similar to: [LLVMdev] How to extend llvm IR and frontend?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] How to extend llvm IR and frontend?"

2011 Jan 21
[LLVMdev] How to extend llvm IR and frontend?
On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 4:32 PM, Aaron Myles Landwehr <snaphat at> wrote: > Hypothetically, suppose I have a generic system with multiple address spaces > such that each address space is accessed using different instructions. > Now suppose, I wanted to add a new keywords 'foo' and 'bar' to the front of > c variables and function return types such that
2013 Nov 24
[LLVMdev] x86_64 code generation defects when SSE instructions are disabled
Hi all, Recently, I discovered a defect in GCC's code generation for x86_64 targets when SSE is disabled. Upon testing with LLVM 3.2, I found that it also has the same issues so I'm linking a GCC bug report I made. The proposed solution for the second issue listed there also applies to LLVM: As I noted in the bug report, I'm not sure
2009 Oct 19
[LLVMdev] Using address space attribute in LLVM
Hello, What is the correct way to use address_space attribute? For CLANG, I used the below code, but when I tried the same with LLVM, I got a warning. Thanks in advance, Juan Carlos ----------------------------- Code used: #define GS_RELATIVE __attribute__((address_space(256))) int foo(int GS_RELATIVE *P) { return *P; } int main(){ return (1); } ------------------------------
2011 Jul 30
[LLVMdev] Problem while selfhosting LLVM and Clang
Hi, all I am trying to selfhost LLVM and Clang. Below is my flow, Step 1. Build LLVM and Clang by using native gcc $ ../llvm-2.9/configure --prefix=$INSTALL \ --enable-optimized Step 2. Build LLVM and Clang by using clang built by step 1 $ CC=clang CXX=clang++ ../llvm-2.9/configure \ --prefix=$INSTALL --enable-optimized But in step 2, I have a compilation error below, -- llvm[1]:
2014 Dec 06
[LLVMdev] instruction/intrinsic for segmented adressing
Thanks again for your help! > >> > >> Probably fairly minimal in most cases (on x86). On ARM there is > >> definitely a cost. > >> > > hm... why? You cannot have indexed addressing? > What I need is a way to force > The code that needs to be emitted is roughly: > [..."segment"-offset into x1...] > mrs x0, tpidr_el0 >
2011 Apr 06
Limiting dtrace depth
If I use a simple dtrace script such as this: fbt::somefunc:entry{self->trace=1;} fbt::somefunc:return{self->trace=0;} fbt:::entry{} fbt:::return{printf("%lx", arg1);} then it will descend to whatever depth is necessary If I want to limit it to say 3 functions deep, how can I do that? The quick answer I want to use is to do "self->depth++" on each entry and then
2001 Sep 28
evaluating the contents of a string
Hi, suppose I do: b <- matrix(1:9,3,3) bname <- "b" now dim(b) returns [1] 3 3 and dim(bname) returns NULL is there a function to pass bname to such that dim returns the dimensions of b? like dim(somefunc(bname)) returns [1] 3 3 does 'somefunc' exist? daver +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |David Richmond It
2008 Jun 10
Unraveling a FAR*
Hi all, Just looking over fole_s_connect() in win32ole.c and I noticed this bit: hr = CLSIDFromProgID(pBuf, &clsid); ... hr = GetActiveObject(&clsid, 0, &pUnknown); ... hr = pUnknown->lpVtbl->QueryInterface( pUnknown, &IID_IDispatch, (void **)&pDispatch ); Using win32-api, that would be something like: IID_IUnknown =
2011 Nov 02
[LLVMdev] annotations preventing optimizations/cleanup?
I created a plugin to add simple Annotations to VarDecls and FieldDecls, and write this modified AST out to a file. I notice that when I use clang to compile this file I get different code then when I use the source directly. In both cases I'm compiling with -O4. Can anyone explain this? Thanks define i32 @somefunc(i32 (i32)* %ptr) nounwind uwtable { entry: %ptr.addr = alloca i32 (i32)*,
2016 Nov 07
[llvm] To link or not to link
Hi, I have migrated an LLVM front-end from LLVM 3.5 to 3.8 and now to 3.9 and ORC, and there is a concept which I could not transfer. Consider: extern "C" { void somefunc() {} } … auto llvmfunc = llvm::Function::Create(type, llvmFunction::PrivateLinkage, "bla", module)); executionengine.addGlobalMapping(llvmfunc, &somefunc); // now I have llvmfunc to work with and
2004 Nov 04
Conversion of strings to expressions
Hello, I'm not sure how to state my question in a technically accurate manner, so I'll use a short example to clarify my problem: Say I have a vector, vec<-c(1,2,3,2) I would like to be able to "reference" the vector by using the string containing the name of the vector - that is, I would like to know of some function which is able to convert the string "vec"
2011 Nov 02
[LLVMdev] annotations preventing optimizations/cleanup?
> I created a plugin to add simple Annotations to VarDecls and > FieldDecls, and write this modified AST out to a file. I notice that > when I use clang to compile this file I get different code then when I > use the source directly. In both cases I'm compiling with -O4. Can > anyone explain this? This is how clang implements annotations on local variables, that's all.
2009 Apr 24
passing a value to a js function via button_to_function
I''ve got a table of what I call resources, want to show in a jQuery dialog a particular record when user clicks button in a row. in the table I''m doing: <td><%=button_to_function ''Show'',''showresource1()'',:class =>"ui-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all", :id => %></td> js: <script
2005 Apr 27
caches_page questions
I''m attempting to use caches_page to speed up the loading of certain pages on my site, and have run into a couple questions: 1) The site has ''states'' (as in U.S. states), so I have a State model and a States controller. Going to http://sitename/states/ routes you to the States controller, ''index'' action. The States controller looks like so: class
2020 Mar 12
support of `substitute(...())`
Dear R Core Team, I learnt approx. two years ago in this mailing list that one can use the following "trick" to get a (dotted pair)list of the ellipsis arguments inside a function: `substitute(...())` Now my problem is that I can not find any occurrence of this call within the R source - the most frequent solution there is `substitute(list(...))[-1L] ` I would like to know if: 1)
2017 Aug 05
by() subset by factor gives unexpected results
I am having trouble understanding how the 'by' function works. Using this bit of code: i <- data.frame(x=c(1,2,3), y=c(0,0,0), B=c("red","blue","blue")) j <- data.frame(x=c(1,2,3), y=c(1,1,1), B=c('red','blue','green')) plot(0, 0, type="n", xlim=c(0,4), ylim=c(0,1)) by(i, i$B, function(s){ points(s$x, s$y, col=s$B) })
2009 Aug 02
Non sparse extend init issue
The patch was created against a 1.4 tree. However, it applies cleanly to mainline too. The patch has been lightly tested. I am running fill_verify_holes on a non sparse volume currently. Please review. Sunil
2009 Dec 31
Dialplans & Holiday Dates
I have a working dialplan for our phone system with Mon-Fri, business hours identification, etc. But what I'm lacking right now is support for company holiday dates. What I'd like to do is to create a database of these dates and just update them as new years rollover. I suspect others have done this sort of thing with Asterisk before, but I've not found any resources so far.
2005 May 27
undefined method `>' for nil:NilClass
I''m following the Depot tutorial in the Rails book, and have just hit a wall. As instructed by the tutorial, I added the following code to the Product model: protected def validate errors.add(:price, "should be positive") unless price > 0.0 end When I attempt to add a new product, I''m getting an error: undefined method `>'' for nil:NilClass
2017 Aug 05
by() subset by factor gives unexpected results
The answer was (thanks to Mark Leeds) to do with the use of a factor instead of a vector. on [2017-08-05] at 08:57 Myles English writes: > I am having trouble understanding how the 'by' function works. Using > this bit of code: > > i <- data.frame(x=c(1,2,3), y=c(0,0,0), B=c("red","blue","blue")) > j <- data.frame(x=c(1,2,3),