similar to: MySQL 5.0.22 on CentOS 4.4

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "MySQL 5.0.22 on CentOS 4.4"

2007 Jun 08
Upgrading mysql5 from centosplus
Hello List, I have a regular install of centos 4.4 i386 (lately updated to 4.5), a new application needs mysql > 5.0.x The natural way to do this was: yum --enablerepo=centosplus update mysql However, after all the dependency / transaction checks.. i get this.. Dependencies Resolved ============================================================================= Package Arch
2006 Sep 12
postconf: /usr/lib/mysql/ no version information available (required by postconf)
One of my servers is complaining with this error now that I have updated to CentOS 4.4. I am now running postfix-2.2.10-1.RHEL4.2.mysql_pgsql.c4 from the centosplus repository. I had been running postfix-2.1.5-4.2.RHEL4.mysql.centos4 from the centosplus repository. I also have the following MySQL related packages installed: mysql-devel-5.0.22-1.centos.1 pam_mysql-0.6.0-1
2007 Mar 08
RE: MySQL Install error on Centos 4.3
I get the following error on trying to install mysql rpms please any idea what might be wrong and how to work around it? [root at localhost linux 23-02-2007]# rpm -i --nodeps mysql-5.0.27-1.el4.centos.i386.rpm warning: mysql-5.0.27-1.el4.centos.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID 443e1821 file /etc/my.cnf from install of mysql-5.0.27-1.el4.centos conflicts with file from package
2008 Jan 22
mysql versions
Hello, I just noticed that centosplus for c4 provides mysql 5.0.54, while centosplus for c5 does not provide that recent version and so c5 is stuck with mysql 5.0.22. Any particular reason for that or it is just that no one has yet compiled & packaged 5.0.5x for c5? Also, where does 5.0.54 comes from? MySQL site is only at 5.0.45 rpm and 5.0.51 source ... -- Jure Pe?ar
2007 Sep 24
CentOS Plus PHP5 upgrade.
Hi Folks, I have some users who have a 64-bit CentOS 4.x install (current), which was installed with @Everything and then some annoying packages strategically removed (mrtg, pegasus*, mailman...) and they have decided they have a need for php5. I find on the web this instruction for doing this: So I try to do this, and I get: # rpm -e
2006 May 13
PHP5 questions
If I install PHP5 from centosplus it will replace PHP4, is this correct? Or is there a way to have it installed in parallel? I know I can't run both modules at the same time, but I'd prefer having them installed in parallel, so I can switch back/between easier. When I try updating I get a dependency warning from php-eaccelerator (from dag repo) - can I ignore that? Searching thru my
2007 Jan 20
libmysqlclient not found, while compiling PowerDNS
Hi Everyone, I am trying to build the PowerDNS rpm from the source rpms powerdns-2.9.20-3.MIND.src.rpm, it requires opendbx-devel which I am trying to build from the instructions at ( I have subscribe to centosplus for packages like mysql5 and php5. I have the following MySQL packages installed [root at charlie ~]# rpm -qa | grep mysql
2008 Feb 14
OFF Topic: mysql installation problem
Hi All: I'm trying to get mysql 5 installed on my CentOS 4.6 installation. I've installed mysql using yum: yum -y install perl-DBD-MySQL mysql-server mysql php-mysql mod_auth_mysql phpmyadmin mysqlclient Yum says it installed fine: Resolving Dependencies --> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait. ---> Package phpmyadmin.noarch 0:2.11.4-1.el4.rf set to
2010 Mar 01
issues with 3rd party repos for centos
i'm reading the lowdown on 3rd party repos with respect to centos here: and i have a couple questions and observations. first, the entry for centosplus reads: "Popular packages from this repository include: postfix with database support, a rebuilt kernel with additional drivers & filesystem support, php5 and mysql5."
2007 Dec 04
5.1 - [Errno -1] Package does not match intended download
Thank you for the great CentOS. When trying to update from 5.0 to 5.1, I get an error regarding the kernel and headers, "[Errno -1] Package does not match intended download". What'd I do? The end of the yum update results below: Transaction Summary ============================================================================= Install 11 Package(s) Update
2007 Jun 18
CentOSplus Postfix with mysql/pgsql
The lasted version of Postfix in the OS for 4.5 add a .1 to the rpm version which makes it newer than the CentOSPlus version and hence replaces it, any intent to update the 4.5 CentOSPlus package or should I roll my own with mysql included? 4.5 OS Version: postfix-2.2.10-1.1.el4.i386.rpm 4.4/5 CentOSPlus Version: postfix-2.2.10-1.RHEL4.2.mysql_pgsql.c4.i386.rpm Thanks Brent -- Brent
2005 Nov 01
centosplus php
Anyone working on the updates for php to the centosplus repository and an eta? The php5 stuff is the only thing I use out of the centosplus repo. TIA Mark Bassett Omaha World Herald Firewall Administrator Certified Ethical Hacker -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Apr 12
mediawiki-1.4.7-1.2.el4.rf.i386.rpm requirements.
Guys, I'm migrating an internal Mediawiki over to a new CentOS 4 system. The old server's running FC3 and has a tarball install, ideally I want to stick to properly packaged software as far as possible. [wmcdonald at willspc ~]$ yum deplist mediawiki Finding dependencies: Setting up repositories Reading repository metadata in from local files package: mediawiki.i386 1.4.7-1.2.el4.rf
2006 Jul 25
mysql5 in "centosplus" ?
Hi, I just noticed there are mysql5 packages in the centosplus repository since a few days ? From where does they come from ? -- Martin
2006 Aug 30
New on CentOS and update to 4.4
Hi Folks, I've been using CentOS for 2 month and I'm very pleased about this nice distro. But now there a the new version 4.4 and my question: I'm using the kernel from centosplus because of reiserfs. What have I to do now? Waiting for an update from centosplus? Please give me a hint. Thx Timothy
2007 Mar 13
Error on starting the apache Server
I am using Centos 4.3 i386 and I installed the apache 2.0.59 php 5.1.6 and mysql 5.0.27 rpms from the centosplus repositories. I have two problems the first is: On starting the apache server I get the following error: [root at localhost linux 07-02-2007]# /usr/sbin/httpd Syntax error on line 6 of /etc/httpd/conf.d/auth_mysql.conf: Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/ into server:
2007 Jul 03
best way to upgrade php4 -> php5 on CentOS?
What is the best way to upgrade PHP4 to PHP5 on CentOS? I see from "rpm -qa" that I'm running PHP-4.3.9. Should I uninstall this old PHP4 package and then reinstall PHP5? Or is there some cool yum upgrade thing I might run? This is a VMware virtual box for testing, so I'm more concerned about learning what to do, rather than interrupting anything. -------------- next part
2007 Jan 02
"Not connected to database" MySQL errors
I've been in the process of moving my pop3 proxy over to the dovecot proxy. I have a ton of users using pop3 still, and am seeing these errors popup within a minute or so of the connection to the database: Password query failed: Not connected to database Eventually the auth-worker will reconnect to the database and things will go on normal for another minute or two, then the same issue
2008 Mar 21
CentOS 5.1 - MySQL 5.0.22 - Courier auth lib problem
Hi I am finishing my mail server config and just trying to get the mysql login working - it fails to connect and thorws the following error Mar 21 21:58:21 mail0 authdaemond: failed to connect to mysql server (server=localhost, userid=courier): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock.' (2) Mar 21 21:58:21 mail0 couriertcpd: LOGIN FAILED, user=tom at
2007 Apr 18
php-5 install issues on centos 4
OK, i've found php-5 RPMs in the centosplus dir on mirrors. Sorry for my ignorance, but what's the difference between php-5.1.6-1.2.1.centos.x86_64.rpm and php-5.1.6-3.el4s1.5.x86_64.rpm ? There's other such examples in the same dir. Anyway, i opted to try installing the "el4" variety, along with the comparable RPM for php-mysql, but --after satisfying other