similar to: [LLVMdev] Arm Target

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] Arm Target"

2010 Dec 07
[LLVMdev] Arm Target
On Dec 6, 2010, at 10:09 PM, ankur jain wrote: > Thanx bob . > We have been facing problem in memory allocation related stuff. > If we start our application code using a memory allocation then things work fine. > however without such explicit memory allocation that to a pointer which is never used ,our applcation crashes. It is not very likely that this kind of problem is due to the
2010 Dec 03
[LLVMdev] wxGTK sample app compiled by llvm crashes on arm
* *Hello, I am using llvm-2.7 to run a native(executable) on a arm processor. I have built my wxGtk sample app with llvm-gcc as frontend . I am using llvm-2.7 and llvm-gcc-4.2. I built llvm-2.7 with: ../llvm-2.7/configure --prefix=/home/install-llvm --enable-optimized --enable-assertions and llvm gcc with: ../llvm-gcc-4.2-2.7.source/configure --prefix=/home//gcc-disable-shared
2003 Oct 27
Windows Build - Down to Run Time Errors
I finally got a clean compile and link for wxRuby. Now I''m down to deciphering runtime errors. Once again, I''m going to pick up on this tomorrow, but I thought I''d post my console output tonight to see if anyone has any thoughts before I tackle this tomorrow. I''m running the same app "minimal.rb" E:\Dev\RubyDev\wxruby\samples\minimal>ruby
2003 Nov 07
Hi! Is drag''n''drop works currently under wxruby? I want an app, where you can drag files from a wxlistctrl to a wxtreectrl. Can anyone show a little example? Gergo -- +-[ Kontra, Gergely<> PhD student Room IB113 ]---------+ | "Olyan langesz vagyok, hogy | | Mobil:(+36 20) 356 9656 ICQ: 175564914 poroltoval
2005 Jun 10
Shaping incoming bandwidth
Hello Everyone, i''m having problem in limiting bandwith on my external interface in the server. i''m having a network here which is online via a linux server with cbq compiled in kernel. i''m having eth0 as internal network card, eth 1 as external network card my internet bandwith line is 8kbps on eth1 i want to limit this 8kbps to 4kbps at eth1 and no shaping on
2010 Dec 06
[LLVMdev] wxGTK sample app compiled by llvm crashes on arm
Thanx for a prompt reply. I will definitely try llvm 2.8 as per your suggestion. However Step 1 and Step 2 are working for me in case of a simple hello world program on arm processor . Similarly I am able to run a GTK application on arm. However while running wxGTKwidget app it crashes while allocation of memory. As I mentioned earlier, If I explicitly allocate memory using new operation then
2003 Nov 24
wxImageHandler type?
Hiya, I was trying to figure out how to display PNG files using wxWindows/wxRuby. Google turned up a few things, mainly discussing the wxImageHandler class and it''s children, etc, but there seems to be no mention of them in the wxRuby source. Are they there, and I missed them, or are they just not there? If there not there, is there a quick and dirty way to get them in? It seems like
2006 Aug 24
TreeCtrl background?
On my windows build, I just noticed that the background of my TextCtrl''s is grey by default, and when I try to set the default style I get the error: TestTextCtrl.rb:15:in `set_default_style'': undefined method `'' for #<Wxruby2::TextCtrl:0x360a0c4> (NoMethodError) from TestTextCtrl.rb:15:in `initialize'' from TestTextCtrl.rb:24:in
2009 Sep 05
Filling Wx::ListCtrl with contents
Hi all, I''ve got a question concerning ListCtrl_virtual of wxRuby since I see no way filling the list with dynamic contents. I''m new to Ruby so I maybe have to apologise for my request. The problem is, that I have to define the on_get_item_text(item, col) function. There I would like to use the item and col variables to read data from a two-dimensional array. My very problem
2010 Sep 09
Wx::Grid and motion events, bug?
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hi there, Doesn''t a Wx::Grid get motion events sent? This code demonstrates the problem: - -------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/env ruby #Encoding: UTF-8 require "wx" class MyFrame < Wx::Frame include Wx def initialize(parent = nil) super(parent, title: "Test", size:
2010 Oct 18
How to run the application Rubyonrails's on the server (localhost)
i have download the source code of ,this is a rubyonrails applcation.but i dont know how to run it on my computer. i have installed ruby,rails,apache,mysql(Just install) Besides this i know nothing. please somebody help how to run the rubyonrails applcation at server at own computer Thanks in advance -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
2008 Jan 08
1.9.3 release, rakefile
Hi I''d like to put out a 1.9.3 release perhaps later this week/weekend. If you have a chance to test the build and samples esp with latest rubygems, please do. There are still some bugs on the list, and samples to do, but this should address all the build/install probs that have come up. And it would be good to get some testing and feedback on some of the new classes. A note on the
2009 Jun 30
Using functions to change values in a data.frame
I'm having trouble with something that looks easy. (And I'm sure it will be easier within about 1 minute of receiving my first response.) Thanks in advance. I have a collection of data frames that I need to add columns, do some calculations and then fill in the new columns. Since I have a large number of similar data frames I want to do this with functions to make the code more readable
2007 Sep 05
centering MessageDialog
Hi, is there any way to center the default Wx::MessageDialog or Wx::message_box on parent (owner) instead of screen? I haven''t found any constant other than Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION. thanks for your help. fabio. _______________________________________________ wxruby-users mailing list
2009 Jul 01
?max (so far...)
Hi, I have a data.frame that is date ordered by row number - earliest date first and most current last. I want to create a couple of new columns that show the max and min values from other columns *so far* - not for the whole data.frame. It seems this sort of question is really coming from my lack of understanding about how R intends me to limit myself to portions of a data.frame. I get the
2009 Jul 01
running count in data.frame
Hi, I need to keep a running count of events that have happened in my data.frame. I found a document called usingR that had an example of doing this for random coin flips and I tried to modify it. It seems to sort of work in the beginning, but then it stops and I don't understand why. I'm trying to duplicate essentially the Excel capability of =SUM($A$1:$A(Row number)) The example
2012 Nov 09
if between 500-600 give 550
I have a data frame somewhat like this: myframe <- data.frame (ID=c(2,3,4,5), Hunger =c(415,452,550,318 )) myframe Now I would like to add a column to the right which summarizes the values for Hunger somewhat to reduce the number of values: If the values for Hunger are between 300-400 I would like to insert the number 350, between 400-500 insert 450 between 500-600 insert 550 Does
2003 Oct 25
Windows Compile Error
I''ve gotten a lot farther building wxRuby than I did a few months ago. But its getting late here and I''m going to bed. In the meantime, does anyone know why I''m getting this compile error: Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved. cl -MD -Zi -O2b2xg- -G6
2012 Sep 26
average environmental data if AnimalID and Time is duplicated
Hello, I tried for about three hours now to solve this problem but I can't figure it out. I am sure someone knows how do it. At least I hope so. I have a data frame somewhat like this: myframe <- data.frame (ID=c("Ernie", "Ernie", "Bert", "Bert"), Timestamp=c("24.09.2012 09:00", "24.09.2012 09:00", "24.09.2012 10:00",
2013 Sep 15
Data labels in R
I need to put labels in plot in R. Can someone please help? The labels are in the excel file and loaded into "lables" library(xlsx) library(zoo) fPTAnalysis<-"Input.xls" data<-read.xlsx(fPTAnalysis,9) lables<-subset(data, select=c(Labels)) data<-subset(data, select=c(Date,col1, col2 )) data<-read.zoo(data) plot(data) -- Regards, Ankur Seth [[alternative