similar to: [LLVMdev] Interprocedural Program Slicing

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 130 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] Interprocedural Program Slicing"

2008 Aug 15
[LLVMdev] Interprocedural Program Slicing
We have done a few class projects on static interprocedural slicing but they are all of "course project" quality. I will put you in touch with some of the students who did those, if you're interested? --Vikram Associate Professor, Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign On Aug 15, 2008, at 8:48 AM, Silviu-Ionut Ganceanu wrote:
2009 Jun 05
Blacklist stemming
Hi, I need to modify the stemming for a couple of words (a blacklist) and for all the other to use the usual snowball stemmer. The "natural" way of doing it would be to derive from Stem and override operator ()... but I am using *python-bindings*. Would this be possible? If not I have two other solutions in mind: - add a custom stemmer to Xapian - write custom index & search
2008 Aug 06
[ANNOUNCE] Samba 3.2.1 Available for Download.eml
<<[Samba] [ANNOUNCE] Samba 3.2.1 Available for Download.eml>> ********* *BEGIN ENCRYPTED or SIGNED PART* ********* Michael Adam wrote: > That is right: the link creation in source/bin is fixed, > but the installation of the links is still broken. > > It _is_ fixed in the v3-3-test branch which will be used for > 3.3.0 (scheduled for December). The changes to the Make
2008 Aug 15
[LLVMdev] Problems understanding alias analysis validation logic
I have a problem where I add an Andersens AA pass to the pass manager, but it appears to get invalidated by another pass, and never rerun. My understanding from reading the documentation is that when a pass gets invalidated, it should be rerun before any other passes that requires it. Here is a simple example of the problem I am seeing: PassManager passManager; passManager.add(new
2008 Aug 14
extending the derivs table/fools rushing in
I added "plogis" to the derivative table in the development version of R; the patch against yesterday's R-devel src/deriv/main.c is available at . I pretty much followed the framework of the other symbols; here was my incantation - } else if (CAR(expr) == PlogisSymbol) { - ans = simplify(TimesSymbol, -
2008 May 03
Any news on the rSpec books?
I admit it, when it comes to rSpec, I''m lazy. I''ve made a few feeble attempts to use it, but for once I''m waiting for a book-length treatment. At least two books were announced, I think. Can anyone in the know please report on their progress? Thanks Michael -- Michael Schuerig mailto:michael at
2008 Aug 04
[Fwd: [networking-discuss] code-review: fine-grained privileges for datalink administration]
Crossbow team, The following is of interest to the Crossbow project. Since a large chunk of these changes also exist in the Crossbow gate, the delivery of this wad will result in fewer lines of changes for Crossbow''s delivery. If someone on Crossbow could participate in this review, that would be a bonus (Eric Cheng made original changes in the Crossbow gate at some point last year).
2006 Feb 12
slicing and dicing timestamps by month, week, day, etc
I''m trying to finish up a comp lab sign-in app in RoR that includes a db table logging each visit with a timestamp. I want to be able to loop through the visits table and get a weekly or monthly array and print a table of the last four weeks listing a count for the number of visits each day. I''ve got it working alright but it''s pretty ugly...overcoded. Does anyone
2004 Jul 13
slicing interaction terms
Hello, I have used SAS for multi-factor ANOVA, and found the SLICE function of LSMEANS to be valuable. Is there an equivalent function in R, and if so, where might I find it? Thanks in advance for suggestions, and thanks for access to this invaluable knowledge base. Corey [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Oct 03
[LLVMdev] Array Slicing?
I'm designing a language that supports array slicing. Does LLVM allows conversions between array pointers? For example, can I cast a pointer-to-array-of-5-ints to a pointer-to-array-of-3-ints? Can I get the address of the third element of an array-of-5-ints and convert it to a pointer-to-array-of-3-ints? Then again, I suppose a pointer-to-int would work just as well since LLVM
2008 Feb 26
[LLVMdev] Program Slicing using LLVM?
Hi all... I am developing a program slicing framework using LLVM. The idea is to remove the computation parts from the program and only keep the parts relevant for the control flow. For example, in the following C loop. for (i=0;i<=VAL;) { printf("In the loop"); a=b+c; b=h+k; i++; printf("%d",i); } after slicing... for (i=0;i<=VAL;) { i++;
2010 Dec 13
[LLVMdev] Forward/Backward Interprocedural Slicing in LLVM
Hi All, Are there any known implementations of static inter-procedural slicing for LLVM (especially forward slicing)? I did find a few references to it in the archives dating back to 2008, but am not sure what the current status is. Any pointers would be highly appreciated. Thanks Rohit Grad Student Middleware Security and Testing Group University of Wisconsin-Madison
2005 Sep 11
Linux Servers: Eccentric Practices for Disk Slicing
The result of continued inquiry ... Not even spell-checked yet nor read-over well. I will clean it up later today. -- Bryan J. Smith b.j.smith at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The best things in life are NOT free - which is
2010 Nov 17
slicing list with matrices
A list contains several matrices. Over all matrices (list elements) I'd like to access one matrix cell: m <- matrix(1:9, nrow=3, dimnames=list(LETTERS[1:3], letters[1:3])) l <- list(m1=m, m2=m*2, m3=m*3) l[[3]] # works l[[3]][1:2, ] # works l[[1:3]][1, 1] # does not work How can I slice all C-c combinations in the list? S?ren -- S?ren Vogel, Dipl.-Psych. (Univ.), PhD-Student, Eawag,
2011 Oct 08
[LLVMdev] interprocedural static backwards slicing
Dear Jin, I've talked with Vikram, and we agree that having this code (and a dynamic backwards slicing pass that Swarup and I wrote) in a publicly available SVN repository is a good thing. I'll try to get you a copy of the static slicing code some time next week (I should be able to work on it Monday morning) so that you can start working with it right away. I can work on making a
2009 Jun 12
Slicing an array
Hi all, I've been trying to work out how to slice an array of arbitrary dimension. I found a message showing how to stick two arrays together, but so far have been unable to transform that into what I need. Assume that I have a four dimensional array for example: array4d , , 1, 1 [,1] [,2] [1,] 3 6 [2,] 1 1 , , 2, 1 [,1] [,2] [1,] 4 7 [2,] 8 7 , , 1, 2
2011 Oct 06
[LLVMdev] interprocedural static backwards slicing
Hello John et al - I have been struggling to implement static backwards slicing with LLVM. After digging llvmdev postings for some time, I see that other people were having similar difficulties and John's got almost complete code that may be shared. May I get a copy of it, too? Better yet, it would be helpful for many other people if the code were checked in to an example directory or
2009 Mar 27
imporving performance of slicing on matrices and S4 their derivatives
Dear list. It is a known issue that accessing slots of S4 objects and in particular accessing .Data slots is slow in R. However, what surprises me are two things demonstrated in the code below (runnable with 'inline', my times are in the comments): - copying data out of a large 3x1e7 .Data slot into a matrix can be easily made 3-4 times faster than accessing a .Data slot which I believe
2012 Jun 27
[LLVMdev] Interprocedural slicing using LLVM
On 6/26/12 5:07 PM, amruth.rd wrote: > Hello, > > I am curious to know if LLVM offers any passes to do interprocedural slicing, I need to eliminate most of the computations(possibly all, if they don't influence the control flow), but the control flow of the program should be maintained at all cost. I did see an optimization pass to print the CFG of a function without its body to a
2012 Nov 20
[LLVMdev] Interprocedural slicing using LLVM
John, Thanks for your quick reply. Firstly, I'd like to employ a slicer for our benchmarking work (in one word, reducing the long-time irrelevant computing). I find the giri project and the LLVMSlicer[1]. However, the giri doesn't seem a complete implementation to me. I admit that I have not finished reading document/discussion, e.g. the previous threads in this mailing list. While the