similar to: formula mungeing

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "formula mungeing"

2020 Oct 23
formula mungeing
Recursively walk the formula performing the replacement: g <- function(e, ...) { if (length(e) > 1) { if (identical(e[[2]], { e <- eval(e, list(...)) } if (length(e) > 1) for (i in 1:length(e)) e[[i]] <- Recall(e[[i]], ...) } e } g(f, lambdas = 2:3) ## y ~ qss(x, lambda = 2L) + qss(z, 3L) + s On Fri, Oct
2009 Apr 11
data argument and environments
I'm having difficulty with an environmental issue: I have an additive model fitting function with a typical call that looks like this: require(quantreg) n <- 100 x <- runif(n,0,10) y <- sin(x) + rnorm(n)/5 d <- data.frame(x,y) lam <- 2 f <- rqss(y ~ qss(x, lambda = lam), data = d) this is fine when invoked as is; x and y are found in d, and lam is found the
2003 Mar 10
I'm in the very initial stage of expanding the formula processing in my quantile regression function rq() to handle additive nonparametric components, say qss(x), or qss(x,z). I need some advice about strategy for formula processing. My initial foray was to use: terms(formula,specials="qss") and then modify the components of the resulting terms.object. But in changing formula
2003 Sep 04
title expressions
The officially sanctioned way to put the expression "lambda_1 = x" in a title is something like this: title(substitute(lambda[1] == lamb, list(lamb = x))) but suppose I have two lambdas and would like something like "lambda_1 = x_1 , lambda_2 = x_2" to appear. What then? Undoubtedly I'm missing something blindingly obvious with lists, but having tried several
2005 May 30
Piecewise Linear Regression
Hi, I need to fit a piecewise linear regression. x = c(6.25,6.25,12.50,12.50,18.75,25.00,25.00,25.00,31.25,31.25,37.50,37.50,50.00,50.00,62.50,62.50,75.00,75.00,75.00,100.00,100.00) y = c(0.328,0.395,0.321,0.239,0.282,0.230,0.273,0.347,0.211,0.210,0.259,0.186,0.301,0.270,0.252,0.247,0.277,0.229,0.225,0.168,0.202) there are two change points. so the fitted curve should look like \ \ /\
2009 Jun 24
Memory issues on a 64-bit debian system (quantreg)
Rers: I installed R 2.9.0 from the Debian package manager on our amd64 system that currently has 6GB of RAM -- my first question is whether this installation is a true 64-bit installation (should R have access to > 4GB of RAM?) I suspect so, because I was running an rqss() (package quantreg, installed via install.packages() -- I noticed it required a compilation of the source) and
2006 Feb 05
how to extract predicted values from a quantreg fit?
Hi, I have used package quantreg to estimate a non-linear fit to the lowest part of my data points. It works great, by the way. But I'd like to extract the predicted values. The help for predict.qss1 indicates this: predict.qss1(object, newdata, ...) and states that newdata is a data frame describing the observations at which prediction is to be made. I used the same technique I used
2005 Jul 13
How to increase memory for R on Soliars 10 with 16GB and 64bit R
Dear all, My machine is SUN Java Workstation 2100 with 2 AMD Opteron CPUs and 16GB RAM. R is compiled as 64bit by using SUN compilers. I trying to fit quantile smoothing on my data and I got an message as below. > fit1<-rqss(z1~qss(cbind(x,y),lambda=la1),tau=t1) Error in as.matrix.csr(diag(n)) : cannot allocate memory block of size 2496135168 The lengths of vector x and y are
2009 Jun 19
result of rqss
Hello, i have the following data: x=c(0,0.02,0.03,0.04,0.05,0.06,0.07,0.08,0.09,0.1,0.11,0.12,0.13,0.14,0.15,0.16,0.17,0.18,0.19,0.2,0.21,0.22,0.23,0.25,0.26,0.27,0.46,0.47,0.48,0.49) y=c(0.48,0.46,0.41,0.36,0.32,0.35,0.48,0.47,0.55,0.56,0.54,0.67,0.61,0.60,0.54,0.51,0.45,0.42,0.44,0.46,0.41,0.43,0.43,0.48,0.48,0.47,0.39,0.37,0.32,0.29) and tried to get piecewise linear regression. Doing a
2024 Oct 22
invalid permissions
Gurus: I have a new version of my quantreg package with minimal changes, mainly to fix some obscure fortran problems. It fails R CMD check ?as-cran with the error: Running examples in ?quantreg-Ex.R? failed The error most likely occurred in: > base::assign(".ptime", proc.time(), pos = "CheckExEnv") > ### Name: plot.rqss > ### Title: Plot Method for rqss Objects
2024 Oct 22
invalid permissions
Dear Prof. Roger Koenker, On Tue, 22 Oct 2024 09:08:12 +0000 "Koenker, Roger W" <rkoenker at> wrote: > > fN <- rqss(y~qss(x,constraint="N")+z) > > *** caught segfault *** > address 0x0, cause 'invalid permissions? Given a freshly produced quantreg.Rcheck directory, I was able to reproduce this crash by running R -d gdb # make
2009 Aug 03
boxplot( ) headers with Greek letters, values, and text
Hi - I've been using the option main=bquote(paste(mu==.(mu),", ",lambda==.(lambda),", ",truncation==.(truncation),", ",N[T]==.(n))) to produce a title when using the "plot" command - a title which includes variable names (two Greek) along with their values. The above option, however, does not work within the "boxplot" command. Any
2011 Feb 08
Parallel processing question ...
I am experimenting with parallel processing using foreach and seem to be missing something fundamental. Cool stuff. I've gone through the list and seen a couple of closely related issues, but nothing I've tried seems to work. I know that the results from foreach are combined, but what if there is more than one variable within the loop? Below is a snippet (non-functioning) of code that I
2009 Apr 04
Help using smooth.spline with zoo object
Can someone please show me how to smooth time series data that I have in the form of a zoo object? I have a monthly economies series and all I really need is to see a less jagged line when I plot it. If I do something like s <- smooth.spline(d.zoo$Y, spar = 0.2) plot(predict(s,index(d.zoo)), xlab = "Year") # not defined for Date objects and if I do something like
2012 Feb 06
how to access values from functions
Hi All I would like to know how to access the values of the variable and and see what abs(lambdas[1]) does since lambdas is not a keyword. Snippet of the code: scoreFunction <- function(lambdas) { <- abs(lambdas[1]) sme.em(yi,tmei,Xi,Ni,G,,lambda.v)$AICc } Thanks in advance. Regards Ap -- Aparna Sampath Master of Science (Bioinformatics)
2004 Jun 25
Matrix: Help with syntax and comparison with SparseM
Hi, I am writing some basic smoothers in R for cleaning some spectral data. I wanted to see if I could get close to matlab for speed, so I was trying to compare SparseM with Matrix to see which could do the choleski decomposition the fastest. Here is the function using SparseM difsm <- function(y, lambda, d){ # Smoothing with a finite difference penalty # y: signal to be smoothed #
2023 Jul 08
Getting an error calling MASS::boxcox in a function
Thanks John. ?boxcox says: ************************* Arguments object a formula or fitted model object. Currently only lm and aov objects are handled. ************************* I read that as saying that boxcox(lm(z+1 ~ 1),...) should run without error. But it didn't. And perhaps here's why: BoxCoxLambda <- function(z){ b <- MASS:::boxcox.lm(lm(z+1 ~ 1), lambda = seq(-5, 5,
2006 Jul 30
Parametric links for glm?
At useR 2006 I mentioned that it would be nice to have a way to specify binomial links that involved free parameters and described some experience with a Gosset link involving a free degrees of freedom parameter, and a Tukey-lambda link with two free parameters. My implementation of this involved some rather kludgey modifications of binomial, and glm that (essentially) added a
2023 Jul 08
Getting an error calling MASS::boxcox in a function
Hi Bert, On 2023-07-08 3:42 p.m., Bert Gunter wrote: > Caution: This email may have originated from outside the organization. Please exercise additional caution with any links and attachments. > > > Thanks John. > > ?boxcox says: > > ************************* > Arguments > > object > > a formula or fitted model object. Currently only lm and aov objects
2010 Mar 10
expression(), mixed symbols and evaluated objects
Is it possible to mix symbols and evaluated objects inside the expression() function ? The following example shows what I am trying to achieve: for (m in 1:3) { plot(1:10); #just a place holder for the real plots title(expression(y = m * lambda)); } I want to actually evaluate the variable m but keep lambda as a symbol in the title. I tried to wrap an eval() around various subparts of