similar to: [LLVMdev] The basic block does not exist in the map

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] The basic block does not exist in the map"

2013 Mar 21
[LLVMdev] How to describe a pointer that points to All memory(include global memory, heap, stack)?
Hi, Daniel, thank you for your advice. Yes, ALL_MEMORY points to ALL_MEMORY. We use MD(memory descriptor) to abstract a memory location.  MD contains 4 main fields: id, base, offset, size. For these special MD (ALL_MEMORY, GLOBAL_MEMORY, STACK_MEMORY, HEAP_MEMORY),  we give them id 1, 2, 3, 4, that means MD1 is ALL_MEMORY, MD2 is GLOBAL_MEMORY, the same goes for the rest.  Then we maintain a
2006 Jun 08
how to analyze the following data?--anxious for the result
Dear friends, I have a dataset: response var--y, class var-group, and the third variable-x. I want to test whether there is statistical significance bewteen group for y with the controlled x. First, i want to use analysis of covariance in SAS, but i found that y isn't noramal and can't become normal through transformation. Under that condition, what should i do using R / SAS? Any
2006 Nov 29
Extract some character from a character vector of length 1
the content of th character vector (of length 1) is as follows: a <- "something2 ....pat1 name1 pat2 something2....pat1 name2 pat2....pat1 name3 pat2 " I would like to extract the character bewteen pat1 and pat2. That's to say, I would like to get a vecter of c("name1", "name2","name3"). What I did is use strsplit() twise. But I wonder if there
2007 Oct 16
Useradd & NIS issue if the user exist
Hi, I have a class to add users to all the host servers. We are in the process to have a coexisting user which belongs in NIS & as well as /etc/passwd. We have NIS clients (yp running) on all host servers. So when running puppet is fails to add or modify user, bcos the user already exists in NIS. Eg: A user pcruise is an existing NIS user. When using useradd or
2004 Apr 01
samba oplocks ...
I've tried to configure samba to lock files bewteen windows and linux but i couldn't i've read a lot of messages here, but trere is no one that have something about the file smb.conf. i have this in my global secction but i doesn't work [global] workgroup =3D GMC create mask =3D 0777 os level =3D 16 directory mask =3D 0777 hosts allow =3D
2010 Apr 24
Pushing a file only if another does not exist.
I am trying to write a module for tripwire. I need to push out the twcfg.txt and twpol.txt files only if the tw.cfg and tw.pol files do not currently exist. How can do I this with File{}? I''m can''t seem to find a way to do it. In general times, how can you deploy file A only when file B does not exist? And... tripwire... what a mess. I am trying to use push out the site key,
2013 Mar 22
[LLVMdev] How to describe a pointer that points to All memory(include global memory, heap, stack)?
On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 12:29 AM, Steven Su <steven_known at> wrote: > Hi, Daniel, thank you for your advice. > Yes, ALL_MEMORY points to ALL_MEMORY. > > We use MD(memory descriptor) to abstract a memory location. > MD contains 4 main fields: id, base, offset, size. > For these special MD (ALL_MEMORY, GLOBAL_MEMORY, STACK_MEMORY, HEAP_MEMORY), > we give them
2004 Sep 07
heatmap help
Dear R wizards, Hopeful someone can help me with what I believe is a pretty simple task. I pretty new to R so some (much) of the obvious escapes me. How do I get a distance matrix into heatmap? What do I tell distfun if what I'm trying to map is already an ordered distance matrix? I tried >heatmap(x, distfun=as.dist(x)) where x is the distance matrix but R gave me an error. Thanks in
2019 Apr 05
wbinfo isn't working on domain member
Hi Rowland, I made the change you suggested to auto refresh kerberos. It didn't seem to fix the issue unfortunately, even after a machine restart. Following your line of reasoning that it is a Kerberos issue, I then tried to grab a new kerberos ticket on the server in question which appears to fail though. Perhaps this gives some further insight? pi at fs1:~ $ kinit administrator at
2004 Oct 07
replace a value in a vector
OK, so this is a really stupid question and should be incredibly simple to do but I can't figure it out. So maybe someone would be so kind as to tell me. I have a vector of zeros and ones. I want to replace all of the zeros with "black" and all of the ones with "gray". That's it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Paul `-:-. ,-;"`-:-. ,-;"`-:-.
2004 Jun 24
problem with model.matrix
This works: > model.matrix(~I(pos>3),data=data.frame(pos=c(1:5))) (Intercept) I(pos > 3)TRUE 1 1 0 2 1 0 3 1 0 4 1 1 5 1 1 attr(,"assign") [1] 0 1 attr(,"contrasts") attr(,"contrasts")$"I(pos > 3)" [1] "contr.treatment"
2013 Mar 21
[LLVMdev] How to describe a pointer that points to All memory(include global memory, heap, stack)?
On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 7:33 PM, Steven Su <steven_known at> wrote: > Hi, John > I am building a flow sensitive intra-procedural alias analysis(without interprocedural info). > So, the first thing I have to consider is where a parameter-pointer or a global-pointer might point to. > Then I defined several special Virtual Memory Locations:
2005 Jun 02
multimedia kernel
Is anyone using any type of multimedia patched kernels such as the one available at planet CCRMA. Or does anyone know where I can dl multimedia patched kernel rpm for centos.
2005 Dec 13
Age of an object?
It would be nice to have a date stamp on an object. In S/Splus this was always available, because objects were files. I have looked around, but I presume this information is not available. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Trevor Hastie hastie at Professor, Department of Statistics, Stanford University Phone:
2004 Sep 15
Can anybody tell me where to find a copy of heatmap2? I've seen it in my travels across the web but didn't bookmark it and can't find it again. Thanks in advance. Paul `-:-. ,-;"`-:-. ,-;"`-:-. ,-;"`-:-. ,-;"`-:-. ,-;"`-:-. `=`,'=/ `=`,'=/ `=`,'=/ `=`,'=/ `=`,'=/ `=` >==/ >==/
2009 May 26
Maildir with LAYOUT=fs not working
I'm considering converting a Cyrus system (managing my family's e-mail) to Dovecot. I'm trying Dovecot 1.1.15 on an Ubuntu 9.04 (2.6.28-11-server) system. My production server is currently running Cyrus 2.3.14. Since I have a huge number of folders and subfolders, I need to use LAYOUT=fs. However, it's not working consistently. I tried setting up a test account in Thunderbird
2006 Sep 15
file: target generates error
file { "/var/log/syslog": target => "/var/log/messages" } generates the following error: err: //henson/stanford/syslog/file=/var/log/syslog: Failed to retrieve current state: undefined method `should'' for false:FalseClass
2007 Aug 07
Work for Stanford University!
Hello Puppeteers! Stanford University Information Technology Services is looking for Unix Systems Administrators. Stanford University not only uses Puppet, but does what it can to contribute to the betterment of Puppet, and we''re looking for good candidates to fulfill our open positions, and I''d love for those new hires to be Puppeteers! So if you are interested, please
2007 Apr 05
Logistic/Cox regression: Parameter estimates directly from model matrix
Hi out there Is there a way to get the estimated coefficients in a logistic / Cox regression without having to specify a 'formula' but by only giving the model matrix? Example for Cox regression: ## predictors n <- 50 q1 <- rnorm(n) q2 <- rgamma(n, 2, 2) Z <- cbind(q1, q2) ## response ttf <- rexp(n) tf <- round(runif(n)) ## compute estimates res <- coxph(Surv(ttf,
2008 Jan 11
Randomization tests, grouped data
The other day I was looking into one of the classics in resampling, Eugene Edgington's "Randomization Tests". This type of test is simple to do in R with things like a simple correlation, the sample () function is perfect for the purpose. However, things are more complex if you have grouped data, like a one-way ANOVA. The reason is that you have to avoid the consideration of