similar to: [LLVMdev] Thread-safe cloning

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] Thread-safe cloning"

2013 Jun 18
[LLVMdev] Thread-safe cloning
You could probably round trip it through bitcode in memory. I think all of the IR cloning functionality assumes that only one context is being used. Even if the serialization isn't efficient as a clone could be, it should give you very high confidence that everything Just Works. :) On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 1:16 PM, Andrew Clinton <andrew at> wrote: > I have a
2013 Nov 05
[LLVMdev] Thread-safe cloning
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I finally got around to testing this approach (round tripping through bitcode in memory) and it works beautifully - and isn't that much slower than cloning. I have noticed however that the copy process isn't thread-safe. The problem is that in Function, there is lazy initialization code for arguments: void CheckLazyArguments() const { if
2010 Jun 09
[LLVMdev] Segmentation fault 'cause of accessing function arguments
Hi all, I am experimenting to run a pass inherited from CallGraphSCCPass. In the pass, I iterate all functions in a SCC. In each iteration, I access all arguments of a function in the following way: Function::arg_iterator PI = fun->arg_begin(), PE = fun->arg_end(); ... I have no trouble with building. However, I am troubled with "segmentation fault" when I run the pass
2011 Feb 01
[LLVMdev] Loop simplification
On Feb 1, 2011, at 1:34 PM, Andrew Trick wrote: > On Feb 1, 2011, at 1:08 PM, Andrew Clinton wrote: > >> I have a (non-entry) basic block that contains only PHI nodes and an >> unconditional branch (that does not branch to itself). Is it always >> possible to merge this block with it's successor and produce a >> semantically equivalent program? I'm
2011 Feb 01
[LLVMdev] Loop simplification
Here's what I've got so far - it seems to work, aside from the fact that DeleteDeadPHIs is not removing at least one dead PHI in my test program. --------------------- static bool mergeBlockIntoSuccessor(BasicBlock *pred, BasicBlock *succ) { if (succ == pred) return false; if (pred->getFirstNonPHI() != pred->getTerminator()) return false; //
2012 Sep 28
nested modules and autoloading
All- I''m using puppet 2.7.14. I''ve reviewed but it doesn''t seem to cover what I''m attempting. Consider a module layout like this: $ tree mymodule mymodule |-- Modulefile |-- README |-- manifests | |-- init.pp | |-- special_type | | `-- prereqs.pp | `-- special_type.pp
2013 Dec 02
Class parameter flexibility with ENC, hiera or both
Dear puppetteers, I am having a philosophical question about parametrized classes. When building modules, one wants to be as flexible as possible, to try to target as many puppet flavors as possible. This is our target: - Foreman users, using foreman as an ENC with smart variables (or potentially any other ENC, but I would say this is the most widespread one). - Pure Puppet''s site.pp
2011 Dec 15
DKIM Verification failures
Hi, -- This message refers to the maillist itself rather than to dovecot software -- I have noticed that when I post to this list (only), I get DKIM Verification failure reports from: root at (e.g. for my last post: "DKIM failure report for job 4D27B5DC4E on") root at (e.g. for my last post: "DKIM failure report for job
2003 Apr 28
code12 when using modules
Hi I updated my rsync to 2.5.6. Since then, any modules actions don't work anymore. rsync -ravvvn --stats --progress ends up in opening tcp connection to port 873 receiving file list ... rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (28 bytes read so far) _exit_cleanup(code=12, file=io.c, line=165): entered rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at
2008 Feb 18
Calling a controller inside a module
I tryied everything: :controller => ''MyModule::Core::Controller'' require ''MyModule/core/controller'' include MyModule::Core But nothing works !!! Question is very simple: How to call a controller that belongs to a Module inside the router.rb file? This cannot be that difficult! Thanks! -Sergio -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment
2007 Aug 31
Can module spec "behave like" controller spec?
Hello everyone: Right now I am writing spec on modules, which are provided by my colleagues. Some of the modules actually contain action methods. I tried very hard to spec those action methods in modules. But it seems that the rspec does not allow module spec to ''get'' action like controller does. After I saw the documentation, I then used :behaviour_type=>:controller.
2010 Jun 23
Custom default form builder in Rails 3
Hello everyone, I am trying to set a default custom form builder. I have defined my form builder class in "lib/mymodule/mybuilder.rb" as: module Mymodule class Mybuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder ...... end end Then I am trying to use this custom class in application.rb as config.action_view.default_form_builder = Mymodule::Mybuilder. But I get "Uninitialized
2012 Aug 17
Class Naming Convention
So, this has always puzzled me a bit. By convention, init.pp contains one class, named the same as the module. However, what is the convention when the module may have multiple external access points? Say you have a module called ''syslog'' which provides both a client and a server class. I typically have used syslog::server and syslog::client. I''ve ended up using this
2011 Nov 11
[LLVMdev] Argument's types mismatch when creating CallInst.
Hello. I have an .bc, which defines @foo(%type* arg1, %type* arg2, %type* arg3). Firstly, i do this: runtimeModule = getLazyIRFileModule("runtime.bc", smd, llctx); then this: fooFunction = runtimeModule->getFunction("foo"); myType = runtimeModule->getTypeByName("type"); After that, i'm creating another module: myModule = new Module("My
2006 Jul 27
accessing a variable inside a plugin
Hello, I would like to load an Hash in my init.rb plugin file ... than I would like to use this hash in my module ... in my init.rb: @anHash = load From file... in mymodule: module Amodule def myFunction #@anHash .... end end How can I access to my hash in my plugin module function ? thanks for this dummy question ;-) Arnaud
2009 Jun 11
OT: rebuild kmod rpm package from src.rpm
Hi all, I would like to rebuild a kmod.src.rpm package for a specific kernel. When I try to do it, this message appears: Building target platforms: i686 Building for target i686 error: Failed build dependencies: kernel-xen-devel-i686 = 2.6.18-98.el5 is needed by mymodule-kmod-0.1.5-2.i686 kernel-PAE-devel-i686 = 2.6.18-98.el5 is needed by mymodule-kmod-0.1.5-2.i686. Is
2006 Aug 08
Extending rails with plugins
I''ve been looking at bottling some functionality up into a plugin, but I''m having some problems including it. The structure I have is: /app/controllers/admin/base_controller.rb: class Admin::BaseController > ApplicationController #snip# end /vendor/plugins/myplugin/lib/my_module.rb: module MyModule def new_func "New Function" end end
2013 Jun 11
hiera data bindings and template()
Hi, I''m using Puppet 3.2.1 and heavily relying on hiera data bindings. I have the following situation: class software ( $my_content = undef, ) { file { ''/path/to/file'': content => $software::my_content, } } in hieradata/software.yaml (hiera.yaml seems ok): software::my_content: template(''mymodule/myfile.erb'') With this configuration I
2010 Aug 31
File selection for template() similar to source
I want to be able to have Puppet determine which file to use as the source of a template() call in a manner similar to the source parameter. Basically, I want to have a file resource that will use the most appropriate file for a template. While I can do: file { "file.conf" : source => [ "puppet:///module/file.conf.${hostname}",
2011 Jan 27
Best filesystem?
Hi everyone! What's the best filesystem to use for the mail spool? I'm debating between Debian with xfs or FreeBSD with zfs. I'm not sure which way to go. I'm migrating from cyrus. I have about 50 users so it's not a large setup. Cheers! Monika -- Monika Janek Systems Administrator, Side Effects Software Toronto, Ontario Canada 416-504-9876 x207