similar to: Git Plugin for CC.rb

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40000 matches similar to: "Git Plugin for CC.rb"

2008 Sep 19
metric_fu for use in cc.rb
Hi all, I looked on the mailing list for metric_fu, but didn''t find it -- so at the risk of being redundant, it looks really useful. "Metric_fu is a set of rake tasks that make it easy to generate metrics reports. It uses Saikuro <>, Flog<>, Rcov <>,
2007 Mar 20
CC.rb and CCTray
I was using CCTray beautifully! with CC.rb 0.5.0. Since upgrading to 0.1.0, I get a lot of strange behavior. For starters, it seems as though a failure is indicated when the build first starts. Also, I can?t click on the project in the CCTray list anymore. It barfs with a ?System.InvalidOperationException Cannot start process because a file has not been provided.? Anybody have any ideas?
2008 Jan 18
CC.rb and RSpec
When trying to configure a rspec 1.1.2 based app in CC.rb, I came across the following: /home/bryan/cruisecontrolrb-1.2.1/projects/support-engines/work/vendor/ plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/spec/rails/../../../../rspec/lib/spec/ runner/options.rb:218:in `files_to_load'': File or directory not found: cc:build (RuntimeError) from
2008 Mar 31
cruisecontrol.rb with C++ projects
Hi, This has probably been asked a hundred times, but I couldn''t find the answer: how do I configure cruisecontrol.rb to build a c/c++ makefile? Thanks This e-mail message has been sent by Elbit Systems Ltd. and is for the use of the intended recipients only. The message may contain privileged or commercially sensitive information . If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby
2007 Mar 14
Damonlize cruisecontrol.rb?
Hi, This looks like an awesome tool that I have been looking for. Do you have a simple way to get it running as a damon? So I can just run it as a service on my server. Thanks Lei -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2007 May 02
CCTray setup with remote CC.rb
HI All: Sorry about the test post, I posted this 2x before and never saw it on the list. I modified the CCTray instructions in the manual which say to put in http://:3333 in the "Via CruiseContro.Net Dashboard", which I''m assuming was local to the machine running CCTRay, with http://:3333 which returns a "failed to connect to server" error. On the mongrel
2008 May 20
IRC bot for cc.rb?
Hi all, Don''t suppose there''s an IRC bot I can use (or repurpose) for cc.rb notifications? Will.
2008 Jan 25
cruisecontrol.rb setup problems
Hi all, We are trying to set up cruisecontrol.rb on a windows machine. We have ruby, rails, cruisecontrol.rb (win32 versions). We have added the project, run throught the tests. The tests run 100% successfully. After the tests run, it apparently uses unit test collector to collect through some tests which have require on "cc:build" which it can''t find anymore and spits
2008 Feb 26
Best way to log output from custom plugin on build finish
I have been trying to add some logging information from my custom plugin to the build output, but no luck. I have been using variations of CruiseControl::Log.event("...")"...") but nothing I try seems to output anywhere. I have looked in the build.log, production.log, _builder.log, etc Any help explaining how to log and where the messages will show
2007 Jun 03
How to check code coverage with rcov running under CC.rb
2007 May 02
CCTray access of remote CC.rb server
Hi: So I modified the instructions in the manual which say to enter http://:3333 using th CruiseControl.NET Dashboard to http://hostname:3333 which doesn''t work. CCTray reports an error. On the mongrel side I can see CC.rb can''t route /XmlServerReport.aspx. I see in the controller there is a cctray format to respond. I''m using ruby 1.8.5, rails 1.2.3 and the
2008 Jan 09
Cruisecontrol.rb & JRuby ?
Hi, I searched the archives of this list and came across a few posts that indicated that Cruisecontrol.rb may support JRuby: Anybody using it that way? Any advice, gotchas etc.? Apologies if I am missing other resources. Thanks, Mike --
2008 Jun 13
Move to GitHub?
I think ccrb should have picked github to host instead of rubyforge, because of graphs like these [1], other slick interface features, and the general momentum behind the community there. Also, there are multiple [2] outdated forks there already, including mine, and AFAIK there is no easy automated way to sync. I''d have to cron a "sync" job with a local repo pulling from
2007 Apr 18
documentation suggestion
Because I''m filing more of a sysadmin role than as a ruby developer I overlooked a nuance that is probably obvious to others, but edits to config/site_config.rb require a restart of CC-rb. I was banging my head on the wall wondering why none of my smtp auth settings made any difference. :( A suggestion would be to note this requirement in manual (http://
2008 Aug 08
Jabber Notification
Hi all, Some of my team are using ubuntu for their desktop (i.e. no cctray support), and email notification just ain''t quick enough for me, so I need to set up our ccrb to support jabber notification, I guess. I read in the documentation ( documentation/getting_notified) that there''s a jabber plug but I can''t see one in
2008 May 06
Git support - kinda works, have design questions
As of now, I can create a project from Git repository, run a builder on it, and even run the dashboard. Build pages look ugly because build.label in git is very long, a bunch of unit tests is failing, and I had to disable some functionality, namely displaying source control errors in the dashboard. SourceControl::AbstractAdapter#execute_with_error_log (formerly known as
2009 May 11
Sometimes 'git fetch origin' hangs builds
On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 10:32 AM, Chad Woolley <thewoolleyman at> wrote: > I opened a ticket: > > We (Josh Susser and I) just committed a change which hopefully fixes this error (we were unable to reproduce manually). Let me know if anyone still encounters builds
2008 May 08
Custom builds artifacts not visible (WIN 32)
Hello again, Cruisecontrolrb works well now on my XP box but for the following problem: I have set up rails_rcov so that I can generate code coverage automatically at every build. Following the manual, I have a custom task that copies rcov output to a specific folder (d:\work\ccrob\artifacts) I have set up the environment CC_BUILD_ARTIFACTS to /work/ccrob/artifacts using the tip given in another
2010 Jun 24
Scheduling a nightly build - config options
Hello, I downloaded the latest cruisecontrol.rb from github and tried configuring a schedule for building every 24 hours. Below is my project specific cruise_config.rb. What''s happening is, cruisecontrol.rb is not honoring the polling_interval of and it keeps building continuously (true to it''s nautre of continuous buids), which I assume it''s using the default
2008 Jun 09
SVN credentials
Hello All, Where are the username and password for your SVN repo stored for a cruisecontrol.rb project? I can see where you specify it when you add a project but I have been unable to find it to change it. Thanks -- Steve Kickert CEO Riverock Technologies 952-232-5280 (direct) 612-965-1909 (mobile) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was