connection Refused
On Mar 8, 2024, at 8:22?AM, Dan Grostick via Nut-upsuser <nut-upsuser at> wrote: > > I've installed 2.8.1 on a Raspberry PI 5 using Pi OS bookworm 64 bit (Debian 12) with success. > > When I take that same configuration to a PI 3B running bookworm 32 bit, compile from source, use the same files from /etc/nut, I get a 'nut-monitor ups at