similar to: [LLVMdev] Exception handling

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] Exception handling"

2009 Feb 17
[LLVMdev] sjlj-exceptions handlying
in llvm-backend did't support sjlj-exceptions handlying,but support dwarf-excceptions handlying, my question is: if i want change llvm-backend to support, how should i Do ? anyone can give some clue? bestregards zhangzw
2009 May 05
[LLVMdev] how to resolve llvm exception IR?
hi, I'm doing to make llvm backend support sjlj-eh! I have try to use the llvm-IR to generate the sjlj-eh code, but I'm totally despair ! my major problem is that llvm-ir , I mean exception instrinstics are enough for codegen the sjlj-eh code? May I need to modify the llvm-gcc ? or someone can give some advice about llvm-backend 's support sjlj-eh ? best regards
2009 Mar 26
[LLVMdev] how to get the InvodInst 's Operand Name?
Hi Duncan, >>I don't get it. Sorry my bad English! hehe. >>What has this got to do with determining the >>names "@__cxa_throw" and "@_ZTi"? Record the Information into the MachineModule Info, so in Dwarfwriter or SjLjWriter(my sjlj-eh name) can build the except table correctly! 2009/3/26 Duncan Sands <baldrick at>: > Hi zhangzw,
2009 Mar 26
[LLVMdev] how to get the InvodInst 's Operand Name?
Hi Duncan, thanks ! hehe . >> Why do you want the names anyway? because i 'am working on llvm to support sjlj-eh for my target. for my side, I lookup the llvm invoke instruction to build the sjlj-eh on sjlj-eh it's need store the landing pad index to stack before call __cxa_throw, but it seems no ! in llvm-backend because it only suport dwarf-eh! so i have to build
2009 May 07
[LLVMdev] llvm-gcc's sjlj-eh support
Hi, many people suggest that if we want llvm to support sjlj-eh, we should modify the llvm-gcc to generate sjlj-style IR. yeah, I'm digging into the llvm-gcc now. there are some functions, at the llvm-gcc e.g TreeToLLVM::CreateExceptionValues() , BasicBlock *TreeToLLVM::getPostPad(unsigned RegionNo), void TreeToLLVM::EmitLandingPads(), void TreeToLLVM::EmitPostPads() , void
2009 Feb 18
[LLVMdev] sjlj-exceptions handlying
my ugly way about the sjlj-eh is: in the last part of the llvm codegen build some relative sjlj-eh runtime function. ok, why i do like that, because i want quick run of the sjlj-en for my target., above method,based on the dwarf-eh(llvm used), now the other work of my method are emit except table, also base on llvm, now i have problem about the emit except table for sjlj. because llvm used
2009 Feb 17
[LLVMdev] sjlj-exceptions handlying
On Tuesday 17 February 2009 02:21:55 zhengjian zhang wrote: > in llvm-backend did't support sjlj-exceptions handlying,but support > dwarf-excceptions handlying, > my question is: if i want change llvm-backend to support, how should i Do ? > anyone can give some clue? It's hard to say - I'm not sure anyone here knows how gcc handles sj/lj style exceptions, or has a good
2009 May 07
[LLVMdev] the different semantics between dwarf-eh and sjlj-eh
Hi, >> from the exist llvm-ir it seems there are some common info for sjlj-eh >> and dwarf-eh! >> are there possible use the exist llvm-ir to generate exception table > >for sjlj-eh ? >No. There should be support from llvm-gcc. sjlj eh and dwarf eh have >different semantics different semantics ? ! I think llvm-gcc generate the IR should not include the exception
2009 Apr 28
[LLVMdev] how to resolve llvm exception IR?
here are the cpp file: $ cat -n eh1.catch.cpp 1 #include <iostream> 2 3 int main() 4 { 5 try { 6 throw 78; 7 } 8 catch (int){ 9 10 std::cout << "at catch\n"; 11 12 } 13 } LLVM-IR: $ llvm-g++ -S -emit-llvm eh1.catch.cpp -o eh1.catch.ll ... 46 define i32 @main() {
2009 Mar 26
[LLVMdev] how to get the InvodInst 's Operand Name?
Hi zhangzw, > >> Why do you want the names anyway? > > because i 'am working on llvm to support sjlj-eh for my target. > for my side, I lookup the llvm invoke instruction to build the sjlj-eh > on sjlj-eh it's need store the landing pad index to stack before > call __cxa_throw, > but it seems no ! in llvm-backend because it only suport dwarf-eh!
2009 Feb 26
[LLVMdev] Question LowerSetJmp
Hi In llvm src the file llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/LowerSetJmp.cpp, it seems for sjlj-eh ? but this pass has no effect about c++ sjlj-eh. this pass is for future extend? zhangzw
2009 Apr 28
[LLVMdev] how to resolve llvm exception IR?
Hi zhangzw, ... > 59 %3 = invoke > %"struct.std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> >"* > @_ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc(%"struct.std::basic_ostream<char,std::char_traits<char> > >"* @_ZSt4cout, i8* getelementptr ([10 x i8]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0)) > 60 to label %bb6
2009 May 06
Hi, >There's definitely more to it than the current intrinsics, which are >there to support dwarf. from the exist llvm-ir it seems there are some common info for sjlj-eh and dwarf-eh! are there possible use the exist llvm-ir to generate exception table for sjlj-eh ? zhangzw
2009 Feb 26
[LLVMdev] Question LowerSetJmp
Hi zhangzw, > In llvm src the file llvm/lib/Transforms/IPO/LowerSetJmp.cpp, it > seems for sjlj-eh ? it's not for sjlj-eh. The problem with setjmp/longjmp is that they can jump from one part of a function to any other part, which means that the control-flow graph is pointless; this makes everything more complicated. So how to deal with this? LLVM does have constructs that allow
2009 Jun 15
[LLVMdev] eh_sjlj_setjmp/ongjmp ?
Hi, I have checkout llvm from the svn, eh_sjlj_setjmp/longjmp intrinsics had beed added ! but it seems llvm-gcc does't generate the eh_sjlj_setjmp/longjmp intrinsics now ? best regards zhangzw
2013 Jul 12
[LLVMdev] setjmp/longjmp exception handling: how?
Dear list, I want to add SJLJ exception handling to my frontend. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any examples in the documentation as to how to use the intrinsics Is there a way to force Clang to use SJLJ exception handling for C++? That way I would be able to look at its output to learn how to use
2013 Jul 12
[LLVMdev] setjmp/longjmp exception handling: how?
I strongly advise you not to use SjLj exception handling. Use zero-cost-exceptions via DWARF instead. If you really want to pursue sjlj anyway, look at the ARM backend. It uses them for darwin targets. -Jim On Jul 12, 2013, at 9:09 AM, Nicolas Ojeda Bar <N.Ojeda.Bar at> wrote: > Dear list, > > I want to add SJLJ exception handling to my frontend. Unfortunately,
2011 May 17
[LLVMdev] Exception Handling Proposal - Second round
Hi all, Following John's, Duncan's and Bill's proposals about exception handling, I thought I'd summarise what has been discussed so far. ** The problems we're trying to solve are: P1. Different languages have different EH concepts and IR needs to be agnostic (as possible) about that P2. Inlining and optimisations (currently) destroy the EH semantics and produce code that
2009 Mar 26
[LLVMdev] how to get the InvodInst 's Operand Name?
Hi Duncan, >>are you trying to get the name "@_ZTIi" or "@__cxa_throw"? yes! i want get the name @_ZTi or @__cxa_throw, the latter @__cxa_throw i can get it throw value->getName(), but the @_ZTi it did n't has name! zhangzw thanks 2009/3/26 Duncan Sands <baldrick at>: > Hi zhangzw, > >> invoke void @__cxa_throw(i8* %7, i8*
2013 Feb 11
[LLVMdev] Platform-independent Exception Handling
Hi Bill, Thanks for the response, I just have a couple more questions. On 11 February 2013 06:45, Bill Wendling <wendling at> wrote: > As far as which OS/architectures support zero-cost EH and which > support SJLJ, LLVM is designed to assume that Intel supports zero-cost > exceptions and ARM supports SjLj exceptions. However, it's all in the > personality function