similar to: [LLVMdev] building only libs with cmake

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] building only libs with cmake"

2010 Oct 18
[LLVMdev] building only libs with cmake
Jochen Wilhelmy <j.wilhelmy at> writes: > is it possible to build only the libs (and no executables) with cmake? > I already have LLVM_BUILD_TOOLS:BOOL=OFF > and CLANG_BUILD_EXAMPLES:BOOL=OFF but things like Kaledoscope > are still built. LLVM_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF
2010 Oct 18
[LLVMdev] building only libs with cmake
Now I have -DLLVM_INCLUDE_EXAMPLES:BOOL=OFF but Kaleidoscope is still there and selected for build (-G "Visual Studio 9 2008") -Jochen
2010 Oct 18
[LLVMdev] building only libs with cmake
>> Now I'm using LLVM_BUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF and I have >> >> //Build LLVM example programs. >> LLVM_BUILD_EXAMPLES:BOOL=OFF >> >> in the cmakecache.txt file but it also does not seem to >> work. >> > > What that means? LLVM_BUILD_EXAMPLES shall create build targets for the > examples but do not build them when you build the ALL_BUILD
2014 Dec 03
[LLVMdev] FAQ update and Question on minimum build
Sorry to trouble you, great software, I have it on Ubuntu 14.10, Windows 10 and now I was trying ARM: I have been trying to build a working Cland+LLVM for 4 days now, ARM Radxa Rock Pro Quad 1.6Ghz 2GB memory I'm building on an SD card, I tried 4GB and died(space thing), 8GB and died(again with the space thing) so I read everything I could find on building only a minimum testing build and I
2019 Mar 29
How to build only the necessary components with MSVC
I configure LLVM build with this command cd llvm-8.0.0.src & md buildsys-x64-MT & cd buildsys-x64-MT & cmake -G "Ninja" -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=X86 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_USE_CRT_RELEASE=MT -DLLVM_ENABLE_RTTI=1 -DLLVM_ENABLE_TERMINFO=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../x64-MT .. The number of build objects grew with every major release to 1660 for LLVM 7 and 1761 for
2019 Oct 25
RFC: Adding IR Transformation examples/tutorial code to llvm-project
Am Fr., 25. Okt. 2019 um 17:32 Uhr schrieb Florian Hahn <florian_hahn at>: >> 2.Chris Bieneman seeks to simplify the cmake build system, including >> significantly reducing the number of configuration parameters and >> making "make all" really make everything, including examples. This >> would make the overall configure process slower even when not
2015 May 23
[LLVMdev] Shared libs build failing since yesterday
Hi, I have a debug build with shared libraries (to reduce compilation time), but since yesterday, it's failing with an ExecutionEngine error: FAILED: : && /usr/lib/ccache/bin/c++ -fPIC -fPIC -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -Wall -W -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings -Wcast-qual -Wno-missing-field-initializers -pedantic -Wno-long-long -Wno-maybe-uninitialized -Wno-comment -std=c++11
2019 Oct 24
RFC: Adding IR Transformation examples/tutorial code to llvm-project
Hi, I’d like to propose adding a new example directory (llvm/examples/IRTransforms) as a new home for example code used by various tutorials. After talking to a few people at the Developers meeting, it became clear to me that it would be valuable to have the code examples for various tutorials in-tree to keep them from bit-rotting and make it very easy to build them. I’d suggest adding new IR
2010 Jan 21
[LLVMdev] how to compile asm output for x86 with Micorsoft's ML
I was recently trying to compile some bitcode generated like so: llc --x86-asm-syntax=intel test.out it generates a test.out.s file, and while I'm not much of an assembly person, it looks OK. When I feed this to ML ml test.out.s I get tons of errors, most of which appear to be syntax errors. Stuff like: test.out.s(2) : error A2008:syntax error : . error A2008:syntax error :
2019 Oct 25
RFC: Adding IR Transformation examples/tutorial code to llvm-project
On Fri, Oct 25, 2019 at 2:43 PM Michael Kruse via llvm-dev < llvm-dev at> wrote: > I like the idea and already discussed it with Kit Barton. > > Two concerns that I had: > > 1. Keeping them in-tree requires them to be up-to-date, a potential > additional maintenance burden. This might be what we want, but I get > less enthusiastic when thinking about
2018 Sep 17
build llvm fails under win7 x64/VS2017
my build environment: Win7 x64 VStudio 2017 Community Edition 15.8.4 (latest) CMake 3.12.1 (x86) git 2.19.0 (latest, x64) Python 2.7.2 (x86) my build steps: open VS2017 x64 developer command prompt cd D:\projects\fun\jit_tests mkdir llvm cd llvm git clone mkdir llvm-build cd llvm-build cmake -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON
2011 Nov 04
[LLVMdev] Question on JIT optimizations
Hi, If hope this is the right list to post a question like this. If not, my apologies -- please redirect me. Following the Kaledoscope example I am trying to write a simple JIT and compile my own small language using LLVM. Compilation happens using the C++ api by constructing a VM and emitting code using the api (just as the Kaledoscope example). The code in this setup will be optimized
2010 Oct 09
[LLVMdev] how to disable command line options in llvm libs
Hi! I'd like to use llvm::cl as it seems quite easy to use, but there currently seems to be a major drawback: if I do -help then all options from all llvm libs that I have included are shown, but I just have an input file and output file to specify. Is it possible to disable the existing options? For example by assigning each option a flag. One flag could be for llvm options, another for
2016 Jan 25
Building LLVM 3.7.1 on OS X
Hello, I haven't found any relevant info in the docs about this. I'm trying to build LLVM 3.7.1 on OS X but it fails in the configuration phase. Here are the relevant parts of the output: $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/Volumes/HD2/jenkins/workspace/LLVMDev/label/osxbuild/miniconda/envs/_build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD=host -DLLVM_INCLUDE_TESTS=OFF
2010 Mar 03
[LLVMdev] folding x * 0 = 0
Hi! > sin/cos etc should already be handled by lib/Analysis/ConstantFolding.cpp. > Thanks for the hint and it works! Now I have a new Problem: I have this function: float foo(float a, float b) { float x = a * b * 0.0f; return cos(0.5) * sin(0.5) * x; }; after compiling it with clang (cpp mode) and renaming _ZSt3sinf to sin and _ZSt3cosf to cos I get the following: define
2010 Jan 21
[LLVMdev] how to compile asm output for x86 with Micorsoft's ML
Jim Crafton <jim.crafton at> writes: [snip] > I looked around a bit but couldn't find anything. The example on the > llvm site mentions being able to compile to C code, but when I try llc > -march=c test.out > > it errors out with: > error: invalid target 'c'. [snip] > Registered Targets: > x86 - 32-bit X86: Pentium-Pro and above
2010 Jan 21
[LLVMdev] how to compile asm output for x86 with Micorsoft's ML
> By default, the cmake build generates Visual Studio project files for > the X86 target only. Take a look at > > > > for learning how to build other targets. OK thanks, I'll look at that. In the meantime, is it possible to get the assembly generated by llc to work wiht ML? That would probably be the ideal solution. Cheers Jim
2010 Nov 25
[LLVMdev] request for windows unicode support
Hi! Of course nobody wants to implement unicode support for windows because windows should support an utf8-locale and windows is obsolete anyway ;-) But there is a simple solution: use boost::filesystem::path everywhere you use file names and paths, for example in clang::FileManager::getFile. With version 3 opening a file is easy: std::fstream file(path.c_str()). Internally
2011 Feb 18
[LLVMdev] Please add .o writer example to next release
Hi! Is it possible that you add an example how to write a .o with llvm? Just like examples/ModuleMaker but instead of printing to stdout writing a .o file as starting point for the new MC functionality. -Jochen
2010 Mar 03
[LLVMdev] folding x * 0 = 0
On 3 March 2010 11:56, Jochen Wilhelmy <j.wilhelmy at> wrote: > > the sin and cos calls are folded, but not the mul by zero. > Is x*0 => 0 true if isnan(x)? And cos(x)*sin(x) makes me desperately want to fold it to sin(2*x)/2, but I suppose that's not allowed either.