Displaying 20 results from an estimated 11000 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] regarding LLVM Pass"
2011 Mar 24
[LLVMdev] regarding LLVM Pass
On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 9:15 PM, Gondi, Kalpana <kgondi2 at uic.edu> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am a newbie to LLVM and I would like to write an LLVM pass where I can
> transform C code. Say, I would like to introduce a print statement after
> every loop. Could you please provide me any hints as how I should proceed
> to write such transformation using LLVM?
> Also, I would like
2011 Mar 24
[LLVMdev] regarding LLVM Pass
Hi, Gondi
> Finally, did anyone compile Linux kernel using LLVM and booted the same? I
> am facing the error like "unsupported inline asm:...".
It seems that LLVM does not support all inline assembly.
Wei-Ren Chen (陳韋任)
Parallel Processing Lab, Institute of Information Science,
Academia Sinica, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel:886-2-2788-3799 #1667
2013 Aug 27
error installing ggm package
I'm new to R and trying to use the ggm package and I get the following
> library("ggm",
Loading required package: graph
Error: package ‘graph’ could not be loaded
In addition: Warning message:
In library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, lib.loc =
lib.loc) :
there is no
2012 Feb 21
Dataframes in PLS package
I have been working with the pls procedure and have problems getting the
procedure to work with matrix or frame data. I suspect the problem lies in
my understanding of frames, but can't find anything in the documentation
that will help.
Here is what I have done:
I read in an 10000 x 8 table of data, and assign the first four columns to
matrix A and the second four to matrix B
pls <-
2014 Jan 03
[LLVMdev] [cfe-dev] Goal for 3.5: Library-friendly headers
On 03/01/2014 21:55, Chandler Carruth wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 1:20 AM, Chris Lattner <clattner at apple.com
> <mailto:clattner at apple.com>> wrote:
> n Nov 11, 2013, at 12:09 PM, Alp Toker <alp at nuanti.com
> <mailto:alp at nuanti.com>> wrote:
> >> Even when you have a !NDEBUG build, the platform assert() is pretty
2023 Apr 03
Simple Stacking of Two Columns
Hi R-Helpers,
Sorry to bother you, but I have a simple task that I can't figure out how to do.
For example, I have some names in two columns
and I simply want to get a single column
2023 Apr 03
Simple Stacking of Two Columns
You were on the right track using stack(), but you just pass the entire data frame as a single object, not the separate columns:
> stack(NamesWide)
? values ? ind
1 ? ?Tom Name1
2 ? Dick Name1
3 ?Larry Name2
4 ?Curly Name2
Note that stack also returns the index (second column of 'ind' values), which tells you which column in the source data frame the stacked values originated
2008 Jan 27
OR estimate
I have a loop with 1000 repetitions which includes OR computation of an
exposure factor and outcome.
I compute OR like this:
This gives me the estimates for exposure=0 and exposure=1 but exposure=0 is
the reference group and i need only the estimate for exposure=1.
I specified a matrix OR with 3 columns (for OR
2018 May 18
A Short Policy Proposal Regarding Host Compilers
I've heard just about zero opposition to this, so I've put a code review together here: https://reviews.llvm.org/D47073
With the intent of either implementing this policy change, or encouraging further discussion/bikeshed.
Thanks all!
-----Original Message-----
From: Brooks Davis [mailto:brooks at freebsd.org]
Sent: Sunday, May 13, 2018 10:34 AM
To: Keane, Erich <erich.keane
2011 Mar 25
Appending data to a data.frame and writing a csv
Dear R helpers
exposure <- data.frame(id = c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20),
ead = c(9483.686,50000,6843.4968,10509.37125,21297.8905,50000,706152.8354, 62670.5625, 687.801995,50641.4875,59227.125,43818.5778,52887.72534,601788.7937, 56813.14859,4012356.056,1419501.179,210853.4743,749961,6599.0862),
pd =
2011 May 10
Cumulative dose in survival models
Dear List,
I want to fit a CPH survival model with a time-dependent cumulative exposure variable. More specifically, I have exposure measurements for all cohort members at discrete times (yearly measurements) during follow-up.
I suppose that when estimating the model parameters the most correct would be to have the cumulative exposure for everybody at risk at each death time, as I cannot
2014 Feb 13
How do I initiate a shutdown sequence immediately after losing line power?
Is there a way to tell upsd to initiate a shutdown sequence (i.e. run
SHUTDOWNCMD) immediately after losing line power and switching the state
to OB?
I'm using an old battery and by the time it reaches LB state, it's
already too late for a clean shutdown.
Another solution would be to change the LB percentage. It currently
reads (upsc):
battery.charge.low: 10
Is there a way to
2009 Sep 09
"predict"-fuction for metaMDS (vegan)
Dear r-Community,
Step1: I would like to calculate a NMDS (package vegan, function metaMDS) with species data.
Step2: Then I want to plot environmental variables over it, using function envfit.
The Problem: One of these environmental variables is cos(EXPOSURE). But for flat releves there is no exposure. The value is missing and I can't call it 0 as 0 stands for east and west. Therefore I
2006 Oct 11
Adding TrippLite SMART550 / Protocol 2001 Support
I have added preliminary support for the TrippLite protocol number 2001
into tripplite_usb.c. The attached file is supplied as a patch against
today's SVN.
This patch adds support for TrippLite SMART550USB and some Omni models.
Tested are On Line, On Battery, Battery Good, and Battery Bad indication.
Everything else seems to work, but this UPS is attached to a critical
system, and I can
2009 Aug 26
Statistical question about logistic regression simulation
Hi R help list
I'm simulating logistic regression data with a specified odds ratio
(beta) and have a problem/unexpected behaviour that occurs.
The datasets includes a lognormal exposure and diseased and healthy
Here is my loop:
ors <- vector()
for(i in 1:200){
# First, I create a vector with a lognormally distributed exposure:
n <- 10000 # number of study subjects
2007 Jan 06
Using VGAM's vglm function for ordinal logistic regression
I am using the vglm function of the VGAM library to perform proportional
odds ordinal logistic regression. The issue that I would like help with
concerns the format in which the response variable must be provided for
this function to work correctly. Consider the following example:
pneumo # Inspect the format of the original dataset
2009 Sep 04
NA in cca (vegan)
Dear all,
I would like to calculate a cca (package vegan) with species and environmental data. One of these environmental variables is cos(EXPOSURE).
The problem: for flat releves there is no exposure. The value is missing and I can't call it 0 as 0 stands for east and west.
The cca does not run with missing values. What can I do to make vegan cca ignoring these missing values?
Thanks a lot,
2019 Jan 08
A Short Policy Proposal Regarding Host Compilers
I’d like us to move forward with something along the lines Erich proposed back in May, ideally early enough in the LLVM 8 release process that people testing the release will be able to provide feedback.
Are there any remaining concerns?
> On May 23, 2018, at 6:21 AM, Keane, Erich via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at lists.llvm.org> wrote:
> Hi all-
> I just wanted to bump this again,
2010 Nov 16
Offset in glm poisson using R vs Exposure in Stata
I am hoping to find someone who uses both R and program Stata for GLMs.
I am a beginner R user, finding my own way through; learning code etc. at the same time as learning the statistics I need to complete my project.
What I have is the code from Stata and am trying to reproduce the same analysis in R - my program of choice.
. glm count md ms rf sg, family(poisson)
2005 Apr 15
inconsistent fonts generated in postscript file (PR#7795)
Full_Name: Xiang Li
Version: 2.01
Submission from: (NULL) (
I am trying to use the font of "TT Courier New: bold" to get the equal size of
letters. The "TT Courier New: bold" is the 11th font listed in the Rdevga file.
You can just try a simple case:
plot(1:10, 1:10, xlab = "XILMV", font.lab = 11)
I save the plot in postscript format,