similar to: SUMMARY re: Success with SNMP Monitoring build

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "SUMMARY re: Success with SNMP Monitoring build"

2006 Nov 27
using nut to monitor SNMP UPS unit
Hi all, I've been trying to build NUT (latest release source) on a pretty "standard" CentOS (RHEL style) linux box, to monitor an APC Symmetra UPS Unit which powers our server room and broadcasts information via SNMP to appropriate clients. I am having some trouble even encouraging NUT to build with snmp support, which doesn't seem to happen by default. I am curious if anyone
2006 Mar 28
hybridHclust (new package)
I'd like to announce the availability of a new library for hybrid hierarchical clustering, "hybridHclust". The library has been uploaded to CRAN and is now available. The library implements a hybrid of top-down and bottom-up hierarchical clustering. Along the way, the idea of a "mutual cluster" is developed. A mutual cluster is a set of observations whose largest
2006 Mar 28
hybridHclust (new package)
I'd like to announce the availability of a new library for hybrid hierarchical clustering, "hybridHclust". The library has been uploaded to CRAN and is now available. The library implements a hybrid of top-down and bottom-up hierarchical clustering. Along the way, the idea of a "mutual cluster" is developed. A mutual cluster is a set of observations whose largest
2002 Feb 20
plot.hclust: strange behaviour with "manufactured" hclust object
I've been trying to get plot.hclust to work with a hclust object I created and have not had much success. It seems that there is some "hidden" characteristic of a hclust object that I can't see. This is most easily seen in the following example, where plot.hclust works on one object, but when this object is "dumped" and then re-read, plot.hclust no longer works. Is
2003 Jun 17
User-defined functions in rpart
This question concerns rpart's facility for user-defined functions that accomplish splitting. I was interested in modifying the code so that in each terminal node, a linear regression is fit to the data. It seems that from the allowable inputs in the user-defined functions, that this may not be possible, since they have the form: function(y, wt, parms) (in the case of the
2002 Feb 21
plot.hclust: strange behaviour with "manufactured"
This worked for me with your example: source("dumpdata.R") storage.mode(x.hc$merge) <- "integer" plot(x.hc) (R-1.4.1 compiled from source on WinNT4.) Andy > -----Original Message----- > From: Hugh Chipman [mailto:hachipma at] > Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 5:32 PM > To: andy_liaw at > Cc: r-help at
2004 Jul 01
MS OLAP -- RODBC to SQL Server "Slice Server" pass-through query to MS OLAP
Olivier Collignon wrote: > I have been doing data analysis/modeling in R, connecting to SQL databases > with RODBC (winXP client with R1.9.0 and win2k SQL server 2000). > > I am now trying to leverage some of the OLAP features to keep the data > intensive tasks on the DB server side and only keep the analytical tasks > within R (optimize use of memory). Is there any package
2017 Dec 15
Question about imap (expunge response)
(This is not neccesarily about dovecot, but rather IMAP protocol) At is fetchmail log from my sessinon with polish email provider "Wirtualna Polska" As you can se fetchmail logged "* 1 EXPUNGE" as a response to "STORE" command. According to EXPUNGE
2004 Jun 22
SUMMARY: "elementary sapply question"
I am grateful to Andy Liaw, Douglas Grove, Brian Ripley, Tony Plate, Dirk Eddelbuettel and Sundar Dorai-Raj all of whom got together and drilled sense into my skull. I would like to take some effort into explaining what the question was, that I was grappling with, and the (nice) R way of solving the question. My apologies: I am still a victim of too many years of writing C, so I'm a bit dense
2009 Jun 02
Most used R editors
Hi, I am a little lonely as R users in my group. So, I would like to know which editor is the most used in the R community. This post is some kind of survey. Personally, I use Emacs with ESS, It permits to : - open more than one R session - split the emacs editor as many part as you want. - use a lot of keybindings. ... I also tried Rkwards, Scilab (windows), JGR etc... but they are not
2012 Oct 14
svyhist and svyboxplot
Hello, The following code is expected to produce 4 charts. But, I only get charts 1,2 ,& 4, NOT CHART # 3. For Chart# 3, I am getting the following error message: Error in tapply(1:NROW(x), list(factor(strata)), function(index) { : arguments must have same length I would appreciate if someone could help me resolve the issue. Thanks, Pradip # BELOW IS THE REPRODUCIBLE EXAMPLE setwd
2006 Sep 18
problem in font
Hi, after a debian upgrade my dev.copy2eps dont work anymore. I have this message: Error in matchFont(postscriptFonts(family)[[1]], old$encoding) : unknown font I try to change the font family in my .Rprofile: setHook(packageEvent("graphics", "onLoad"), function(...) { grDevices::ps.options(family="ComputerModern") } ) But it no fix
2013 Jul 18
LSI MegaRAID experience...
Hey, anyone using an LSI MegaRAID experienced "disappearing drives"...? We installed 6 new C6 servers, each with a Supermicro SMC2108 (LSI MegaRAID) controllers and 3 PX-128M5Pro SSDs ( RAID1 + hostswap). 2 weeks (and almost no activity on it, since not in production, apart from installation) later, megacli sees (based on the slot numbers): - on one server: only the 2nd disk of the RAID
2008 Sep 09
survey package
Version 3.9 of the survey package is now on CRAN. Since the last announcement (version 3.6-11, about a year ago) the main changes are - Database-backed survey objects: the data can live in a SQLite (or other DBI-compatible) database and be loaded as needed. - Ordinal logistic regression - Support for the 'mitools' package and multiply-imputed data - Conditioning plots,
2008 Sep 09
survey package
Version 3.9 of the survey package is now on CRAN. Since the last announcement (version 3.6-11, about a year ago) the main changes are - Database-backed survey objects: the data can live in a SQLite (or other DBI-compatible) database and be loaded as needed. - Ordinal logistic regression - Support for the 'mitools' package and multiply-imputed data - Conditioning plots,
2013 Aug 20
Dovecot Dsync
Hi, Sorry to bump it, but I've yet to receive even one reply to my question the other day about Dsync ? Everyone else seems to have been receiving replies to their questions and so I'm feeling a little lonely out in the cold. I can't believe nobody on-list uses Dsync ? Ben
2003 Mar 02
ISDN connection problem (i4l, not asterisk)
Sorry for a slightly off-topic question, but I'm getting desperate. I tried to use asterisk to talk w/ ISDN line and tracked the problem to i4l. I have a Diva PCI 2.02 (S/T) card and am running RH8 w/ 2.4.20 kernel (first version that supports the 2.02 w/ hisax driver). The switch is a 5ESS running NI-1 protocol. The card sync's up and reports other traffic on the line, but fails to
2000 Oct 19
Multiple outputs of a function
Hello everybody, I'm writting some functions for experimental designs. The one I'm working on is similar to "" on Splus. The problem I have is with the form of the output : When the argument fraction is submitted, Splus gives something like : A B C 1 - - - 2 + + - 3 + - + 4 - + + Fraction : ~A:B:C The first part of this output is the
2008 Jul 14
GPLPV benchmark results
Hi James, I tested (as I wrote a few days ago) the latest PV drivers release, and they seem to work correctly apart of the "Safely remove Xen Net Device Driver" tray icon glitch. I made a series of benchmarks with PassMark''s PerformanceTest on 6 twin concurrent VMs with the PV drivers installed, both with the /GPLPV switch on and off, and on one lonely VM, still in both
2005 Oct 01
Placing axes label strings closer to the graph?
Folks, I have placed an example of a self-contained R program later in this mail. It generates a file inflation.pdf. When I stare at the picture, I see the "X label string" and "Y label string" sitting lonely and far away from the axes. How can these distances be adjusted? I read ?par and didn't find this directly. I want to hang on to 2.8 x 2.8 inches as the overall size