similar to: CHECK-LABLE or CHECK?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "CHECK-LABLE or CHECK?"

2018 May 19
tbaa error: Access type node must be a valid scalar type
Hi I am upgrading my clang fork from 5.0 to 6.0 and I am hit by this error: Access type node must be a valid scalar type %4 = load %"struct.Foo::p.test1::"*, %"struct.Foo::p.test1::"** %_param.addr, align 8, !tbaa !16 !16 = !{!15, !15, i64 0} !15 = !{!"p.test1::", !13, i64 0, !13, i64 8} It looks like !16 is referencing !15, which is a struct. !13 is !13 =
2004 Mar 11
making operators act on rows of a data frame
Dear R helpers, I wish to use the "sum" operator for each row of a data frame. However, it appears that the operator acts on the entire data frame, over all columns. What is the best way to obtain row- wise operation? The following code shows my attempts so far, and their problems:- test1=array(rbinom(120,1,0.5),c(20,3)) test1[,3]=NA sum(test1[,1:2]) test1[,3][sum(test1[,1:2])>=2]=1
2010 Apr 05
changing column names in a dataframe
Hi folks, I have imported data from an Excel spreadsheet. Columns in that spreadsheet are named "name", "x", and "y", and several sets of those columns appear in the worksheet. For example: name x y name x y test1 1 3 test2 4 4 test1 2 2 test2 5 5 test1 3 1 test2 6 6 When I import these data into R, into a dataframe, I end up with something like this:
2011 Jun 04
library(SenoMineR)- Triangle Test Query
Dear R Group I was trying to use the triangle.test function in SensoMineR and strangely i encounter a error in the output of preference matrix from the analysis. To illustrate, pl see the following dataframe of a design with the response and preference collected as shown below: design<-structure(list(`Product X` = c(3, 1, 4, 2, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 4, 2, 1, 3, 4, 2, 4, 2, 3, 1), `Product Y` =
2009 Dec 11
Unable to access shares with capital letters in OpenSUSE 11.0 using samba-3.2.4
Hi All, I installed OpenSUSE 11.0, updated samba server to 3.2.4 version. Added two users in linux and samba with user names "test1" and "Test2". (Please note the capital letter in Test2). Created two shares in /srv/samba/shares "test1" and "Test2". The permissions of the shares are as below. drwx------ 2 test1 users 4096 2009-12-11 12:42 test1 drwx------
2008 Feb 12
Matching Problem
Hi I have this vector of strings. MyData <- c("Test1","Test2","I(Test1^2)","I(Test2^3)","I(Test1.Test2^2)") where I want to extract only the text after "I(" and before "^" so that the string returned only contain c("Test1","Test2","Test1.Test2") I am not very skilled in the use of matching
2013 Oct 14
Email address with special characters in userdb
Hi, I have a userdb file set up in passwd-file format containing the following entries: >doveadm user test1*test2 at test1-test2 at test1?test2 at test1 at test1%test2 at I can access the 1st entry (no special characters) no problem: >doveadm user test1-test2 at -f home /var/vmail The 2nd entry (using UTF-8 encoding)
2010 Jul 02
Transfer fails
Hello list, this is the dialplan : <snip> exten => s,n,Dial(SIP/test1&SIP/test2,,t) <snip> exten => 10,1,Dial(SIP/test1) exten => 20,1,Dial(SIP/test2) So there is an incoming call that rings SIPaccounts test1 and test2. Account test1 answers and wants to transfer the call to test2. Transfer is : #20 This is what the CLI shows : [Jul 2 10:55:30] -- Executing [20
2009 Jul 16
Handling masked methods
Hi, Say I have two packages, test1 and test2, that both define the generic method train (identical definition), and each has a specific train method for a different S4 object (foo and bar, resp.) I want to be able to call train(foo, x, y) and train(bar, x, y), which doesn't work since test2 masks test1, as seen below. The two solutions I can think of are to a) prefix train,
2012 Jun 01
how to add a 'label' column
Hello R users, I'd like to ask a question about how to add a new column. So, below is my situation. In order to perform the repeated ANOVA, I first imported the following table. score=read.csv("patients_tests.csv"); subject test1 test2 test3 test4 test5 test6 test7 1 ab 0.17687 0.16715 0.17009 0.16480 0.16116 0.24502 0.17975 2 cl
2017 Dec 11
[lld] bug detecting undefined symbols in shared libraries
I have a test case where lld-5.0 fails to detect an undefined symbol (this bug also happens with clang/lld 4.0). I haven't narrowed down exactly all the circumstances when this can occur, but in this case it was for a virtual method in a class defined in a shared library. If I build the executable with the raw object files, the linker notices the missing method (see test1 vs test2). This
2012 Apr 14
Calculate t.test for a matrix
Hello everyone, I have a data frame (tt), see below (I only show 2 genes, actually I have a lot): group gene1 gene2 Control 28.9776 9.9355 Control 28.9499 10.0997 Control 29.5468 14.2995 Control 29.5246 13.9561 Test1 29.1864 9.7718 Test1 29.2048 10.0388 Test1 34.9563 11.9509 Test1 34.9464 11.8909 Test2 36.9566 14.5316 Test2 37.1309 14.5188 Test2 36.1017
2014 Jun 14
[LLVMdev] Issues with clang-llvm debug info validity
Hi all, sorry to post to both lists, but I'm running into an issue where clang-generated debug info is deemed to be invalid by LLVM tools (throws an assertion error in both llc and mcjit), and I'm not sure what the proper resolution is. Here's a test case; I last tested it on revision r210953: $ cat test1.cpp #include "test.h" test::Test<int> foo1() { return
2012 May 01
Problems accessing environment() in function
Hi all, I am trying to create a list of all variable/value combinations in environment(). When a function with unset arguments is called, the method I have been using fails with a "missing argument" error. However it should be possible to simply skip these missing objects in the generation of the list? Could anyone recommend me a better way (that does not use a slow
2018 Jun 02
encoding argument of source() in 3.5.0
In R 3.5.0 using the `encoding' argument of source() prevents loading files from the internet; without the `encoding' argument files can be loaded from the internet, but if they contain non-ascii characters, these are not correctly displayed under MS-Windows (but they are correctly displayed under GNU/Linux). With R 3.4.{2,3,4} there is no such problem: using `encoding' the files are
2012 Dec 28
samba4 dc to adc failover
Hi Samba List! Used samba3 for years, now it's time for samba4 (thanks!!!) Unfortunately I am not familiar with certain microsoft concepts about AD and the roles of domain controllers. I've got three vm's for my experiments: 1) a samba4 domain controller test1.test.local 2) a samba4 additional domain controller test2 joined to my domain test.local. 3) a win7 workstation that is
2014 Oct 31
ScalarLogical and setAttrib
Is it expected that attributes set on a LGLSXP created by ScalarLogical will apply to all future objects created by ScalarLogical as well? For example: the 'test1' function below returns FALSE and 'test2' returns FALSE with an attribute: library(inline) test1 <- cfunction(body = 'return ScalarLogical(0);') test2 <- cfunction(body = ' SEXP success =
2012 Dec 20
an entry level (stupid) question
Hello all, i'm a newbie to R and now I get stuck by the question, would anybody help me please? Suppose, I got the following > test <- data.frame(test1=c(c(0.00, 0.005, 0.01, 0.015, 0.02))) > test test1 1 0.000 2 0.005 3 0.010 4 0.015 5 0.020 Now I want another column inside test, named test2 for i=c(1:5), If test$test1[i] is 0, then the value of test$test2[i] is 1/test1[i] or
2005 Oct 26
pb with dyn.load - fortran code now attached
Hi, here are a couple of strange things happening with R.2.2.0 compiled under Mandrake-10.1 At the begining of the story I have segmentation fault using package RandomFields in conjuction with some Fortran code of mine loaded with dyn.load. One of my fortran programs contains a subroutine named fstat Trying to trace , I simplified the sequence as much as possible and I end up with the the
2008 Oct 15
[LLVMdev] LLVM 2.4 problem? (resend)
Tatu Vaajalahti wrote: > With this program llvm-gcc -O2 optimizes test2 away even though it's > address is taken in program (gcc-4.2 does not, neither does llvm-gcc > with -O or -O0): > > > #include <stdio.h> > > static const char test1 = 'x'; > static const char test2 = 'x'; > > int main(int argc, char **argv) > { >