Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "R-help Digest, Vol 212, Issue 12"
2020 Oct 14
which() vs. just logical selection in df
Hi Dr. Snow, & R-helpers,
Thank you for your reply! I hadn't heard of the {microbenchmark}
package & was excited to try it! Thank you for the suggestion! I did
check the reference source for which() beforehand, which included the
statement to remove NAa, and I didn't have any missing values or NAs:
[1] 0
[1] 0
2020 Oct 12
Fwd: Help using the exclude option in the neuralnet package
Dear all,
the exclude and constant.weights options are used as follows:
exclude: A matrix with n rows and 3 columns will exclude n weights. The the first column refers to the layer, the second column to the input neuron and the third column to the output neuron of the weight.
constant.weights: A vector specifying the values of the weights that are excluded from the training process and treated
2011 Nov 27
nnet plot
good night
Again I ask for help to the community, as I am new at this, I have some
basic questions.
I am looking for packages on neural networks and so you can search found
these two that I think are the most used, neuralnet, nnet.
So you can test, and correct me if I'm wrong the neuralnet only accepts as
input values ??nomer, did a little test
data (iris)
library (neuralnet)
2011 Nov 28
Plot nnet
good night
Again I ask for help to the community, as I am new at this, I have some
basic questions.
I am looking for packages on neural networks and so you can search found
these two that I think are the most used, neuralnet, nnet.
So you can test, and correct me if I'm wrong the neuralnet only accepts as
input values ??nomer, did a little test
data (iris)
library (neuralnet)
2020 Oct 08
Lahman Baseball Data Using R DBI Package
This is really a feature of SQL, not R. SQL requires that you double quote
column names that start with numbers, include spaces, etc., or that are SQL
key words. E.g.,
> d <- data.frame(Order=c("sit","stay","heel"),
Where=c("here","there","there"), From=c("me","me","you"))
2012 Aug 01
Neuralnet Error
I require some help in debugging this code
ir1 <- data.frame(ir[1:100,2:6])
ir2 <- data.frame(ifelse(ir1$Species=="setosa",1,ifelse(ir1$Species=="versicolor",0,"")))
ir3 <- data.frame(rbind(ir1[1:4],ir2))
2005 Jun 01
Different versions, different results ?
Dear all,
I wrote the following batch script on a iMac, and ran it on a linux
mosix cluster.
tu <- read.table("cage.mm5.tags.rna_lib.CAA-CAJ.tu-reshape.table")
tu_reshaped <- t(reshape(tu[1:50,], direction="wide", timevar="tu", idvar=c("rna","lib")))
write.table(tu_reshaped, "cage.mm5.tags.rna_lib.CAA-CAJ.tu-reshaped.table")
2012 Nov 07
Excel Regression Function
Dear Frauke, good afternoon,
Could you tell me which excel function didnt work for regression analysis
and what excel version where you using?
Best regards,
El 07/11/2012 11:55, "frauke" <fhoss@andrew.cmu.edu> escribió:
> Hi David, hi Rui,
> thanks for your quick replies. I have replicated David's R results and
> confirmed them with Minitab. Though
2008 Jul 18
A neural network problem---neuralnet package
Hi R,
Here's a question/problem on the 'neuralnet' package for neural
networks. I have more than 50 factors in each of my independent
variables. When I apply the command 'neuralnet', I get the below warning
> net.sum <- neuralnet( Sum~Var1+Var2+Var3, b,
Warning message:
'predictions' will not be calculated, as at
2001 Jul 04
IPv6 and sshd
I am having a some problems getting SSHD to run on the Ipv6 interface.
Interface/Ipv6 Address: ipv6.open-systems.org
[kevin at satan kevin/xp-0.0.15] 536 $ping6 ipv6.open-systems.org
PING6(56=40+8+8 bytes) 3ffe:1200:3028:ff01::cab -->
16 bytes from 3ffe:1200:3028:ff01::caa, icmp_seq=0 hlim=64 time=73.96
2013 Feb 19
I tried to use calcMin with a function that uses a number of ...
arguments (all args from resid on) besides the vector of parameters
being fit. Same idea as optim, nlm, nlminb for which this form of ...
syntax works. But with calcMin I get an error regarding unused
arguments. No partial matches to previous arguments that I can see.
Anybody know the reason or fix for this?
2012 Jan 24
Problem training a neural network with "neuralnet" library
I am having difficulty in training a neural network using the package "neuralnet". My neural network has 2 input neurons (covariates), 1 hidden layer with 2 hidden neurons and 2 output neurons (responses). I am training my neural network with a dataset that has been transformed so that each column is of type "numeric". The difficulty I am facing is that the responses of
2014 Jan 13
Ayuda con Neuralnet
Hola a todos, en primer lugar quería agradecer la ayuda recibida desde el foro con respecto a la creación de una red neuronal. Estoy utilizando el paquete Neuralnet, que me parece que es bastante bueno, pero tengo el problema que soy incapaz de hacer las predicciones del modelo. Sé que se hace con el comando "compute", pero no encuentro ningún ejemplo de cómo hacerlo. ¿Alguien me puede
2013 Mar 04
[LLVMdev] llvm cannot iterate a [3 x i8]
Hello everyone,
I am trying to "parse" a part of LLVM IR. More exactly, from
@.str = private unnamed_addr constant [3 x i8] c"DS\00", section
I want to get "DS". It is the single place in the whole bytecode from where
I can get it. I have :
Value *VV = cast<Value>(LD100->getOperand(1)->getOperand(0));
2012 Feb 07
alternating element in url
Hey everybody,
it would be really appreciate if you knew the solution to the following
I am trying to load data from the internet into R without having to save
them. However, I need to acess a different website for each dataset. So I
want to alternate an element in the URL. Eventually, I want to fill a 3
dimensional matrix/array where each slice is a two-dimensional matrix from
2015 Nov 03
Problema R se cuelga neuralnet
Muchas gracias
Instale R desde CRAN y ejecutar version en R y R revolution, informa lo mismo, pero en el segundo neuralnet se cuelga, paso una captura de pantalla (Rstudio bajo r revolution también tiene problemas, no con R desde CRAN).
Javier Rubén Marcuzzi
Técnico en Industrias Lácteas
De: juan(uned)
Enviado: martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015 12:48
Para: r-help-es en
2015 Nov 03
Problema R se cuelga neuralnet
Tengo un problema, R se cuelga (cierra, aborta, etc.) al usar códigos de neuralnet. Copio un ejemplo cualquiera para preguntar si a otros les pasa lo mismo o es un problema puntual en mi computadora (uso R revolution win 10).
# install, load package
# create model
AND <- c(rep(0, 7), 1)
OR <- c(0, rep(1,
2017 Dec 08
CAA records using PowerDNS from EPEL
PowerDNS supports CAA records beginning with version 4.0, but the pdns
package in EPEL for most recent centos versions is stuck at around
version 3.4 (3.4.11 is what I have).
Do I have no other choice but to manually compile and maintain my own
pdns installation? I prefer to avoid this but I need up-to-date
Perhaps there is a PowerDNS specific work-around? Maybe the EPEL
2012 Feb 15
neuralnet problem
Hello List !
I'm a bright new R user, and I encounter a problem when trying to use the neuralnet package.
I have a training set with 8 inputs, and there are 3 outputs (I need 3 distinct neurones as output). Although I read the examples, and the package article, I don't know how to tell R there are 3 outputs (3 outputs neurones).
Here is my actual code :
# All = input data
All <-
2004 Aug 11
[OT] Survey about FS/OS developers
Sorry for any cross-posting!
My name is Frauke Lehmann and I'm writing my master thesis about the
social formation of free software/open source (FS/OS) developers. A
questionnaire is one part of my research - besides interviews and
It would be really nice, if you supported my survey by filling in my
questionnaire (takes 20-30 min).
I understand FS/OS developers as