similar to: [LLVMdev] LLVM markup for LaTeX lstlisting

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] LLVM markup for LaTeX lstlisting"

2010 Sep 30
Sweave and LaTeX beamer class
I am failing to uncover Sweave chunks step by step using the LaTeX beamer class. The following minimal example: \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage{Sweave} \begin{document} \begin{frame}[fragile] In the year \uncover<2->{25}\uncover<3->{\Sexpr{5*5}} \uncover<4->{ <<echo=TRUE, print=TRUE>>= 5*5*101 @ } \end{frame} \end{document} leads to an error message when
2006 Sep 25
Best use of LaTeX listings package for pretty printing R code
This is what I have been using. Does anyone have a better way? In particular I would like to see letters in comment strings not stretched so much. Thanks -Frank \documentclass{article} \usepackage{listings,relsize} \lstloadlanguages{R} \newcommand{\lil}[1]{\lstinline|#1|} \begin{document} \lstset{language=R,basicstyle=\smaller,commentstyle=\rmfamily\smaller, showstringspaces=false,%
2007 Aug 31
Bugreport on integration of Sweave and latex beamer
I think I have isolated a problem with integration between Sweave and beamer. Could you please see the file: Unfortunately, it uses some of my internal libraries, so you can't run it. When I put it through Sweave, I get: which is, of course, a generic latex file which you can read and
2010 Aug 20
Has anyone used Sweave with the Beamer poster macro for Latex ?
Hello, I'm trying to make a poster in Latex using the beamer poster macro (, and use Sweave to add in R output. This works fine for adding graphics and tables, but if I want to put code in, the file fails to build in Latex. My Rnw file looks like \documentclass[final,hyperref={pdfpagelabels=false}]{beamer}
2004 Dec 20
Sweave and LaTeX beamer class
Hi, has anyonne experienced problems between the LaTeX beamer class and Sweave? The following code does not work properly: ################################# \documentclass{beamer} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{ngerman} \begin{document} \frame{ \frametitle{test} test <<>>= 1+1 @ } \end{document} ################################# Below is the
2008 Jul 25
Thin frame line around R pdf output in LaTeX
I'm using R 2.7 on an Intel MAC. When I produce a pdf graph, I save the output window from the menu to a pdf file. This gives a very nice quality graph. However when I include the graph in a LaTeX document (actually beamer presentation) using \includegraphics I get a graphic with a very light framebox around the outside. Note, I'm not using a fbox command in LaTeX. Not sure if this is
2007 Jan 15
How to format R code in LaTex documents
Hi, I am planning on putting some R script in an appendix of a LaTex document. Can anyone recommend me a way of how to format it? Is there a way to keep all line breaks without having to insert \\ in every single line? Thank you! Benjamin
2011 Mar 03
embed latex beamer sans serif default font into R plot
Hello, I have seen instructions on how to embed Latex Computer Modern fonts into R, but these are the default serif fonts. I am trying to embed the default font used for Latex beamer (theme Warsaw), which is a sans serif font and may be the default LateX Computer Modern sans serif font. Does anyone know the names of the font files? Thanks Heemun
2009 Jul 13
SweaveListingUtils question
Hello, recently I read about the SweaveListingUtils package and now I want to try it out. However, I can not make it work... Below a minimal example. The problem seems to be the following line (generated by SweaveListingPreparations()?): \ifthenelse{\boolean{Sweave@gin}}{\setkeys{Gin}{width=0.6\textwidth}}{}% If I comment out this line, it works. What can I do about this? I am using the
2008 Apr 06
[OT] Typesetting / highlighting R code in Latex
Using Latex and the beamer class, I would like to highlight code snippets. Does anybody know a suitable 'preprocessor' or 'filter' for R (and/or C/C++) code ? I have been including it in simple \begin{verbatim} ... \end{verbatim} and I know there is a better way -- in fact I saw it used a while back in some package I looked at. And I didn't write that down... What I am
2009 May 09
pdf transparency not working with Latex documents
Hello, I' using the pdf() device with bg="transparent" to create plots to be used within a latex (beamer) presentation. Later on, I see that the background of my pdf() graphics is solid white in the final presentation. I'm using R-2.6.0, and I have also tried to set the version argument in pdf() to "1.5" and "1.6". Later versions are not accepted. Has
2010 Aug 04
Problem using R and Beamer...
Dear [R] and beamer community, I am trying to build a presentation using beamer and [R]. I can Sweave the file; however, when I run pdflatex on the file i get the following error: ! FancyVerb Error: Extraneous input `> a = 123450 > b = -0.69 \end {Sinput} \end {Schunk} \end { beamer at frameslide}\ifbeamer at twoscreenstext \beamer at dosecondscreennow {{fragile} \frametitle
2004 Oct 04
Off-Topic: LaTeX package listings
Hola! I ask here since I learnt from this list that the LaTeX package listings should be good for typesetting R code. I encountered one problem: \begin{lstlisting} X %*% V \end{lstlisting} in the output the * in %*% disappears! same with %/%, etc, the / disappears. Any ideas? Kjetil -- Kjetil Halvorsen. Peace is the most effective weapon of mass construction. --
2016 Jan 19
Monitor Dummy Device
When i do presentation i have this workflow: I connect the beamer on my notebook so i have dualscreen. On my notebook screen i have all icons/windows i need. The things i want to show i move to the 2. desktopscreen (the beamer). If i want to be independent of the cable-end of the beamer i do this: i connect a second monitor to my notebook and i stream the screen of the 2. monitor with ffmpeg
2008 Sep 06
Sweave and/or beamer issue
Dear Friends, I not sure whether this is an Sweave or a beamer problem. The Rnw file: \documentclass[compress,smaller]{beamer} %\documentclass{article} %\usepackage{beamerarticle} \usepackage{Sweave} \title{Psychophysics II} \date{September 9, 2008} \begin{document} \frame{ \begin{Schunk} \begin{Sinput} > ro <- 0.2 > c <- seq(from = -3, to = 4, by = 0.1) > fn <- 1 -
2008 Oct 17
R-code in Latex --- $ sign causes error
hi, here's what i have: \lstset{ basicstyle=\ttfamily, keywordstyle=\bfseries, showstringspaces=false, columns = fullflexible, mathescape = true, language=R } \begin{lstlisting} lst$val<-val \end{lstlisting} ./software.tex:16:Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. lst$ the culprit here is the $ sign. thanks. ps: i'm posting here rather than Latex is bec i guess an R user is
2012 Nov 01
How to nicely display R code with the LaTeX package 'listings'?
Dear expeRts, What's a 'good' (nice-looking, easy-to-read) setup for the LaTeX package 'listings' to display R code? The two versions below are partly inspired by the settings of the package SweaveListingUtils and Any suggestions, comments, or improvements are welcome. Cheers, Marius ###
2006 Aug 06
Beamer and Sweave
Dear R-helpers, Here is a minimal .Rnw file which shows that builds do not work in frames that contain chunks of verbatim code: \documentclass[]{beamer} \author{} \date{} \title{Title} \begin{document} \frame[containsverbatim]{\frametitle{Here the build doesn't work} \begin{enumerate}[<+->] \item A \item \alert{B} \item C \end{enumerate} <<generateIQ>>= iq <-
2011 Apr 09
Trouble with Sweave and Beamer
Dear All, I am running Debian testing on my box and I installed latex and R from the standard repositories. I am trying my hands at sweave, but somehow I am experiencing problems (I am trying to use beamer and Sweave). Please see the snippet at the end of the email and saved as report.Rnw. When I run the command $ R CMD Sweave report.Rnw Writing to file report.tex Processing code chunks ...
2011 Mar 08
beamer overlays with Sweave?
This may be asking too much, but I'm wondering if anyone has a solution (even a hack) for creating multiple (overlay) plots in an Sweave file and post-processing the overlays in beamer appropriately. For example, suppose I have a series of figure blocks in my .Rnw file: <<plot1,fig=TRUE>>= [stuff] @ <<plot2,fig=TRUE>>= [stuff] @ <<plot3,fig=TRUE>>=