similar to: Namespace collions "cluster"

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "Namespace collions "cluster""

2007 Mar 21
Cannot delete for id of type Array
Hello list, I have a little weird error when deleting documents from the index. I''m using the following code. ferret_index = => FERRET_INDEX_PATH) query =, "#{_fk_file_id}") ferret_index.search_each(query) do | id | ferret_index.delete(id) end And I get the following error Cannot delete for id of
2007 Apr 13
undefined method `ferret_index'' for xxx:Class
Hi I am trying to use ferret; the regular search works; but when I use the find_storage_by_contents to highlight the results, I am getting the above error. Please help thanks -- Posted via
2007 Mar 19
Many index files
I''m using acts_as_ferret and have indexed a model with acts_as_ferret :fields => [:name, :ascii_name, :alt_names], :single_index => true. Now in the index directory more than 95.000 files are generated! The number of tuples I''m indexing is approx. 86.000. I can''t remember this from earlier ferret/acts_as_ferret versions where I''ve indexed millions of
2007 Mar 09
higlighting problem
Hi, I''ve been having a problem getting highlighting to work with aaf. I have a class defined as follows such: class Link < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :fields => { :description => { :store => :yes } } end I get back the correct results when I do Link.find_by_contents, however, I''d like to highlight them. If I do something like iterate through the list of
2007 Jun 07
Advise on slowness in bootstrapping?
I am looking at trying to use ferret/aaf to supplement my querying against a medium and large table with lots of columns. Some facts first: Ferret 0.11.4 AAF 0.4.0 Ruby 1.8.6 Rails 1.2.3 Medium table: 105,464 rows 168 columns (mostly varchar(20)) 11 actual columns indexed in aaf plus 40 virtual columns indexed in aaf (virtual is concat of two physical columns. e.g. cast_first_name_1 +
2007 Jun 16
more specific queries via IndexReader
We would like to show a list of "most recently added terms", meaning, the results of this query: Resource.aaf_index.ferret_index.reader.terms(:summary) BUT, only returning terms from a certain set of documents (in our case, we are going to filter by creation data). Is this possible? Thanks, John
2007 Sep 24
ferret fuzzy matches
Hi guys, Is there some way of getting ferret matches string, when i do a fuzzy search? The scenario is this: 1. The user search for ''show'' 2. Nothing was found 3. So I do a fuzzy search, passing ''show~'' 4. It gives me somes results, most of all was matched with ''showcase'' 5. So I want to tell the user that: Nothing was found with
2006 Oct 05
Site statistics
Hey, I was wondering what everyone else does in regards to getting webalizer or other site statistics software to work with mongrel. I currently have a mongrel cluster running behind apache 2.2 with proxy_mod_balancer, but I"m finding that webalizer isn''t too thrilled with that mod. Thanks, Andrew
2006 Nov 28
Update/Create record only if field is true
I have a sellable flag in my database. I''m trying to have ferret only add/update records where sellable == true. What is the best way to do this? I''ve tried editing instance_methods.rb in the AAF, but I still can''t get it to work. Thanks for the help -- Posted via
2007 Oct 03
The ferret logs
Hi. We''ve had some problems with ferret not being able to load our classes (stack trace below for the curious). I nailed it down to a deployment issue, where an old instance of ferret drb was running. I don''t understand the details quite yet, but the result was the the old ferret was never shutdown during redeployment, and attempts were made to start up a new one. Anywho,
2006 Sep 03
using highlight from aaf
Hi, I''m trying to use highlight ferret method with trunk aaf and 0.10.1 ferret. In my search display I use: Myindexedclass.ferret_index.searcher.highlight(@query,, :content) * searcher is a protected method; how can I access to the searcher from aaf ? * is the doc id in aaf the same as my model id ? * is the first param, query, the string query or the query object ?
2007 Jul 13
More sorting problems with untokenized index
I''m having problems sorting on untokenized fields. I have one field that sorts fine, but there are others that seem to sort on a different field. Here''s the index description: acts_as_ferret :remote=>true,:fields=>{:name=>{:boost=>2},:name_for_sort=>{:index => :untokenized}, :city=>{:boost=>2}, :city_for_sort=>{:index=>:untokenized},
2007 Feb 06
Which method to use to get content from index with a_a_f?
Hi everybody, After staring at the a_a_f API for quite sometime now, I decided it''s time to ask... Which method should I use to get content from the index without using highlight? Consider the following controller action: def preview if params[:search].blank? # normal case @text = @myfile. # which method do I use here to get the :text from the index??? else # if we come from
2006 Aug 25
disabling automatic indexing in acts_as_ferret
I''d like to be able to enable/disable the automatic indexing of documents acts_as_ferret does. Something like MyModel.disable_indexing MyModel.enable_indexing would be perfect. I need this because I do some indexing that requires visiting the parents of the model objects and my import method imports the children first, so the information isn''t there yet. I''d like to
2006 Sep 18
Dynamic fields and AAF
Hi, I have a model which has properties, these are your standard name/value pairs, but also have attributes that affect how I want to store them in ferret. I was using 0.9.5 with 0.2 of aaf, which seemed fine, I just copied and pasted (yes, I know, ick) the to_doc method and added code to iterate though the properties that that model had, and add relavent fields to the document. It seems
2007 Jul 11
Query with special characters crashes under Windows XP
Hi, Index queries with special characters (e.g. German Umlauts but also other European ones) make the Ruby process run for quite a long time and crash finally. I''m using Rails on Windows XP with Ferret 0.11.4_mswin_32. I could isolate the problem in the following simple controller action (so there''s no web browser form field involved): def test index = index
2006 Apr 05
duplicate search results
i''m using Ferret 0.9.0 with acts_as_ferret (the one from, and i''m getting duplicate results, as described in this thread: is there a way to configure the indexes created by acts_as_ferret to use :key => :id, as described in that thread? i''ve poked around in the code, and had
2006 Aug 26
Erratic behavior with ferret 0.95 and acts_as_ferret
I am getting this issue also... Does anyone know what this is? When will Acts as Ferret be available for v10? Thanks for your help in desperation! Caspar wrote: > Okay previous post related to me trying to fix this problem with an > upgrade to ferret 0.10.0 but acts as ferret is obviously not compatible > with this new version of ferret. > My app is about to go into production and
2007 Jul 03
problems with acts_as_ferret
Hi, I have i am trying to add a search feature to a ruby on rails blog, so ive decided to use ferret. So far i have had quite a few problems with it, from following a few tutorials i didnt really understand... i am at the point where i can make a search and it returns the score of the result. I want it to also show the title of the post and i think i have implemented it correctly but it
2007 Mar 12
index.rb:384 [BUG]
Hi folks, I''ve working and playing with acts_as_ferret and follow this fantastic tutorial: When I try to implement the field storage tip, it crash. So, I try to make it via script/console: 1. I have a simple model called Articles: class Article < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_ferret :fields =>