Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Can't specify filename.xml when using virsh dumpxml"
2014 Oct 27
How could the admin do to grant me with permission to run virsh as unprivileged user?
Thank you! How could the admin do to grant me with permission to run virsh as unprivileged user? Also by configurating libvirtd.conf, unix_sock_group?
Allen Qiu
发送时间:2014-10-28 00:00
主题:libvirt-users Digest, Vol 58, Issue 33
Send libvirt-users mailing list submissions to
2014 Nov 05
Any recommendation about benchmarking tools on Linux virtual machine?
Hi all,
Do you have any recommendation about benchmarking tools on Linux virtual machine for measure the potential performance hit by virtualization, especially on multi-threads computation, since I doubt if the CentOS VM can fully make use of the 32 vCPUs (out of 64 physical cores) that I allocated to it.
Allen Qiu
2014 Oct 27
What is the difference between running "virt-manager" and "sudo virt-manager"?
Hi all,
What is the difference between starting virt-manager by "virt-manager" and by "sudo virt-manager"? It seems that there are two copy of virt-manager running in the background.
When I run "virt-manager", I got a error of "Unable to open a connection to the libvirt management daemon. Libvirt URI is: qemu:///system Verify that: - The 'libvirtd'
2013 Jul 17
Libvirt "tc ingress qdisc" automatically removed by ovs vlan tag setting, how?
With outbound QoS setting in Libvirt XML, libvirt will add a tc
ingress qdisc for traffic shaping. Then if you set VLAN tag to that
tap device, this qdisc will automatically gone by no reason.
Could anyone shed some lights where should I look into? I'm really
confused and got no clue here. Thanks!
Steps to reproduce
# virsh start instance-name
# virsh dumpxml instance-name
2019 Jun 19
libvirtd does not update VM .xml configuration on filesystem after virsh blockcommit
Recently We've upgraded some KVM hosts from Fedora 29 to Fedora 30 and
now experience broken VM configurations on filesystem after virsh blockcommit.
Commands "virsh dumpxml ..." and "virsh dumpxml --inactive ..." is showing diffrent configuration than the one on filesystem.
In case of restart libvirtd or system reboot, there are broken VM xml configurations on
2014 Jun 19
dumpxml removes <source> portion from network descritiption
I have a strange error with one of my VMs. If i use dumpxml to save a VM
description the source part of the network part is missing. This prevents
redifining the machine from the dumped xml file:
This is how it looks before dumpxml:
<interface type='bridge'>
<mac address='52:54:00:34:a1:56'/>
<source bridge='br406'/>
2012 Sep 11
dumpxml and edit the vm xml are not match.
I use vnc with password for the vm graphics, it works well.
When I want to dump the xml of the vm, I found that the dumped xml does not
contains the password properties in the graphics node.
But when I use virsh edit to check the xml of the vm, I found the password
is displayed.
It's it a bug or it's just what libvirt designed to perform.
Focus on: Server Vitualization, Network
2009 Oct 10
virsh dumpxml didn''t reflect viridian=1
Just the output of one of the viridian enabled windows hvm machines:
virsh dumpxml titan
<domain type=''xen'' id=''40''>
2009 Oct 10
virsh dumpxml didn''t reflect viridian=1
Just the output of one of the viridian enabled windows hvm machines:
virsh dumpxml titan
<domain type=''xen'' id=''40''>
2015 Apr 14
Update on-disk XML after virsh snapshot-create-as
I am using "virsh snapshot-create-as" to create external snapshots of running
VMs using libvirt 1.0.2 on Ubuntu 12.04 and libvirt 1.2.2 on Ubuntu 14.04. This
works well for creating the snapshots, but I notice that the on-disk XML file
in /etc/libvirt/qemu is not updated with the new disk image file after the
snapshot is created. This appears to be very similar to
2015 Mar 23
Re: virsh dom state
On 3/23/2015 12:49 PM, Michal Privoznik wrote:
> On 23.03.2015 16:02, Fiorenza Meini wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I'm running KVM under Openstack .
>> When I give virsh list command, I see some VM in NON persistent state.
>> What does it mean? How can I move it to a persisten state ?
> You can do that by running:
> virsh dumpxml $dom > dom.xml
2019 Jun 19
libvirtd does not update VM .xml configurations on filesystem after virsh snapshot/blockcommit
Recently We've upgraded some KVM hosts from Fedora 29 to Fedora 30 and
now experience broken VM configurations on filesystem after virsh blockcommit.
Commands "virsh dumpxml ..." and "virsh dumpxml --inactive ..." is showing diffrent configuration than the one on filesystem.
In case of restart libvirtd or system reboot, there are broken VM xml configurations on
2014 Aug 06
Re: username and passwd after create VM from XML dump
On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 1:29 PM, Eric Blake <eblake@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 08/06/2014 11:11 AM, Yuanzhen Gu wrote:
> >> Libvirt is only concerned with what virtual hardware you present to the
> >>
> >> guest, not with the OS running in that guest or what username/password
> >>
> >> combinations will let you log into that guest OS.
2014 Oct 24
Revert to internal snapshot - XML error: Non-empty feature list specified without CPU model
$ rpm -q libvirt-daemon-kvm qemu-system-x86
When I attempt to revert to an internal snapshot:
$ virsh snapshot-list node1
Name Creation Time State
snap1 2014-06-03 14:07:28 -0400 running
2010 Oct 01
virt-xml-validate b0rked?
It seems that virt-xml-validate doesn't validate what *has* to be valid XML, that generated by virsh dumpxml against a running domain:
[root at etc752365a ~]# virsh list
Id Name State
2 rhel55 running
3 rhel53 running
[root at etc752365a ~]# virsh dumpxml rhel55 > foo.xml
[root at etc752365a ~]#
2014 Jun 19
Re: dumpxml removes <source> portion from network descritiption
On 06/19/2014 02:47 PM, Thomas Stein wrote:
> Hello.
> I have a strange error with one of my VMs. If i use dumpxml to save a VM
> description the source part of the network part is missing. This prevents
> redifining the machine from the dumped xml file:
> This is how it looks before dumpxml:
> <interface type='bridge'>
> <mac
2012 Mar 21
转发: Error when executing virsh command to ESX
To Whom It May concern:
I found that the following error is caused by adding a scsi disk to install the os, I remove the scsi disk and the error remove but still report 'out of memory':
virsh # dumpxml win2003_122
internal error Invalid or not yet handled value '/vmfs/devices/genscsi/mp
x.vmhba0:C0:T1:L0' for VMX entry 'scsi0:1.fileName'
virsh # list --all
Id Name
2010 Jun 12
Functionality of virsh net-edit
I am using version libvirt on debian lenny from backports repository,
version 0.7.6-1~bpo50+1, amd64.
Th functionality of "virsh net-edit" command is not very clearly
documented, and I think it should change a configuration of a running
network. But I see it doesn't.
So, I want to add new host, for example:
#I have old configuration
root at xxx:/etc/libvirt/qemu/networks#
2007 Nov 21
multiple comparison (glht) problem
I am not sure whether there is a bug. When I tested the example given for "glht"
in the help, I entered the following error:
Running commands:
amod <- aov(minutes ~ blanket, data = recovery)
rht <- glht(amod, linfct = mcp(blanket = "Dunnett"),
alternative = "less")
Errors are:
Error in try(coef.(model)) : could not find function
2014 Nov 06
Re: Any recommendation about benchmarking tools on Linux virtual machine?
On Wednesday, November 5, 2014 5:53 AM, Allen Qiu <my1stbox@163.com>
> Do you have any recommendation about benchmarking tools on Linux
> virtual machine for measure the potential performance hit by
> virtualization, especially on multi-threads computation
You could try the phoronix-test-suite which is available in the
[EPEL][1] repository.
Cristian Ciupitu