similar to: [LLVMdev] Miscompilation

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] Miscompilation"

2006 Dec 27
[LLVMdev] Sparse and LLVM
I can't be the first person to think of this, can I? But I couldn't locate any reference on this combination. If you know of one, please tell me. Sparse: LLVM: So, you may expect compile-llvm.c in a few days. :) -- Seo Sanghyeon
2008 Oct 02
[LLVMdev] VMKit broken on trunk
With trunk(r56943), I get: make[3]: Entering directory `/home/tinuviel/llvm/vmkit/lib/JnJVM/VMCore' llvm[3]: Compiling JnjvmModule.cpp for Debug build JnjvmModule.cpp:11:38: error: llvm/ParameterAttributes.h: No such file or directory -- Seo Sanghyeon
2008 Dec 19
[LLVMdev] llvm-c API and well formed block
How can I find out, in llvm-c API, whether a basic block is well formed? In C++ I could call getTerminator and test for NULL. -- Seo Sanghyeon
2008 Dec 19
[LLVMdev] llvm-c API and well formed block
On 2008-12-19, at 09:18, Seo Sanghyeon wrote: > How can I find out, in llvm-c API, whether a basic block is well > formed? In C++ I could call getTerminator and test for NULL. There's not currently a binding for this. In general, there's incomplete support for inspection and analysis through the C bindings. BasicBlock::getTerminator() is just a convenient way to spell for
2018 Jul 10
custom LLVM Pass with options fails to load
Hi, I'm working on an LLVM Pass plugin and I'm running into a problem when loading it into opt. I want to have a custom option for my pass and added an llvm::cl::opt #include'ing "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h" linking the dependant libs causes the following error when loading it with opt: opt: CommandLine Error: Option 'debug-pass' registered more than once! I
2018 Jul 12
custom LLVM Pass with options fails to load
Hi Philip, thanks for the quick answer. That makes sense, but when leaving the set LLVM_LINK_COMPONENTS out I get an undefined symbol when loading the plugin: _ZTVN4llvm2cl3optINSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEELb0ENS0_6parserIS7_EEEE which boils down to llvm::cl::opt<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char>>,
2007 Dec 25
[LLVMdev] llvm-ar's q operation
I'm not sure how this happened, but llvm-ar q doesn't work, even if llvm-ar.cpp has relevant codes. As the developer policy said "you are allowed to commit patches without approval which you think are obvious", I did. The patch follows, just in case. Index: tools/llvm-ar/llvm-ar.cpp =================================================================== ---
2008 Nov 28
confidence interval for glm
Hi all, simple Q: how do I extract the upper and lower CI for predicted probabilities directly for a glm - I'm sure there's a one line to do it but I can't find it. the predicted values I get with the predict (.. "response") Thanks Gerard ********************************************************************************** The information transmitted is intended only for
2006 Jan 15
SEO friendly and validation?
Hello everyone! I am new to Ruby on Rails. These are my questions: - is Ruby on Rails SEO friendly? - can validation result be in another language then english? thanks! -- Posted via
2008 Dec 22
queue simulation
Hi all, I have a multiple queing situation I'd like to simulate to get some idea of the distributions - waiting times and allocations etc. Does R has a package available for this - many years ago there used to be a language called "simscript" for discrete event simulation and I was wondering if R has an equivalent (or hopefully with graphics, something better!). Apologies if there
2009 Jan 14
loglm fitting
Dear all, sorry to bother you all with this but I've been trying to use the loglm in MASS package (v2.8.0) and cannot get any sensible output. I'm wondering am I doing something very foolish or missing something obvious. For example, I tried the documentation help(loglm) example - here's the code # Case 1: frequencies specified as an array. sapply(minn38,
2009 Jan 13
deviance in polr method
Dear all, I've replicated the cheese tasting example on p175 of GLM's by McCullagh and Nelder. This is a 4 treatment (rows) by 9 ordinal response (cols) table. Here's my simple code: #### cheese library(MASS) options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly")) y = c(0,0, 1, 7, 8,8,19, 8,1, 6,9,12,11, 7,6, 1, 0,0, 1,1, 6, 8,23,7,
2008 Dec 09
for loop query
Hi all, apologies if this is obvious - but I can't see it and would appreciate some quick help! the matrix mhouse is 26x3 and I'm computing odds ratios. The simple code below "should" compute the odds vector for every pair (325) i.e. 26C2 in cols 1 and 2. On the first i=1 outer loop the inner j loop runs from 2 to 26 ok and then I get the error (Error: subscript out of bounds)
2010 Dec 21
Request for comment on post on SEO QuickStart for Rails
Hi, What do you think about this guys? I looked through the whole Internet ;) and found nothing simple that would suit my simple needs. So I did these things on my own and wrote about the process. Thanks for any comments! Regards, M&W. -- Posted via -- You received this message
2006 Aug 14
How search engine friendly are RoR sites?
I am a total RoR virgin, and took my first steps this weekend into the Ruby world. A lot of sites I create need to be as SEO friendly as possible, particularly for google. Before I delve any further, can anyone tell me how friendly the dynamic URLs or if there is the usual rewrite mod for rugby? Thanks Mike -- Posted via
2024 Feb 20
Network issue
Hi Stephen, Thanks very much for getting back to me. My problem is described below. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, James Hi, Sorry for bothering you because I know that your time is voluntary, but I would really appreciate some help. I work in a hospital in part of Ireland?s national health service, a service which was struck by a massive cyber attack a couple of years ago. Since
2010 Apr 16
4 and the wildcard dns
hi guys, At the moment there is a site. There is also a wildcard dns setup that directs to's content This has a couple of 'issues' with SEO and google sepcifically. The reason we have such low page rank is that google marks all of this as duplicate content. I am sure there are other search engines that do as well ( Bing has a
2006 Jul 12
-Infinity for Doule type column
Hi list. I''m writing a program that stores a lot of Floats into MySQL database. Simplified version of the program use the following form of class. class Val < ActiveRecord::BASE end And Vals table contains one column: num double One of my data contains -Infinity for num and when I try to Val.num = <- Here goes -Inifinity! Then the program crashes:
2006 Apr 27
Possible to use dashes instead of underscores in rails?
Hi all - My boss is asking me if we can have dashes instead of underscores in the URL for SEO reasons. Apparently google prefers "foo-bar" to "foo_bar". The former will be found when searching for just "foo", but not the latter. So, I''m wondering if there is a way without changing any of my code if I can tell rails to use dashes instead of underscores?
2006 Jun 24
mysql frontend for linux.
Hi list. I''m using Ubuntu distro. for rails development. Today, to my disappoint, I''ve found that there''re certainly almost no mysql frontend which runs very well. (1) mysql-query-browser: Seems to be very nice. But, it quickly exits when I press ctrl+enter or modify a table structure. Something strange is happening here, but I can not figure out what it is. (2)