similar to: [LLVMdev] Instantiating Target-Specifc ASM Parser

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] Instantiating Target-Specifc ASM Parser"

2014 Jan 31
[LLVMdev] making emitInlineAsm protected
It may be moot because Reed is currently rewriting the patch to avoid using EmitInlineAsm and EmitRawText but I wanted to question something here. I'm thinking that hasRawTextSupport() shouldn't be the condition used inside EmitInlineAsm. I think it would be more correct to have a useRawTextSupport() predicate that can return hasRawTextSupport() for (sub)targets that haven't
2014 Jan 29
[LLVMdev] making emitInlineAsm protected
I would like to make the following member of AsmPrinter be protected void EmitInlineAsm(StringRef Str, const MDNode *LocMDNode = 0, InlineAsm::AsmDialect AsmDialect = InlineAsm::AD_ATT) const; I have some stubs that I want to emit in MipsAsmParser . Are there any objections to doing this? Reed
2014 Jan 31
[LLVMdev] making emitInlineAsm protected
Ok then. I'll put together a patch early next week to add a hasMatureMCSupport() and use it in EmitInlineAsm(). I don't know which targets should return true for hasMatureMCSupport() at the moment though. I guess X86 and ARM would but are there any others? ________________________________________ From: Rafael EspĂ­ndola [rafael.espindola at] Sent: 31 January 2014 18:53 To: Daniel
2014 Jan 29
[LLVMdev] making emitInlineAsm protected
On 01/28/2014 06:29 PM, Eric Christopher wrote: > Uhhhh... > > -eric > > On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 4:56 PM, reed kotler <rkotler at> wrote: >> I would like to make the following member of AsmPrinter be protected >> >> >> void EmitInlineAsm(StringRef Str, const MDNode *LocMDNode = 0, >> InlineAsm::AsmDialect
2009 Apr 24
Error building package: LaTeX error when creating PDF version
Hi all I am trying to build an R package, which I have successfully done many times before, but have an error I cannot trace. I hope someone can help me. Here's is some edited output (full output below if it is useful): pdunn2 at PDunnUbuntu:~/DSdata$ R CMD build GLMsData * checking for file 'GLMsData/DESCRIPTION' ... OK * preparing 'GLMsData': * checking DESCRIPTION
2015 Sep 29
Nut v2.7.3 - how to force shutdown for a specifc ups only
Hi all, I'm using Nut v2.7.3 on my Linux server to monitor two UPS at the same time, which are used to secure several different network devices. This set-up works fine for several month now. Due to the fact that different devices, connected to different UPS are generating a different load, the batteries of each UPS are discharged with a different speed. I now want to react on the events of
2015 Sep 29
Nut v2.7.3 - how to force shutdown for a specifc ups only
On Sep 29, 2015, at 3:29 PM, Juergen Edner <juergen at> wrote: > > Now I wonder why it isn't possible to send a forced shutdown command > to a specific UPS only. It is possible - simply send a "shutdown.reboot" or "shutdown.stayoff" command via `upscmd`. Other instant commands (which may or may not be implemented on your UPS):
2015 Sep 30
Nut v2.7.3 - how to force shutdown for a specifc ups only
Hello Charles, >> On Sep 29, 2015, at 3:29 PM, Juergen Edner <juergen at> wrote: >> >> Now I wonder why it isn't possible to send a forced shutdown command >> to a specific UPS only. > > It is possible - simply send a "shutdown.reboot" or "shutdown.stayoff" > command via `upscmd`. > > Other instant commands (which
2009 Mar 25
very fast OLS regression?
Dear R experts: I just tried some simple test that told me that hand computing the OLS coefficients is about 3-10 times as fast as using the built-in lm() function. (code included below.) Most of the time, I do not care, because I like the convenience, and I presume some of the time goes into saving a lot of stuff that I may or may not need. But when I do want to learn the properties of an
2017 Jan 30
sshd custom shell script for specifc user
+ added subject On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 11:32 PM, Sudarshan Soma <sudarshan12s at> wrote: > Hi, > I am trying to give access to sshd port 22 to connect to different port > 1023 by differentiating with special user, customuser. Following is how i > tried, but it doesnt work, please suggest. > > outside, user issues command > ssh customuser at ip, it fails >
2016 Apr 18
[Bug 2565] New: High baud rate gets sent, solaris closes pty Bug ID: 2565 Summary: High baud rate gets sent, solaris closes pty Product: Portable OpenSSH Version: 7.1p2 Hardware: Sparc OS: Solaris Status: NEW Severity: minor Priority: P5 Component: sshd Assignee: unassigned-bugs at
2017 Jan 31
sshd custom shell script for specifc user
Thanks Darren, the intention to do this : allow users to access my own shell/CLI(including authentication) on port 22. their firewall settings doesnt allow anything other than port 22, so I would internally redirect to port 1023 when customuser is provided. I will try enabling logs, thanks. On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 5:10 AM, Darren Tucker <dtucker at> wrote: > On Tue, Jan 31,
2004 Sep 13
calculating memory usage
I am comparing two different algorithms in terms of speed and memory usage. I can calculate the processing time with proc.time() as follows but am not sure how to calculate the memory usage. ptm <- proc.time() x <- rnorm(1000000) proc.time() - ptm I would like to be within R itself since I will test the algorithm several hundred times and in batch mode. So manually looking up
2017 Jan 31
sshd custom shell script for specifc user
Hi Darren, the clients config would need customer to change firewall settings to allow 1023 port. my server is behind the firewall. firewall settings say that my server 1023 is not accessable from outside. So If user tries -p 1023, it is rejected. hence user can only issue ssh customuser at ip . I am trying to instead connect to 1023 from my server, which doesnt go to firewall, hence from my
2010 Aug 05
Multiply each depth level of an array with another vector element
Suppose x <- array(c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2), dim = c(2,2,2)) y <- c(5, 10) Now I would like to multiply x[, , 1] with y[1] and x[, , 2] with y[2]. Possible solution is a for-loop: for (i in 1:2) { x[, , i] * y[i] } Another possible solution is this construction: as.vector(t(replicate(nrow(x) * ncol(x), y))) * x I find that these two solutions have a relatively large computation
2010 Sep 21
reshape is re-ordering my variables
Is it an undocumented (at least I missed it if it's documented) feature of the reshape function to do numeric variables followed by character? I ask because that seems to be the case below. > str(rcw) 'data.frame': 23 obs. of 21 variables: $ ICU : int 1 18 17 9 22 19 6 16 25 26 ... $ Q6.RC.1 : chr "SM" "JF" "IW"
2013 May 16
To List or Not To List
Dear R Helpers, A few weeks ago I asked for some help on how to accomplish modifications to data in a set of data frames. As part of that request I mentioned that I realized that one way to accomplish my goal was to put the data frames together in a list but that I was looking for a way to do it with data frames and a loop because I "believe the better thing is to work df by df for my
2006 Jun 10
sparse matrix, rnorm, malloc
Hi, I'm Sorry for any cross-posting. I've reviewed the archives and could not find an exact answer to my question below. I'm trying to generate very large sparse matrices (< 1% non-zero entries per row). I have a sparse matrix function below which works well until the row/col count exceeds 10,000. This is being run on a machine with 32G memory: sparse_matrix <-
2010 Mar 19
strptime(): on Linux system it seems to call system time?
[I am herewith re-posting this message on R-devel, as it seems to be the most appropriate mailing list for this issue.] Dear List, >From what I understand, strptime() simply converts from one class representation to another; i.e., from character to POSIXct/POSIXlt. One strange feature of this command running on Linux is that there are repeated calls to system time (as was revealed
2011 Apr 22
sieve & plus addressing
Assume and e-mail address of: me+dovecot at I have a sieve script that sorts mail into the appropriate folders using "+" addressing. I want to extend it to also work with mailing list like this one. A post from the dovecot forum arrives with a Delivered-To: me+dovecot at when I receive it. The "To" is to dovecot. I cannot figure out a way to get sieve to