similar to: Unicode support in FXRuby 1.6

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "Unicode support in FXRuby 1.6"

2006 Mar 21
How do I get substring of utf-8 string?
I''m trying to get substring from a utf-8 encoded string. (say, first 50 characters of the string) String#[0..49] would give me the first 50 bytes not 50 characters.. I know there is jcode library, but it only let you count number of characters in utf-8 string. unicode gem doesn''t seem to help much. unicode_hacks gem seem to solve the problem, but it also seems to
2006 Nov 14
umlauts problem...
Hi, I have a MSSQL db server which I am accessing from RoR. But the database has a table T with a field name ("Hölle") consisting of umlauts :( how to access this field?? Thanks, Ram -- Posted via --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on
2007 Apr 19
Chinese full text searching by acts_as_ferret?
How to add Chinese language full text searching function by using acts_as_ferret?,false) this analyzer, i don''t know how to use it! does it works like this: user searching---->acts_as_ferret---->ferret ???? -- Posted via
2006 Jan 17
textarea problem with accentued chars
Hello, I have a problem with accentued characters return from a textarea I have 3 simple files to show example ( below ). index.rhml : If I put "?nial" inside the textarea, then submit to :action => post post.rhml : wrote ?nial 195 "\303\251nial" // params[:comment][:message] return => ?nial params[:comment][:message][1] return => 195 ! ( 195 is not
2006 Jan 10
Validating Umlauts
Hi there, I''m building a rails application for German and English speakers. However, I''m having some problems validating German-specific characters (????). I have a tag-model which validates format of :name, :with => /^\w+$/. This throws an exception if german characters are used. My tables are all utf-8 and my environment.rb has the lines $KCODE = ''u''
2008 Aug 18
FXRuby FXScintilla question
Hello, I have started learning FXRuby about 2 weeks ago. Now I''m trying to launch the scintilla_test.rb from the fxruby-1.6 installation directory (/usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/fxruby-1.6.16/examples) and get this error: /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/fxruby-1.6.16/lib/fox16/kwargs.rb:2007:in `old_initialize'': wrong number of arguments (8 for 0) (ArgumentError) from
2007 Apr 29
Chinese full-text support! Still fail-_-
Hi all, I want to use ferrent in my website but when i input chinese words, i have the same symptom like Chengcai. In order to fix it, i have reviewed all the topics about chinese support in our forum and tried all the way your guys suggested but still made any progress. i downloaded the latest version of ferret from svn. Thanks and regards. captain Chengcai He wrote: > Hello everyone!
2009 Jun 06
FXRuby Installation failing
Hi Which is the most stable version of FXRuby that can be used with ruby 1.8.7 (2008-05-31 patchlevel 0)? I am having lots of trouble installing fxruby using gem. root at at91sam9263ek:~$ gem install fxruby-1.6.19.gem Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing fxruby-1.6.19.gem: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /usr/local/bin/ruby
2006 Jul 12
Does anyone work with iso-8859-1 database ?
hello, Our database is in is-8859-1, and I want to update some text fields without success due to some accentuate characters ?? ect ... In my html page (where the charset is iso-8859-19) my textarea display the accentuate characters well and when the user post the form ... I thought that I just need to save it .... without success since ruby map one byte for one character ... So I
2008 May 21
fxruby-google group
I have created a mirror of the fxruby-users mailing list in Google Groups ( I will remove it if anyone has a strong objection to its existence. Otherwise, I hope that it proves to be useful. Regards, Chris
2006 Apr 27
FXRuby installation
I have fox 1.4.33 installed. All installation steps of FXRuby (config,setup,install) passed successfully, but when I try to load fox14 (require ''fox14'') it gives me an error: LoadError: /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/i686-linux/ undefined symbol: removeTimeout__Q22FX5FXAppPQ22FX7FXTimer - /usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/i686-linux/ I use ruby
2009 Mar 11
FXRuby-1.6.19 don''t run in ruby1.9.1 on windows.
I built fxruby-1.6.19 in win32 using msys + mingw tools. The process of doing it is ok and generate a file in the directory ext\fox16. But when i require ''fox16'', it fails to work. it reports that "LoadError: 127. The specified procedure could not be found . - Init_fox16 C:/ruby_1.9.1/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/i386-msvcrt/ ". how can i
2008 Nov 01
query FXRuby by ri
Hi Don, Thanks for the tips. But it works on an old XP computer but NOT on the new Vista. I also notice that I can browse the classes from Fxruby when I use fxri or ri on the old computer. I see nothing about FxRuby''s stuff when I use fxri or ri on the new Vista. But I can use gem server to see the Rdoc about FxRuby''s classes on both computers. It looks Ruby doesn''t
2012 Mar 08
FXRuby 1.6.23 released
Hi fxruby hackers, new version 1.6.23 is out with the following changes. Unfortunately the homepage is down and I don''t have access to it. Therefore I''ve moved the documentation to and converted to yard. Have fun! === 1.6.23 / 2012-03-08 * Add YARD documentation support * Use generated Manifest.txt * Support
2010 Jul 09
Repository of sample FXRuby programs?
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html><head><title>Repository of sample FXRuby programs?</title> <META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css"> <style type="text/css"><!-- body {
2008 May 23
problem with non-focused fxruby gui freezing or blanking out.
I find that when a running fxruby program looses focus or another window is placed in front of it, when the fxruby window regains focus, many times the gui is now frozen or blank. This seems to happen especially frequently when the window covering it is a java or fox based application. Usually it comes back but sometimes it takes several minutes to do so. I would really like to find someway
2007 Mar 23
FXRuby scintilla issue
FXRuby version 1.6.4. I''ve been trying to compile FXruby with scintilla support. I''ve downloaded: Compiled it and installed it. FXruby is 1.6.4 I get: AL_H -I/usr/local/include/fxscintilla -I/usr/local/include/fox-1.6 -c frames_wrap.cpp /usr/local/include/fxscintilla/FXScintilla.h:84: error:
2005 Mar 14
[Fwd: Re: Help a newbie pick a gui tool kit]
Hey Guys, This just came over the rubytalk list. Does anybody have any Debian experience? BTW, one thing this project *really* could use is people to package wxruby for <your distro here>. You don''t need SWIG/C++ experience for it, and a little work could help a lot of people. Nick -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: Help a newbie pick a gui tool kit Date: Sun, 13
2005 May 13
FXRuby on Windows Ruby Installer
Hello, I am a new user to Ruby and I installed the Windows Ruby Installer. When I try to run some tutorial examples I get errors. More specifically the one I remember is with FXToolTip. which throws an error saying: uninitialized constant FXTooltip (NameError) It seems that some of the controls cannot be loaded. Could you please guide me on the subject? Thanks Nick Tzanos
2006 Jun 04
foxGUIb v0.7 (for FXRuby 1.6)
dear (FX)Ruby hackers, lyle has released FXRuby 1.6.0 some days ago. so it was a good opportunity for me to fix some more bugs and release annother version of foxGUIb which is tested against FXRuby 1.6.0. the most interesting feature Fox1.6 brings to you is unicode support. (see foxGUIb/test/unicode_test_japanese.rbin) thanks for all the feedback and the bug reports. enjoy ;) -- henon