similar to: Some questions about Letor project

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2016 Jun 29
xapian-letor: FeatureVector discussion
> > > > The approach I was thinking would look something like this: > > * instead of Features, which is really a namespace implemented as a > class, we separate out the calculation of the different features > into distinct subclasses of Feature, whose only job is to calculate > a single feature. Currently the FeatureManager calls these (via >
2014 Mar 04
Questions on letor module
Hi, I have several questions regarding the letor module,I looked at the framework of learning to rank in xapian, I am a little confused. Why using deep learning to find unsupervised features in test data? Since in my understanding, learning to rank model usually learn features from the training data then apply the model to the test data? Why test set and
2012 Jul 27
A Little Help
Hi Rishabh, I think its better not to expose RankiList to Letor.h and make it better user friendly. So my suggestion is to convert RankList to the following statement in this method. std::map<Xapian::docid, double> letor_score(const Xapian::MSet & mset); So just convert the RankList in std::map<Xapian::docid, double> format in the methods where you need to return. Parth. On
2014 Mar 11
[GSOC 2014] Indexing INEX dataset
Hi Parth, I?ve implemented SVMRanker class and also sorted out most of current Letor APIs. Now I?m trying to use INEX dataset to verify my implement. But I stuck in the indexing part. You said in the documentation that we have to add prefix when indexing. Also I notice that you set some metadata in of your version. But the has changed since 2011. I think that?s why my result
2016 Apr 02
xapian-letor refactoring and adding tests
Hello, I applied to letor stabilisation project for gsoc. I'd like to use coming weeks to improve the workability of xapian-letor. For that, I'm planning to refactor code in current master and begin writing some tests for it. Before adding tests, I think it would be better if xapian-letor could be made consistent with how xapian-core is written. For that, I'd first like to
2014 Mar 10
A few more question about LETOR
1.Could you explain why are these libraries included in all the xapian-letor headers? #include<xapian/intrusive_ptr.h> #include<xapian/types.h> #include<xapian/visibility.h> Or just provide me with the documentation of these header. I looked into these header files but couldn't anything substantial. 2.
2013 Sep 25
Is the project learning to rank need to be improved?
As Olly has already pointed out the 2012 branch is not merged. I think there are some compilation errors in the branch. The code in branch is better refactored. The Ranker and FeatureManager classes are well defined and implemented. Parth. On Wed, Sep 25, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Olly Betts <olly at> wrote: > On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 08:34:10PM +0800, jiangwen jiang wrote: >
2016 Mar 20
GSoC 2016 Letor Stabilisation
Hello, I'm Ayush from New Delhi, India. I am interested in Letor Stabilisation project for GSoC. I have a good background in machine learning. Sorry for getting in so late, university exams were holding me back. I'll try to cover as much as I can in the coming week. I am following the plan of attack suggested on the project page. Following are the things that I have completed: 1.
2014 Mar 11
Proposal Outline
Hi, Before starting my proposal, I wanted to know what is the expected output of Letor module. Is it for transfer learning (i.e you learn from one dataset and leverage it to predict the rankings of other dataset) or is it for supervised learning? For instance - Xapian currently powers the Gmane search which is by default based on BM25 weighting scheme and now suppose we want to use LETOR to rank
2012 Jul 18
Letor: Post Mid-Term plan
Hello Rishabh, As per our previous discussion, we will talk each week now about the project. Please update the timeline/todo/journal accordingly so that we can check the status on this saturday for this week. Please remember that this half of the programme is smaller and hence we would need to be very punctual about the goals. Regards, Parth. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML
2014 Dec 05
Contributing to Xapian
On Thu, Dec 04, 2014 at 08:28:32PM -0500, Manu Gupta wrote: > I was trying to build Han's code and was stuck here. It seems to me that > his code is trying to generate pdf for them. > > Is it possible to modify the make files to stop building the documentation. You can run the top-level configure with --disable-documentation. Cheers, Olly
2013 Sep 24
Is the project learning to rank need to be improved?
HI, Parth: Thanks for your reply. There's xapian-letor folder in current master trunk, is this code merged in 2011? the letor code of 2012 is not merged to the trunk? Regards 2013/9/23 Parth Gupta <pargup8 at> > Dear Jiangwen Jiang, > > The current state of the project can be reached from the repo: > > > I would
2014 Dec 08
Contributing to Xapian
Hi I am on Debian verson 7.7, GCC 4.7.2 and make 3.8.1. I cloned the code : git clone git checkout gsoc2014-evaluation rm xapian-letor/nobootstrap ./bootstrap ./configure --no-documentation make CXXFLAGS='-w' and I get a different set of errors --- In member function 'std::string Xapian::Ranker::get_cwd()': error:
2014 Mar 09
[GSOC 2014] Some questions about Letor module
Thanks for your reply! For the third question: In, I can find inex2010-article.qrels in 2010 assessment, but can?t find query files. Could you send me the link? I have registered on INEX website. And I also need to download ``INEX 2009 collection without annotation tags: (unofficial)`` on
2014 Mar 09
[GSOC 2014] Some questions about Letor module
Hi, I've read the code of letor module. And I have some questions about it: 1. In, there is a write_to_file method, which save RankList into ?train.txt?. But the format for ?train.txt? is different from the one mentioned in And in
2012 Apr 24
Letor re-factored code
Hello Rishabh, The attached diff file should help you to refactor the existing letor code and plug in your code easily. I have defined the header files with the necessary flow. I have also specified the ranker class, which should be implemented by a new LTR models, ListNet and ListMLE in your case. The evaluation file should be used for validating the performance of the algorithm in the training
2014 Mar 18
Considering Parallel computing for Letor
Hi everyone, My name is Shreedhar Pawar. I have already introduced myself on Xapian-discuss... I feel that the Xapian Search/Letor Algorithm, can speed up using Parallel computing. Techniques like Map-reduce, 'compact n split', radix sort, scan, parallel hashing n much more can be used to speed up the learning algorithms as well as the search... support vector machines in the Letor
2014 Dec 06
Contributing to Xapian
Hi~ Manu I was glad to see you were interested in Xapian, especially the learning to rank project. There are two branch in my repo. The one named gsoc2014 is followed the thought of Parth's work in which we not assign the test set for each ranking and in another one gsoc2014-evaluation we assign the training set and test set explicitly so that we can get the evaluation score of each ranking
2014 Dec 07
Contributing to Xapian
I use Ubuntu12.04, GNU Make 3.81 and I am not sure if I use some special configure options. The commands I use after clone the repo are as follows: cd xapian ./bootstarp ./configure make cd xapian-letor aclocal -I ../xapian-core/m4 libtoolize --force autoconf autoheader automake --add-missing ./configure make Is this normal? 2014-12-07 22:37 GMT+08:00 James Aylett <james-xapian at
2014 Apr 24
Need someone to help me adjust my gsoc proposal
Dear all, My name is Hanxiao Sun and I am a master student in the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. I am so glad to be selected by Xapian as the GSoC student. This is my first time to work with open source community. I hope I can do a good job with you in this summer ! In my proposal, I followed the scope of the LTR project on the ideas page. But, after the interview, it seems to need