Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches similar to: "openSTARS version 1.2.2 on CRAN"
2017 Aug 10
New Package: openSTARS
Dear userRs
I am pleased to announce the release of the new package *openSTARS* on
CRAN (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/openSTARS/index.html).
openSTARS prepares GIS data for stream network analysis using open
source GRASS GIS within R. It is intended as an alternative to the
ArcGIS toolbox STARS to format the input data for the SSN package for
Spatial Statistical Modeling on Stream
2017 Aug 10
New Package: openSTARS
Dear userRs
I am pleased to announce the release of the new package *openSTARS* on
CRAN (https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/openSTARS/index.html).
openSTARS prepares GIS data for stream network analysis using open
source GRASS GIS within R. It is intended as an alternative to the
ArcGIS toolbox STARS to format the input data for the SSN package for
Spatial Statistical Modeling on Stream
2015 Sep 29
Error possibly related with environments/namespace
Hello all,
I've got a problem with a function in a R package I've developed
One of the outputs of my function is the plotting of four images (combining
a graph and a map). This plotting is made in a graphical device, with the
graph in one side and the map in the other.
My function works perfectly fine until it has to plot the map. Then it
stops and I get an error.
2008 May 23
Preparing high quality figures with tiff as end result
Hi all,
I'm currently preparing some figures that will be submitted to PloS One.
In their guidelines they state that they will only accept figures in
tiff or eps format, with the warning that eps figures will be
converted to tiff format ( see
http://www.plosone.org/static/figureGuidelines.action ).
Because of this conversion, I figured I'd generate tiff-format figures
from the beginning.
2007 Sep 12
New package: hbim - Hill/Bliss Independence Model for Multicomponent Vaccines
Hi all,
I have just uploaded the hbim package. This package does calculations related to the Hill/Bliss independence model as applied to mulitcomponent vaccines. Specifically, the package caculates expected relative risk and proportion protected assuming normally distributed log10 transformed antibody dose for a several component vaccine. It uses Hill models for each component which are combined
2007 Sep 12
New package: hbim - Hill/Bliss Independence Model for Multicomponent Vaccines
Hi all,
I have just uploaded the hbim package. This package does calculations related to the Hill/Bliss independence model as applied to mulitcomponent vaccines. Specifically, the package caculates expected relative risk and proportion protected assuming normally distributed log10 transformed antibody dose for a several component vaccine. It uses Hill models for each component which are combined
2013 Nov 14
beta package for 3D PDF output
Dear All,
recent desktop versions of Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader have
built-in support for 3D models in PDF.
You can take a look at http://www.pdf3d.com/gallery.php for a gallery
of professional results achieved with a commercial tool.
For an overview of what 3D PDF can be used for I (naturally) suggest the article
http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0069446 .
2017 Aug 30
FW: Predictive accuracy measures in a recently released R package, spm: Spatial Predictive Modelling [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Hi All,
Just thought you might be interested in a recently released R package, spm: Spatial Predictive Modelling.
It aims to introduce some novel, accurate, hybrid geostatistical and machine learning methods for spatial predictive modelling.
Of 22 functions available in spm, two functions are for accuracy assessment. Perhaps they are not only useful tools for spatial predictive modelling
2018 Apr 08
Syntax roccomp-using R
*Dear Bert, *
Thank you very much for your feedback and the useful link https://rseek.org/
and https://www.r-bloggers.com/calculating-auc-the-area-under-a-roc-curve/.
Actually, I want to know different performance between Stata and R, in
multilevel logistic regression. For this purposes, I replicate ".do" file
use Stata in
2004 Oct 20
Browsing between linux boxes
My problem appears to be too simple to be addressed in the documentation,
being a linux-to-linux problem. This is a mixed home lan, but the majority
of file sharing is done between three linux boxes. All three have a public
directory, but the one on box1 is mainly used for file sharing. All of this
worked well with our old Samba 2 setup, but has now gone to pieces. Two of
the boxes are