similar to: [LLVMdev] Passing a pointer to a function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] Passing a pointer to a function"

2009 May 21
[LLVMdev] Passing a pointer to a function
On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 7:31 PM, Scott Ricketts <sricketts at> wrote: > Where load_fcall is build using a call to Module::getOrInsertFunction > as in the example here: > > > > My question is, what do I pass as the argument type for P above? The > following seems to work, as long as there are no floating
2011 Mar 15
Problem with nls.lm function of minpack.lm package.
Dear R useRs, I have a problem with nls.lm function of minpackl.lm package. I need to fit the Van Genuchten Model to a set of data of Theta and hydraulic conductivity with nls.lm function of minpack.lm package. For the first fit, the parameter estimates keep changing even after 1000 iterations (Th) and I have a following error message for fit of hydraulic conductivity (k); Reason for
2001 Apr 30
plotting an expression
I am sure it is just me not understanding how R works, but could somebody explain why curve(cos(x)) works and curve(expression(cos(x)) does not? I have done some investigating and here is what I found. If I comment out the line of curve indicated below, both calls work fine. function (expr, from, to, n = 101, add = FALSE, type = "l", ylab = NULL, log = NULL, xlim =
2009 Dec 15
Hello, I very much enjoy "with" and "subset" semantics for data frames and was wondering if we could have something similar with split, basically by evaluating the second argument "with" the data frame : function(x, f, drop = FALSE, ...){ call <- ) fcall <- call( "with", data = call[["x"]],
2014 Jun 16
model.frame and parent environment
Someone has reported a problem with predict.coxph that I can't seem to solve. The underlying issue is with model.frame.coxph; the same issue is also found in lm so I'll use that for the example. -------------------------- > test <- data.frame(y = 1:10 + runif(10), x=1:10) > myfun <- function(formula, nd) { fit <- lm(formula, data=nd, model=FALSE)
2015 Aug 05
[BUG] Incorrect ASCII escape characters on Mac
On Wed, 2015-08-05 at 10:02 -0400, Ramkumar Ramachandra wrote: > > - at 5 = internal global [10 x i8] c"\22\D0\12\F4!\00\15\F9\EC\E1" > - at 6 = internal global [10 x i8] c"\D0\19\FB+\FD\F8#\03\E2\11" > + at 5 = internal global [10 x i8] c"\22Ð\12ô!\00\15ùìá" > + at 6 = internal global [10 x i8] c"Ð\19û+ýø#\03â\11" > > The diff
2018 Jan 06
Error occurring in "emmeans" package for the two data sets I used. Please help.
I am a Professor of Statistics at Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur, India. While teaching in class about analysis of variance using R, I was doing a one-way analysis for the two data-sets given below in the R-class. I got a typical error in "emmeans" package, please help: Data-set-1: -------------- Medley and Clements (1998) investigated the impact of zinc contamination (and
2010 Jul 07
how to define method for "+" function in a new class
Dear R developers, I have a new class, which I called "Molecule", and have tried to define = a "+" operation for 2 objects of this class. This is what I have written so far, although the method is not complete = (I'm trying to look at it at intermediate stages): setMethod( f=3D"+", signature(x=3D"Molecule",y=3D"Molecule"),
2018 Jan 08
[FORGED] Error occurring in "emmeans" package for the two data sets I used. Please help.
On 07/01/18 02:19, Akhilesh Singh wrote: > I am a Professor of Statistics at Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, > Raipur, India. While teaching in class about analysis of variance using R, > I was doing a one-way analysis for the two data-sets given below in the > R-class. I got a typical error in "emmeans" package, please help: > > Data-set-1: > --------------
2011 Apr 18
help with eval()
I've narrowed my scope problems with predict.coxph further. Here is a condensed example: fcall3 <- as.formula("time ~ age") dfun3 <- function(dcall) { fit <- lm(dcall, data=lung, model=FALSE) model.frame(fit) } dfun3(fcall3) The final call fails: it can't find 'dcall'. The relevant code in model.frame.lm is: env <- environment(formula$terms)
2007 Jul 17
difficulties with "setMethod"
Dear all! I do definetley have some difficulties. Here is my code: > setMethod("write", + signature(object = "KMatrix", path = "character"), + function(object,path){ + write.table(object at data,path,row.names=FALSE, sep = "\t") + } + ) error in, fcall) : unused
2018 Jan 10
[FORGED] Error occurring in "emmeans" package for the two data sets I used. Please help.
Thanks for your kind reply. Problem is solved. However, it's "confidence interval / treatment comparison plot" is not taking main title. And the fonts of axes labels can not be changed using 'cex' parameter. I will appreciate if you could help in this matter too. Dr. A. K. Singh On 09-Jan-2018 8:18 PM, "Sal Mangiafico" <salvatore.s.mangiafico at>
2006 Jun 26
[klibc 21/43] alpha support for klibc
The parts of klibc specific to the alpha architecture. Signed-off-by: H. Peter Anvin <hpa at> --- commit 5e5ce29210ac33a0b3704eb9ab5e5d5b55375575 tree 2ec24df596e13c21b68da4d905f546770d36fdad parent 8529b52550ba78984998d3a9cc9deb467217fa3e author H. Peter Anvin <hpa at> Sun, 25 Jun 2006 16:58:14 -0700 committer H. Peter Anvin <hpa at> Sun, 25 Jun
2005 Jun 02
Too generic with S4 methods?
I tried the following (relevant excerpt only) setMethod("likelihood", signature(spec="Specification", covs="vector", states="vector"), function(spec, covs, states) { #### setMethod("likelihood", signature(model="Model", path="matrix"), function(model, path) { This
2016 Feb 29
[cfe-dev] RFC: A new ABI for virtual calls, and a change to the virtual call representation in the IR
Using relative offsets applies to more than just vtables. It would do wonders for constant strings too. -- Sean Silva On Mon, Feb 29, 2016 at 1:53 PM, Peter Collingbourne via cfe-dev < cfe-dev at> wrote: > Hi all, > > I'd like to make a proposal to implement the new vtable ABI described in > PR26723, which I'll call the relative ABI. That bug gives more
2011 Apr 29
How to define specially nested functions
Dear All, I would like to define a function: f(x,y,z) with three arguments x,y,z, such that: given values for x,y, f(x,y,z) is still a function of z and that I am still allowed to find the root in terms of z when x,y are given. For example: f(x,y,z) = x+y + (x^2-z), given x=1,y=3, f(1,3,z)= 1+3+1-z is a function of z, and then I can use R to find the root z=5. Thank you. -Chee [[alternative
2011 Sep 20
Is it possible to pass a function argument from R to compiled code in C?
I have a function in R that takes another function as argument: f <- function(g, ...) { #g is expected to be a function } I want to see if there is a way to implement "f" in C and calling it from R using ".C" interface. I know that I can use function pointers for my C implementation, but I imagine it's going to be nearly impossible to pass a function from R to C. Are
2005 Aug 15
stepAIC invalid scope argument
I am trying to replicate the first example from stepAIC from the MASS package with my own dataset but am running into error. If someone can point where I have gone wrong, I would appreciate it very much. Here is an example : set.seed(1) df <- data.frame( x1=rnorm(1000), x2=rnorm(1000), x3=rnorm(1000) ) df$y <- 0.5*df$x1 + rnorm(1000, mean=8, sd=0.5) # pairs(df); head(df) lo <-
2010 Mar 08
confused by classes and methods.
Hello, I have a simple class that looks like: setClass("statisticInfo", representation( max = "numeric", min = "numeric", beg = "numeric", current = "numeric", avg = "numeric", obs = "vector"
2001 Oct 16
plot function
Hola! It is somewhat inconvenient to use plot.function, when add=TRUE. The following (miniscule) change makes it behave better: plot.function <- function (fn, from , to, xlim = NULL, ...) { if (!is.null(xlim)) { if (missing(from)) from <- xlim[1] if (missing(to)) to <- xlim[2] } curve(fn, from, to, xlim = xlim, ...) } The only