similar to: [LLVMdev] dragon egg adding extra characters to function names

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] dragon egg adding extra characters to function names"

2011 Jul 26
[LLVMdev] dragon egg adding extra characters to function names
Hi Gregory, > I'm looking at compiling some pieces of the standard library with llvm but I'm > running into problems with some functions being renamed by dragonegg. For > example, when I compile the acos implementation with plain gcc I get: > > $ nm acos.o > 0000000000000000 r .LC1 > 0000000000000048 r .LC10 > 0000000000000050 r .LC11 > 0000000000000058 r .LC12
2011 Jul 27
[LLVMdev] dragon egg adding extra characters to function names
Hi Duncan, Ah, non-unicode email... In the llvm output there should be a "1" character, i.e. (char) 0x01, prepended to acos and __GI_acos. I'm unable to get it on smaller things, but it happens when I try to compile uClibc with llvm. I've attached the .o and the .bc for comparison. The text file is the result after preprocessing (to avoid having to download a bunch of stuff).
2004 Jan 26
Crashed kernel System - fully (except kernel) updated RedHat 7.3. Filesystems - ext3 in default ordered mode. What could be the cause of the crash? Kernel update will solve the problem? Thanks, Mindaugas
2011 Jul 27
[LLVMdev] dragon egg adding extra characters to function names
Hi Gregory, > Ah, non-unicode email... In the llvm output there should be a "1" character, > i.e. (char) 0x01, prepended to acos and __GI_acos. I'm unable to get it on > smaller things, but it happens when I try to compile uClibc with llvm. I've > attached the .o and the .bc for comparison. The text file is the result after > preprocessing (to avoid having to
2003 Sep 26
weak password checking for samba 3 ?
I've got a problem with some idiots of my users :=). They always use weak passwords. Does anyone know a way to find out which passwords are easy to crack? I mean usual passwords like god, sex, password, $username, .... I use tdb as password database. thank you, livius
2009 Aug 20
No subject
leave it for another day to be sure. > It would help running the driver in debug mode > > /path/to/usbhid-ups -DDD -a upsname > > The interesting parts will have 'HIDGetDataValue' in them and a few > lines before that will tell us which report it attempted to retrieve. I've done that and included the syslog output in the same file. The logfile is attached and
2002 Oct 11
Help - Moutning XP Drives on Linux box using.
Hey all. I've got four computers in a small network (Actually more, but keeping it simple to get to the point) 1> Linux Server (RH7.3) Running Samba (Default version with RH7.3) 2> Windows 2000 Workstation 3> Windows XP Pro. 4> Windows 98SE All of the windows boxes can connect, without problems, to the SAMBA server, and all the shares. No problems
2012 Apr 02
Calculating NOEL using R and logistic regression - Toxicology
Hello, I used the glm function in R to fit a dose-response relationship and then have been using dose.p to calculate the LC50, however I would like to calculate the NOEL (no observed effect level), ie the lowest dose above which responses start occurring. Does anyone know how to do this? [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2016 Jun 07
llvm intrinsics/libc/libm question
I'm trying to figure out exactly how the intrinsics/libc/libm work in llvm. For example, this code return user defined function: float acos(float x, float y) { return x+y; } float a; void foo(float b, float c) { a = acos(b, c); } But this code returns llvm.intrinsic: float acos(float, float); float a; void foo(float b, float c) { a = acos(b, c); } float acos(float x, float y) {
2006 Sep 18
acos(0.5) == pi/3 FALSE
Hello, I don't know if the result of acos(0.5) == pi/3 is a bug or not. It looks strange to me. Inaki Murillo
2012 Jan 20
a question about taylor.diagram in plotrix package
Hi. I have a question about the taylor.diagram() in plotrix package. How can I control the label "correlation"? In the embedded figure you can see the label "correlation" is too close to the ticks. How can I move it and make it larger? Another problem is the labels "0.95" and "0.99" are too close to the plotting area. I do not find any method to control
2016 Jun 07
llvm intrinsics/libc/libm question
On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 1:57 PM, Ryan Taylor <ryta1203 at> wrote: > Tim, > > Currently, I have to do multiple things: > > 1) create some setLibcallNames in XXXISelLowering.cpp to generate correct > naming for RTLIBS. > 2) lower ISD down to an RTLIB for some calls (and then do solution 1 on > those to get correct names) These solve a related but different -
2005 Mar 29
strange result of acos
Hi all, I have to calculate an expression using acos -function. A strange result of acos appears *1. case with error* ss <- sin(10.74*pi/180)**2 +(cos(10.74*pi/180)*cos(10.74*pi/180)*cos(0*pi/180)) ss acos(ss) [1] NaN Warning message: NaNs produced in: acos(ss) *2. case without error* ss <- sin(10.7*pi/180)**2 +(cos(10.7*pi/180)*cos(10.7*pi/180)*cos(0*pi/180)) ss acos(ss)
2003 Nov 27
Getting rid of loops?
I wrote a function to calculate cosine distances between rows of a matrix. It uses two loops and is slow. Any suggestions to speed this up? Thanks in advance. theta.dist <- function(x){ res <- matrix(NA, nrow(x), nrow(x)) for (i in 1:nrow(x)){ for(j in 1:nrow(x)){ if (i > j) res[i, j] <- res[j, i] else { v1 <- x[i,] v2 <- x[j,]
2016 Jun 14
llvm intrinsics/libc/libm question
If I do T.getArch() == xxx TLI.setUnavailable(LibFunc::copysign) then this works at generating a call instead of not being able to select the ISD::FCOPYSIGN, but I don't know why I don't need to do this for other LibFunc functions (such as floor, etc... these generate call just fine)? Thanks, Ryan On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 11:58 AM, Ryan Taylor <ryta1203 at> wrote:
2016 Jun 07
llvm intrinsics/libc/libm question
Tim, Are you referring to setLibcallName? That is target specific yes but there isn't RTLIB for most of the libm functions, for example, for acos this doesn't apply. Ideally what I would like is to create a libc with functions like acos called something like __xxx_acos that can still be recognized to be optimized. RTLIB is pretty limited but it works fine, I can just use
2008 Aug 07
panel.arrows problem in custom panel function
Dear List, I am writing a custom panel function and xyplot method to plot the results of a procrustes analysis from the vegan package. I am having trouble getting the call to panel.arrows to work as I wish when conditioning. The attached file contains the function definitions for the xyplot method and the custom panel and prepanel functions I am using. This example, using data and functions from
2012 Jan 30
about changing line type and line width in Taylor Diagram
Dear all, I am new to plotting Taylor Diagram using plotrix package within R, hence this post. I have written a script which plots Taylor Diagram with one reference and 7 model values. However the font size, line width and line type are not clear when saving the diagram as a jpeg file. I tried the functions lty, lwd and font but no apparent change. I am attaching the script here. Any help would
2004 Jan 21
derivative of atan(x) and similar functions
Dear R experts. 'D()' function recognizes some of the analitical functions, such as sin, cos, etc. But I'd like to take analytical derivatives from asin, atan etc. functions. Are there any R packages providing that features? Thanks. -- Timur.
2017 Mar 20
-ffast-math optimizations impacted by symbol renaming in header files
Hi, I came across an issue where some optimizations that would normally be applied to standard math function calls are not getting applied when the –ffast-math option is enabled on the Clang command line on a Linux x86_64 target. I tracked down the issue to occurring because the –ffast-math option is triggering Clang to preprocess the math.h header file with the __FINITE_MATH_ONLY__ macro set