similar to: [LLVMdev] Advantages of LLVM Optimization

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] Advantages of LLVM Optimization"

2014 Aug 01
[LLVMdev] LLVM Basic Program Compilation
I am just getting started with llvm. Here's code I am trying to compile: #include <stdio.h>#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h" int main(){ llvm::LLVMContext& context = llvm::getGlobalContext(); llvm::Module* module = new llvm::Module("top", context); llvm::IRBuilder<>
2014 Sep 09
[LLVMdev] Machine Code for different architectures
How does LLVM generate machine code for different architectures? For example, the machine code for x86 and amd will vary. How does LLVM convert its IR to machine code for different architectures.Can you please explain the approach? Is it just write two different programs for two different architectures and pass a flag to the compiler based on which machine code you want to generate? Thanks a lot
2014 Aug 04
[LLVMdev] LLVM AllocaInst and StoreInst
Hi, I am trying to write a simple interpreter. I am trying to generate LLVM IR for assignment operation. The code for the generation part looks like this llvm::Value* codeGenSymTab(llvm::LLVMContext& context) { > printf("\n CodeGen SymTab \n"); > Value *num = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt64Ty(context), aTable.value, > true); > Value *alloc = new
2014 Aug 01
[LLVMdev] LLVM Basic Program Compilation
I am just getting started with llvm. Here's code I am trying to compile: #include <stdio.h>#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"#include "llvm/IR/Module.h"#include "llvm/IR/IRBuilder.h" int main(){ llvm::LLVMContext& context = llvm::getGlobalContext(); llvm::Module* module = new llvm::Module("top", context); llvm::IRBuilder<>
2014 Sep 09
[LLVMdev] Machine Code for different architectures
Hi, We have some DSP architectures (kalimba) which have 24-bits as their "minimum addressable unit". So this means that the sizeof a char (and an int and a short for that matter) is 24-bits. I quickly read the posted link WritingAnLLVMBackend.html but did not see an obvious answer to the following question: Is it possible to write a backend that faithfully represents these
2014 Sep 09
[LLVMdev] Machine Code for different architectures
Hi Johnny, Thanks for this - particularly the tip about cfe-dev. I'm currently trying to coerce lldb to debug these type of architectures (our current toolchain already outputs good dwarf info). However, I'm struggling since lldb has just assumes that the size of a byte is universally 8-bits. At some stage, I *think* at some stage we'd like to derive a compiler, from the "same
2014 Sep 03
[LLVMdev] Convert C code with external library access to llvm
Hi, I have written a c program which accesses sqlite database. Normally I compile the program as $ clang insertselect.c -l sqlite3 To emit-llvm I use: > $ clang insertselect.c -S -emit-llvm How do I link the sqlite3 library so that llvm can generate IR with the IR being linked to the external library? Thanks for your help? Thanks Prakash -------------- next part -------------- An
2014 Sep 10
[LLVMdev] Machine Code for different architectures
Hi Patrik, Thanks for this note. It's encouraging to read there has been some provision made for non-8-bit bytes. I'm not a compiler/backend expert, (although maybe I'll need to be soon!), so I won't look at the patches right now, however may at some stage in the future myself or colleague may request these patches from yourself. Yes, our 24-bit architectures have non-power-of-2
2007 Nov 14
Creating a group share
Hello, I have a Samba PDC (3.x) running in a OpenSUSE 10.2 system. The authentication backend is Open LDAP. I want to create a group share (WTCCC) which should be accessible to a group of users (belonging to a group called WTCCC). The users' possess this group as their secondary group (NOT primary). And the share folder would have its gid bit set, so all the writes to the folder
2008 Sep 16
[LLVMdev] DOTGraphTraits and GraphWriter
Hi Dan, Thanks for the reply. I got the labels for each outgoing edge (at the source node's 'structure' field) working. Is there a way to find out the outgoing edge number from EdgeIter. (Basically the Node in my graph has a a bunch of outgoing edges, so that I can just index into that collection within the node to get the appropriate edges' attributes). regards, Prakash On Tue,
2008 Sep 22
[LLVMdev] DOTGraphTraits and GraphWriter
Hi Prakash, I don't know of an easy way to do this, other than to use random-access iterators so you can compute the distance between the edge and the beginning of the list of edges. Dan On Sep 16, 2008, at 2:58 PM, Prakash Prabhu wrote: > Hi Dan, > > Thanks for the reply. I got the labels for each outgoing edge (at the > source node's 'structure' field) working. Is
2008 Nov 04
[LLVMdev] Debugging lli using bugpoint
Hi Evan, Thanks for the pointers. We found a simple test case that causes the problem (thanks to Tom in my group): #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void test(); void (*funcPtr)(); int main(int argc, char **argv) { funcPtr = test; test(); } void test() { if(funcPtr == test) { printf("OK!\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Bad!\n"); exit(1);
2008 Sep 15
[LLVMdev] DOTGraphTraits and GraphWriter
Hi all, I have two questions related to .dot graph output. Basically, I have a graph representing a program dependence graph like structure with (a) multiple edges between the same pair of nodes (b) each edge having a special (different) text/label I implemented a template-specialized version of DotGraphTraits for the my graph structure which given a node, uses a map_iterator (similar to the one
2017 Mar 05
GSoc 2017 Introduction(Weighting Schemes)
Hello Everyone, I am a second year graduate student at IIIT-Bangalore and my interest is in the field of Information Retrieval. I have successfully compiled Xapian from source and have implemented some examples. While going through the project list Weighting Schemes project is the one I was looking to contribute to. So i went through the xapian-core/weight where most of the schemes are already
2007 Dec 10
[Problem] [Centos 5] Samba-3.0.23c-2 login authentication problem
Hello, I have comfigured samba-3.0.23c-2 server on CentOS-5, but when i was logging in from the client system, even if I donot provide password and hit enter key, the client is logging in as Anonymous user. Samba server should not allow for Anonymous login. (I am configuring linux (Server) to linux (Client) i am not using windows) 1) The contents of /etc/samba/smb.conf file as follows,
2006 Apr 29
crosscomiling speex for powerPC
Hi As per the Linphone, Readme.arm I tried to compile the speex. -------------------------------------readme.arm-------------------------------------------------- ........... Cross compiling speex for ARM: ******************************** First you need to remove ogg headers from your build system to avoid a dirty conflict between your build machine binaries and the arm binaries. They
2009 Jan 14
[LLVMdev] Mapping between LLVM bitcode and C source
Hi, Is there a way, from within an opt pass, to find the correspondence between an LLVM IR object and C source code (basically line number info similar to the one used with gcc + gdb to help debugging ), assuming either a llvm-gcc front end ? Sorry if this question was asked before. Thanks for your time. - Prakash
2015 Dec 02
Is there a way to pass Optimization passes to clang?
On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 10:39 AM, David Chisnall <David.Chisnall at > wrote: > On 2 Dec 2015, at 18:30, Phil Tomson <phil.a.tomson at> wrote: > > > >> If you want to pass LLVM arguments to clang, then you must prefix them > with -llvm (e.g. -mllvm -loops -mllvm lcssa). > > > > > > I just tried this: > > CFLAGS +=
2012 Aug 15
[LLVMdev] [RFC] Parallelization metadata and intrinsics in LLVM
Hi Hal I was also looking at providing such a support in LLVM for capturing (both explicit and implicit) parallelism in LLVM. We had an initial discussion around this and your proposal comes at the right time. We support such an initiative. We can work together to get this support implemented in LLVM. But, I have a slight different view. I think today parallelism does not necessarily mean OpenMP
2008 Sep 24
[LLVMdev] Memory Altering/Accessing Instructions
Hi all, Would it be correct to say that the only instructions in LLVM IR that modify/access memory potentially are the following: (1) LoadInst : Ref (2) StoreInst : Mod (3) VAArgInst : Ref (?) (4) AllocaInst : Mod (5) MallocInst : Mod (6) FreeInst : Mod (7) CallInst : Mod/Ref ? Also, my earlier impression was that the GEP instruction only computes the effective address and does not