similar to: [LLVMdev] Circular depependency resolution suggestions

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] Circular depependency resolution suggestions"

2008 Jan 08
Range of circular data
I want to get the minimum arc (in degrees) needed to include a set of compass directions. I would like to use the range.circular() function of the package circular, because that package understands a compass-type of angle convention, but it gives results I don't understand. Howver, I can get the correct answer in the example below, 90 degrees, using the CircStats package. How can I make the
2008 Jan 08
Using aggregate() and apply() on circular data
I would like to use aggregate.ts() and apply() on circular data, but I can't figure out how to get the circular data components to pass through: library(circular) x <- circular(c(20, 30, 355, 5, 345, 25), units = "degrees") % I want to get the mean angle for each successive pair; answer should be c(25, 0, 5): aggregate.ts(x, ndeltat=2, FUN="mean.circular") Error in
2013 Jan 13
Loading circular package from
Hi, I installed "circular" package and I wanted to load it automatically when R starts up, so I added the following lines in file, .First <- function() library(circular) When R starts up, it gives me the following error: ---------- Loading required package: boot Loading required package: graphics Loading required package: stats Error : .onAttach failed in
2012 Feb 10
function arrows.circular not working
I have started using the circular package but it is not recognizing the function arrows.circular. I attempted to use the example provided in the circular manual. Here is the example code using the circular package: plot(rvonmises(10, circular(0), kappa=1)) arrows.circular(rvonmises(10, circular(0), kappa=1)) arrows.circular(rvonmises(10, circular(0), kappa=1), y=runif(10), col=2)
2010 Aug 12
Dear all, I am using plot.circular(x, stack=TRUE) to plot a "histogram" from a list of angle. I would also like to draw a line from the origin at the angle of the mean (mean.circular), preferably with the resultant's length (rho.circular) as length. How do I achieve this on the circular plot, please? Thanks a lot, Tim -- -- Tim Gruene Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
2009 Feb 16
How to add direction of time to plot.circular()
Dear r-helpers, I want to show that time is flowing CCW in the following: require(circular) len <- 8 labl <- as.character(c(0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0)) r <- circular(2*pi* (rep(c(1, 3, 6), each = 200)/len + rnorm(600, 0, 0.025))) r.dens <- density(r, bw = 25, adjust = 4, kernel = 'vonmises') plot(r, shrink = 2.5, axes = FALSE, ticks = FALSE, pch = 1, col =
2009 Mar 05
Visualizing puppet circular dependencies
I recently got a scary-looking circular dependency as a puppet error, and it took some thought to decipher it. Long story short, I fed it to graphviz, and the graph made it obvious where the problem was. Thought I''d share, in case others are having the same trouble. Code''s at, and also pasted below for convenience. -- Philip # Make sense of
2008 May 19
Draw Polygon with a Circular Side
Hello Friends!!! I would want draw a circular histogram, and I would like draw a polygon with a circular side. This is easy if I use the functions polygon and arc, but I want that the polygon with a circular side have background colour. The polygon created with function polygon can have background colour, but the surface created with function arc can?t have background colour. How I could create a
2009 Mar 30
circular analysis
Hi, I am looking for a way to analyze a dataset with a circular dependent variable and three independent factors. To be specific, the circular variable comprises of arrival times of pollinators to flowers. The independent variables are pollinator species, flower sex and locality. I have failed to find a way how to include all three factors. The "circular" package seems to enable testing
2009 Mar 29
Problem with circular::plot.circular()
require(circular) c <- circular(rep(0, 20), zero = pi/2, rotation = 'clock') plot(c, stack = TRUE, shrink = 1.5) Can anyone tell me why the stack is offset from 0? _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia Department of Psychology USPS: P.O.Box 400400 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400 Parcels: Room 102 Gilmer Hall McCormick
2006 Aug 03
bullseye or polar display of "circular" data
I have data for several rings of a left heart chamber, and which I would like to display in concentric rings, with color-encoding of the values. Each ring corresponds to one slice through the heart, and the rings correspond to positions from the base to the apex of the heart as you move from the outermost ring to the innermost one. The data have a circular pattern. These types of displays are
2008 Jun 04
[LLVMdev] Question about circular dependency checker
I'm not a LLVM developer, but I'll give it a try... On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Talin <viridia at> wrote: > I went and added a new file to the "Support" > directory (in include and lib). However, when I try to compile it, it > complains of a circular dependency error between libCore and libSupport: > > Circular dependency
2002 Nov 08
Polar plot, circular plot (angular data): II
Dear R-users, As noted by Paul Murrell < p.murrell at > there is errors in the code for polar plotting I send to R-help under the title "Polar plot, circular plot (angular data)" at Thu Oct 17 2002 - 12:18:20 CEST. Thanks! I have reorganized the code into a structure ('pp'). This allows plots to be modified to a greater extent by passing arguments by ...
2005 Nov 22
windrose (circular package) error in table (PR#8341)
Full_Name: Allyson Williams Version: 2.1.1 OS: Windows XP Submission from: (NULL) ( I'm using the 'Circular' package to plot windroses. I think the output table (see out2$table below) is incorrect when using different rotations. More precisely, when a rotation is used for the plot, the output table stuffs up. This example is from the code in the help notes, although the
2005 Sep 12
help for linear-circular correlation
Hi R-profs, Maybe my question is a little off topic. Could any one tell me how to calculate a linear-circular correlation coefficient and its p-values? I had a quick look at circular and CircStats packages and did not find the related function. Thanks for any kindly help. Xiaohua -- Xiaohua Dai, Dr. Centre for Systems Research, Durban Institute of Technology P.O.Box 953, Durban 4000, South
2016 Apr 08
(no) circular dependency
In that scenario, I would expect that QCA would suggest Venn and Venn would suggest QCA. Then there's no circular dependency problem. Hadley On Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 6:59 AM, Adrian Du?a <dusa.adrian at> wrote: > Hi Mark, > > Uhm... sometimes this is not always possible. > For example I have a package QCA which produces truth tables (all > combinations of
2015 Mar 13
How to detect out-of-sync condition
Thanks. I use dovecot's lda and dovecot's sieve filter. So it looks like I need to compare the index/mailbox mtimes as you suggest. What am I looking for? I see that the indexes are updated when I run the resync. I checked my mailbox (that was not resynced) and noticed that dovecot.index last update was 16 days ago. So am I resyncing if the gap is over x days? If so, is there a way to
2011 Jan 18
Circular variables within a GLM, GLM-GEE or GAM
Hi, I have a variable (current speed direction) which is circular (0=360 degrees), and I'd like my GLM to include the variable as a circular variable. Can I do this? And what is the code? I'm actually doing a GLM-GEE using the 'geepack' package, so want to use it in that, but also interested in whether it can also be used in GLMs and GAMs (I use the 'mgcv' package for
2011 Jan 14
[LLVMdev] Circular Deps from CMake build using makefile
Hello Óscar, The single-threaded build failed the same place as the double threaded build failed which is the same place I just indicated in my previous post. The ../llvm/configure script version failed with OCaml building with about 600 assembler errors since I built it in AMD64 mode. (Oops.) Should I disable OCaml from the configure script and try again? Assembler error, input left in
2009 Dec 18
[LLVMdev] [PATCH] Circular Buffered Debug Stream
On Dec 17, 2009, at 3:41 PM, David Greene wrote: > On Wednesday 16 December 2009 13:35, David Greene wrote: > >>> Please make BufferSize an 'unsigned' and default it to 8192. Please use >>> PRESERVE_STREAM instead of 'false'. > > Here's an updated version of the circular buffer. Ok to check in? This is looking a lot better, here are some more