similar to: [LLVMdev] Generics

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1200 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] Generics"

2011 Sep 14
[LLVMdev] Generics
> Hi, > > I'm about designing the compiler backend of my script language and I > have generic types in the language. An example is the array. An > array#int means array of integers. You can compare it to Java's > generics. Whenever i have a variable of the type "generic", the type > should be replaced by the really used type. > Now the question is: how do
2017 Dec 19
Register Allocation Graph Coloring algorithm and Others
Hi Leslie, I suggest adding these 3 papers to your reading list. Register allocation for programs in SSA-form Sebastian Hack, Daniel Grund, and Gerhard Goos Simple and Efficient Construction of Static Single Assignment Form Matthias Braun , Sebastian Buchwald , Sebastian Hack , Roland Leißa , Christoph Mallon , and Andreas
2009 Sep 16
[LLVMdev] Type strengthening and type weakening
Has anyone done any experiments with regards to type strengthening or weakening in the context of LLVM? For example, the GWT compiler does type strengthening - that is, if you are calling a method on an interface or abstract type, and the compiler determines through live variable analysis what the concrete type is, then it goes ahead and re-writes the type information to be the stronger
2009 Sep 16
[LLVMdev] Type strengthening and type weakening
Talin wrote: > For example, the GWT compiler does type strengthening - that is, if you > are calling a method on an interface or abstract type, and the compiler > determines through live variable analysis what the concrete type is, > then it goes ahead and re-writes the type information to be the stronger > type. The advantage is that it may then be able to do additional >
2015 May 30
FWD: enable forwarding to remote named sockets in ssh
Dear openssh developers, has the problem related to remote unix socket forwarding to a local port ever been fixed? (see message below: ssh -L 12345:/tmp/sock) I could not find any code containing the patch (maybe i am looking in the wrong places) I actually had the same problem and the feature is really handy if you are working on a windows machine. Help is apreciated. Thanks! Best
2009 Feb 18
[LLVMdev] Parametric polymorphism
> Why do you say that people who compile, e.g., functional languages > would benefit from type variables in LLVM? > I like the level the LLVM is at, and would prefer to deal with > instantiating parametric polymorphism at a higher level. I'm surprised you're happy with a non-polymorphic llvm. Does Cayenne target llvm? Dependent types take polymorphism to new heights -- but
2007 Nov 29
[LLVMdev] Boxing and vectors
So I now have a working first-order language that uses conventional boxing to handle polymorphism and with ints, floats and ('a -> 'a) functions. After a huge amount of detailed benchmarking in OCaml and F# I have decided that it is very important to be able to unbox complex numbers but no other compound types. As LLVM provides a vector type for power-of-two dimensionalities that
2009 Feb 18
[LLVMdev] Parametric polymorphism
Why do you say that people who compile, e.g., functional languages would benefit from type variables in LLVM? I like the level the LLVM is at, and would prefer to deal with instantiating parametric polymorphism at a higher level. On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 10:43 PM, DeLesley Hutchins <delesley.spambox at> wrote: >> I think many people were confused by this at first but an
2017 Oct 31
BoF - Gluster for VM store use case
During Gluster Summit, we discussed gluster volumes as storage for VM images - feedback on the usecase and upcoming features that may benefit this usecase. Some of the points discussed * Need to ensure there are no issues when expanding a gluster volume when sharding is turned on. * Throttling feature for self-heal, rebalance process could be useful for this usecase * Erasure coded volumes with
2014 Sep 17
[LLVMdev] Any support for zeroing buffers?
Hi, Is there any existing support/on going work for zeroing buffers in llvm infrastructure? (either in the form of intrinsics or IR code buffer erasure?) My basic "grep" did not show up any. Please let me know any info on this. I will be glad to hear out! -- Anitha
2007 Nov 30
[LLVMdev] Boxing and vectors
On Nov 29, 2007, at 16:06, Jon Harrop wrote: > So I now have a working first-order language that uses conventional > boxing to handle polymorphism and with ints, floats and ('a -> 'a) > functions. Cool. > After a huge amount of detailed benchmarking in OCaml and F# I have > decided that it is very important to be able to unbox complex > numbers but no other
2022 Sep 30
Project based in US for a Data Scientist
Yes. This position requires Python and SQL. Sorry for the confusion. On Fri, 30 Sep 2022 at 12:50, Ilya Kipnis <ilya.kipnis at> wrote: > The position explicitly asks for Python, not R. > > On Fri, Sep 30, 2022, 6:47 AM Eusebi Llensa <ellensa at> wrote: > >> Dear community, >> >> We are searching for a freelance data scientist to
2015 Jun 13
[LLVMdev] AliasAnalysis refactoring for the new pass manager
Greetings all, I'm working on refactoring the alias analysis layers to remove the usage of analysis groups and make the logic sharable between old and new pass managers, and I have a couple of questions below. As background, the overall plan that I've discussed with Hal and a few others previously is as follows: - Create an AliasAnalysisManager which is provided by a normal analysis
2009 Feb 18
[LLVMdev] Parametric polymorphism
> I think many people were confused by this at first but an excellent counter > example was provided in a previous thread: C99 ABIs can require that struct > return values are returned via a pointer to a preallocated struct passed as > an auxiliary argument *except* when you're talking about a C99 complex, in > which case the return value is conveyed in a completely different
2016 Feb 08
Utility to zero unused blocks on disk
DBAN is obsolete. NIST 800-88 for some time now says to use secure erase or enhanced security erase or crypto erase if supported. Other options do not erase data in remapped sectors. Chris Murphy
2017 Sep 23
EC 1+2
Is possible to create a dispersed volume 1+2 ? (Almost the same as replica 3, the same as RAID-6) If yes, how many server I have to add in the future to expand the storage? 1 or 3? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: <>
2017 Nov 01
BoF - Gluster for VM store use case
----- Original Message ----- > From: "Sahina Bose" <sabose at> > To: gluster-users at > Cc: "Gluster Devel" <gluster-devel at> > Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2017 11:46:57 AM > Subject: [Gluster-users] BoF - Gluster for VM store use case > > During Gluster Summit, we discussed gluster volumes as storage for VM
2017 Jun 29
Multi petabyte gluster
Thanks for the reply. We will mainly use this for archival - near-cold storage. Anything, from your experience, to keep in mind while planning large installations? Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone -------- Original message --------From: Serkan ?oban <cobanserkan at> Date: 6/29/17 4:39 AM (GMT-05:00) To: Jason Kiebzak <jkiebzak at> Cc: Gluster
2020 Jul 05
[RFC] carry-less multiplication instruction
<div> </div><div><div><p>Carry-less multiplication[1] instructions exist (at least optionally) on many architectures: armv8, RISC-V, x86_64, POWER, SPARC, C64x, and possibly more.</p><p>This proposal is to add a <code>llvm.clmul</code> instruction. Or if that is contentious, <code>llvm.experimental.bitmanip.clmul</code> instruction.
2020 Jul 02
RFC: Introducing CfgTraits and type-erased CfgInterface / CfgBlockRef / CfgValueRef
Hi all, This is a request for comment on a series of patches which introduce a new way of writing algorithms that are generic over different types of CFG. What is this? ============= This series of patches introduces a set of classes and templates for: 1. Working on basic blocks and values generically, in particular with the same algorithm implementation on both LLVM IR and MachineIR (in SSA