Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "Writing a pass to retrieve instruction operand value"
2016 Apr 24
Retrieving numeric value of instruction operand
Hi John,
Thank you so much for the valuable answer! :)
However, i have one tough issue that i need to solve, in my pass :
let's say here
%s = add %a, %b
I need to check if the value of %a or %b is 2 or 4 and then apply a
transformation to the other operand accordingly,
for example if the value of %a = 2 the i'll multiply %b by 2 in my
transform pass.
I'm having a hard time
2016 Apr 24
Retrieving numeric value of instruction operand
hey john,
yes indeed, that's what I'm trying, retreiving the values of %a and %b in
an LLVM pass, sorry about the confusion.
On Apr 24, 2016 7:18 AM, "John Criswell" <jtcriswel at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Ammar,
> It is not clear what you are asking. %a and %b in your code below are not
> constants; there is no way, at compile time, to determine what
2016 May 04
llvm dynamic execution trace
hi everyone,
I'm trying to get something like the lli - trace functionality that has
been deprecated.
I need the same thing that the trace command was doing i. e. the dynamic
execution trace, any idea on what it has moved to if it still exists or
how to implement it?
Best Regards,
Ammar Naqvi
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2016 Apr 24
Retrieving numeric value of instruction operand
Hello Everyone,
I need some help in retrieving the numeric value of an instruction operand
from LLVM IR.
this is what the IR looks like for a simple add function that adds two i32
define i32 @summ(i32 %a, i32 %b) #0 {
%add = add nsw i32 %b, %a
ret i32 %add
i would like to know the integer value of %a and %b.
I've tried
-i->getOpcodeName() which gives me the
2016 May 04
llvm dynamic execution trace
Hi Dean, thank you for the response!
I'm a newbie to LLVM, a student working on an LLVM project so I'm not quite
sure of what you're suggesting, please excuse my naivety.
To clarify there used to exist this
http://llvm.org/releases/1.0/docs/CommandGuide/lli.html where you could
type "lli -trace 'filename.bc' and you would get a dump of the dynamic
excutiion trace.
2018 Jul 31
LLJVM make error
Hi fellow devs,
I was looking for converting LLVM IR to JavaBytecode by using lljvm
project of https://github.com/davidar/lljvm
They don't seem to compile, once i run *make* in the root directory it give
me the error :
cd include && make all
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/rtiwari1/llvm_new/lljvm/include'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving
2018 Aug 01
LLJVM make error
That source file was removed from LLVM in r232397 on March 16, 2015.
It looks like lljvm hasn't been updated in a long time. LLVM's C++ APIs are not stable, so there is no expectation that a project built against LLVM's C++ API in 2015 would build or reasonably function against LLVM trunk.
The project probably works against LLVM 3.6.2 which was (I believe) the last LLVM release to
2016 Jul 26
[LLVMdev] Interprocedural use-def chains
I have been using the USE class to access the use-def chains of different
values. However, what I have noticed is that the set of users of a
particular value is limited for the appearance of that variable in the
current function.
How can I get the interprocedural use of a particular value? For example,
if a variable *a* is used as an argument in a function call *foo*, the USE
2001 May 14
1. I think you should apply the attached patch to openssh-2.9p1,
otherwise ssh-keyscan on linux boxes with glibc-2.1 will experience enormous
timeout delays.
2. Is there a program like ssh-keyscan for the Version2 (dsa and rsa) keys??
Peter Breitenlohner <peb at mppmu.mpg.de>
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diff -ur openssh-2.9p1.orig/ssh-keyscan.c
2009 Apr 15
[LLVMdev] Tablegen question
In IntrinsicEmitter::EmitTypeGenerate, called from
IntrinsicEmitter::EmitGenerator, here
for (unsigned j = 0; j != N; ++j) {
OS << " ArgTys.push_back(";
EmitTypeGenerate(OS, ParamTys[j], ArgNo);
OS << ");\n";
I'm hitting this assertion:
if (ArgType->isSubClassOf("LLVMMatchType")) {
unsigned Number =
2009 Apr 15
[LLVMdev] Tablegen question
That's a bug. I'm working on a fix....
On Apr 15, 2009, at 10:16 AM, Villmow, Micah wrote:
> In IntrinsicEmitter::EmitTypeGenerate, called from
> IntrinsicEmitter::EmitGenerator, here
> for (unsigned j = 0; j != N; ++j) {
> OS << " ArgTys.push_back(";
> EmitTypeGenerate(OS, ParamTys[j], ArgNo);
> OS << ");\n";
> }
2007 Sep 28
[LLVMdev] Lowering operations to 8-bit!
On Sep 28, 2007, at 11:36 AM, <Alireza.Moshtaghi at microchip.com>
<Alireza.Moshtaghi at microchip.com> wrote:
> I moved my code to 2.1 but still the same.
> If I make ADD i16 legal, then it goes through, but it has problem
> expanding it to i8.
> Should I go ahead and customize it and do the same for all
> instructions?
> Or there is a more general thing that I
2013 Jan 31
[LLVMdev] Question about changes to llvm::Argument::addAttr(AttributeSet AS) API
I recently upgraded to the latest LLVM build and encountered a problem where the API for Argument::addAttr has changed.
Previously it was Argument::addAttr(Attribute A) and I was able to work with this.
The latest build has changed the method addAttr so that it requires an AttributeSet argument (Argument::addAttr(AttributeSet AS).
I'm not sure how to adjust to this change. The
2010 Nov 11
Change message after timeout
Hi All,
I have successfully configure the PXE and its working fine, the problem is
that after timeout in the following msg
Automatic boot in # second
the screen stuck/hang there showing the above message or the menu if we
choose to selection from menu until image is loaded from network.
So, is there any way we can display another message after timeout.
I tried MENU CLEAR and SAY Loading
2009 Apr 15
[LLVMdev] Tablegen question
I have this intrinsic definition for llvm.
def int_opencl_math_fdistance_fast : Intrinsic<[llvm_float_ty],
[llvm_anyfloat_ty, LLVMMatchType<0>]>;
Can someone explain what LLVMMatchType does and how to specify it to
match the first argument and not the return value?
I've tried LLVMMatchType<1> but it fails in IntrinsicEmitter.cpp
2009 Apr 15
[LLVMdev] Tablegen question
On Apr 15, 2009, at 9:29 AM, Villmow, Micah wrote:
> I have this intrinsic definition for llvm.
> def int_opencl_math_fdistance_fast : Intrinsic<[llvm_float_ty],
> [llvm_anyfloat_ty, LLVMMatchType<0>]>;
> Can someone explain what LLVMMatchType does and how to specify it
> to match the first argument and not the return value?
2007 Sep 28
[LLVMdev] Lowering operations to 8-bit!
I moved my code to 2.1 but still the same.
If I make ADD i16 legal, then it goes through, but it has problem
expanding it to i8.
Should I go ahead and customize it and do the same for all instructions?
Or there is a more general thing that I can do?
-----Original Message-----
From: llvmdev-bounces at cs.uiuc.edu [mailto:llvmdev-bounces at cs.uiuc.edu]
On Behalf Of Chris Lattner
2010 Oct 05
EXT3 Reserve Space
Hi All,
Whenever an EXT3 partition is created some space is reserved for super-user,
I used the mkfs.ext3 with option -m set to 0, but there is no effect it
still reserve the space. How can i set the reserved-space to 0 or calculate
the reserved-space in advance?
Any suggestion/idea?
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2009 Apr 15
[LLVMdev] Tablegen question
Oops. That was premature. I think your original question was on the
right track. TableGen distinguishes between known and "overloaded"
types (like "llvm_anyfloat_ty" in your example). The overloaded types
are numbered separately, and the argument to LLVMMatchType is an index
into these overloaded types, ignoring the known types. So, in your
case, the first
2020 Jun 26
Introducing the binary-level coverage analysis tool bcov
## TL;DR
We introduce bcov, an open-source binary-level coverage analysis tool [1].
The details are discussed in our paper [2], which is accepted to
ESEC/FSE'20. bcov statically instruments x86-64 ELF binaries without
compiler support. It features several techniques that allow it to achieve
high performance, transparency, and flexibility.
For example, running "make