similar to: [LLVMdev] Cute LLVM feature that may be useful for 426 people

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "[LLVMdev] Cute LLVM feature that may be useful for 426 people"

2002 Oct 01
[LLVMdev] Statistic API change
This is just a note to mention that I just checked in this patch: This change breaks the Statistic<> api, so any code not in CVS will have to be updated to work with the new system. In short, these are the changes you'll have to make: * #include "Support/Statistic.h" instead of
2011 Jan 18
[LLVMdev] adding a codegen pass into llvm
Thanks for your last reply. Could I understand the way to adding a pass (built into the llvm rather than dynamic loadable) includes: 1. Declaring a creator function for this pass 2. Implementing the creator function for this pass 3. Instantiating this pass and get a object of it 3. Register this pass into the PassRegistry Then, for a built-into bytecode pass, task 1(declaration of the
2002 Sep 30
[LLVMdev] llvm-g++ barfs
Hi, In the quest for better test cases for my MP, I thought of trying the Stepanov Abstraction Penalty benchmark. But apparently llvm-g++ is not ready for such terrible things. Let me know if you want me to send the source code (it is widely available). gaeke|csil-suna37|~/cs/426/MP1/step|[1177]% /usr/dcs/projects/cs426/Software/gcc_install/bin/g++ stepanov.cpp -o stepanov In file included from
2006 Mar 29
Query a timetable (cute solution?)
I am developing app which needs to query a timetable. The user specifies where they want to go from (start_station) and to (end_station) and the time (start_time) they wish to leave. My models are as follows: Provdier -> Service -> Run -> Stop <- Station -> = has many Provider = Bus Company Service = eg. Number 10 bus Run = Column on timetable Stop = Cell on timetable Station =
2011 Apr 19
OT: Cute penguin video
Looks like a distro mascot in the making: <>
2003 Nov 01
[LLVMdev] Cute profiling toy for LLVM
Because I've been doing a bit of performance work recently, and because using gprof with the C backend has some limitations, I wrote a little "llvm-prof" utility. Here's a synopsis of how to use it if you're interested: Basic usage: llvm/utils/ <program.bc> <program arguments> This instruments the bytecode file, executes it with the JIT
2002 Sep 15
[LLVMdev] MP1: Constructor for AllocaInst
I remember reading in a previous thread by Chris that all instructions will have the "instruction to insert before" as an argument to their constructors. In the code I have, this hasn't been done for the AllocaInst. I did a recent "cvsupdate", but the code still hadn't changed. Has this code already been updated ? If not, I request that it be updated as soon as
2002 Sep 15
[LLVMdev] MP1: Constructor for AllocaInst
> AllocaInst. I did a recent "cvsupdate", but the code still hadn't > changed. Has this code already been updated ? If not, I request that it > be updated as soon as possible, as it simplifies our implementation of > MP1 (we need to insert the alloca's at the beginning of the function). The plan is to update the CSIL CVS tree soon. When that happens you should get
2011 Aug 23
P values for vglm(zibinomial) function in VGAM
Hi , I know this question has been asked twice in the past but to my knowldege, it still hasn't been solved. I am doing a zero inflated binomial model using the VGAM package, I need to obtain p values for my Tvalues in the vglm output. code is as follows > mod2=vglm(dmat~Season+Diel+Tidal.phase+Tidal.cycle,zibinomial, data=mp1) > summary(mod2) Call: vglm(formula = dmat ~ Season +
2006 Mar 30
'loop FOR' for make plots
Hello How to create plots dynamically with results of several analysis ? I got many outputs from lm fuction like: mp1.lm mp2.lm mp3.lm mp4.lm mp5.lm ... I'd like to make experimental versus predicted response plots of all analysis in a 'for loop': for( i in 1:10){ x11() plot( mp*i*$experimental_response, fitted( mp*i* ) ); abline(0,1) } I tried: paste( 'mp', i,
2004 Aug 20
Win2K Clients Getting Password Prompt When Trying To Access Samba Shares
I'm running Samba 3.0.4 with Kerberos 5 v 1.3.4. I'm accessing Win2k shares from the Samba box without a hitch, but whenever I try to open up Samba shares on the Win2K clients, I get a password prompt. If I access the shares via the IP address of the Samba machine, there's no problem. I don't know if this is relevant, but my Win2k PDC is showing the following error on a
2009 Dec 15
[LLVMdev] Running a pass
Juan Carlos Martinez Santos wrote: > Hello LLVM, > > I am following the document "Writing an LLVM Pass". When I ran "opt > -load ../../../Debug/lib/ -mypass < hello.bc > /dev/null" I > got the next error: > > ***@ubuntu:~/test$ opt -load ../../llvm/Debug/lib/ -mypass < > hello.bc > /dev/null > opt: Pass.cpp:159:
2018 Jan 29
Polly Dependency Analysis in MyPass
Thank You. Actually i pass polly canonaclize IR to my new created polly pass called "mypass". Mypass should first detect scops then find depedndencies as the mechanism conventional approach. Now i know how to write llvm pass here i am writing pass as loadable module first afterwards i will integrate it with opt in the end. I tried writing following code. Could you please help me on
2009 Dec 15
[LLVMdev] Running a pass
Hello LLVM, I am following the document "Writing an LLVM Pass". When I ran "opt -load ../../../Debug/lib/ -mypass < hello.bc > /dev/null" I got the next error: ***@ubuntu:~/test$ opt -load ../../llvm/Debug/lib/ -mypass < hello.bc > /dev/null opt: Pass.cpp:159: void<unnamed>::PassRegistrar::RegisterPass(const llvm::PassInfo&): Assertion
2012 Apr 12
[LLVMdev] Function Pass Manager
Hi again, I come back to this issue with an example. It's a pass which does nothing but throw the 'Unable to schedule' error. namespace { struct MyPass : public FunctionPass { static char ID; // Pass identification, replacement for typeid MyPass() : FunctionPass(ID) { initializeMyPassPass(*PassRegistry::getPassRegistry()); } virtual void
2013 Jul 22
[LLVMdev] How to additionally compile the source files in subdirectories when using Makefile?
Hi guys, I am writing a LLVM pass plugin, and just simply add a directory mypass into llvm/lib/Transforms. But since I don't hope this directory to contain too many source files, I add some subdirectories. For instance, there are 2 files inside *mypass/sub: basic.h, basic.cpp. Here is the structure of the directory llvm/lib/Transforms/mypass $tree mypass mypass ├── Makefile ├──
2018 Jan 29
Polly Dependency Analysis in MyPass
How do you compile the code? Within the Polly subdirectory using CMake? How do you run your pass. Using "opt -mypass inputfile.ll"? Michael 2018-01-28 9:30 GMT-06:00 hameeza ahmed via llvm-dev <llvm-dev at>: > Hello, > > I need to analyze dependencies in my llvm ir by using polly. i created a new > pass called mypass there i added polly dependency
2009 Jul 27
[LLVMdev] Pass Scheduling Information without using opt
Daniel Dunbar wrote: > Ah, in this case llvm_shutdown isn't what you are looking for. I've > never looked at the Statistic implementation so I can't be any help > here, but if you poke around starting with "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h" you > may find a way to do what you want. I looked into that already, but Statistic.h only gives me the possibility to implement tracking
2008 May 06
[LLVMdev] debugging LLVM generated executables???
Hi everyone again, I did discover the following works (see below). However, does anyone know of the "proper" way with LLVM? llvm-gcc -g -c -emit-llvm helloworld.c opt -load=mypass.dylib -mypass < helloworld.o > helloworld-mypass.o llc -fast -f -o helloworld.s helloworld-mypass.o as -o helloworld-prime.o gcc -o helloworld helloworld-prime.o gdb helloworld On May 5, 2008, at
2012 Mar 21
[LLVMdev] Issues with flag namespace
Hello Dmitry, First of all, thank you for your reply. Because of it, I focused in create the lib that helped me. Second, I realize that actually there was one thing different between the machines: due to a more frequent use of the iMac, I have a group of environment variables that are set to my developer folder; and the $PATH is one of those. Furthermore, it seems that my default compiler for