Displaying 20 results from an estimated 110 matches similar to: "★ Libvirt Users, Rene Bon Ciric te ha dejado un mensaje"
2010 Sep 24
¡Marcos Ortiz te ha dejado un mensaje en Badoo!
?Tienes un nuevo mensaje en Badoo!
Marcos Ortiz te dej? un mensaje.
Haz click en este enlace para verlo:
M?s gente que tambi?n te est? esperando:
Relquis (Trinidad, Cuba)
Yadiria (Trinidad, Cuba)
Elcubanito (Trinidad, Cuba)
Si al hacer click sobre el enlace, no funciona,
2012 Feb 10
[LLVMdev] Paulo Coutinho left a message for you...
Paulo Coutinho left a message for you...
Its sender and content will be shown only to you and you can delete it at any time. You can instantly reply to it, using the message exchange system. To find out what's in the message, just follow this link:
Some more patiently waiting folks:
2009 Aug 03
Gilberto Nunes deixou uma mensagem para você no Badoo!
Voc? tem uma nova mensagem no Badoo!
Gilberto Nunes deixou uma mensagem pra voc?.
Clique no link para abrir:
E, outras pessoas estiveram procurando por voc?:
Manoel Felipe (Joinville, Brasil)Mara Leal mendes (Joinville, Brasil)Tiago Gabriel (Joinville, Brasil) Se os links desta mensagem n?o funcionarem, copie e cole os links na barra
2012 Feb 10
[LLVMdev] Badoo Banned
Dear All,
Yesterday, there was an off-topic post from someone at Badoo.
I have no idea if this was a stray email or SPAM or a virus, but I
recommend not opening the email.
It probably is futile, but the email address used to send the email is
now banned from sending to or subscribing to llvmdev. If we get any
more of these from the Badoo domain, we may just ban mails from anyone
from that
I found a way to dynamically switch languages in your rails app -- look at it and give your opinions
2006 Jan 05
I found a way to dynamically switch languages in your rails app -- look at it and give your opinions
step 1) Do what is there in the manual Using Gettext To Translate Your Rails
Application as it is.
Step2)Now create a table in your project database to store your language
names which you are supporting in the project for example "langs"
step 3)populate your table with language names, namely hindi, japanes etc.
step 4) create a scffold for with aLang controller, just so that life is
2006 Jan 05
I found a way to dynamically switch languages in your railsapp -- look at it and give your opinions
can you share the code so that others can benefit out of it???
silvy mathews
From: rails-bounces@lists.rubyonrails.org
[mailto:rails-bounces@lists.rubyonrails.org] On Behalf Of sekhar
Sent: Thursday, January 05, 2006 7:14 AM
To: rails@lists.rubyonrails.org
Subject: [Rails] I found a way to dynamically switch languages in your
railsapp -- look at it and give
2011 Dec 13
Scheduling 2.6.3 release
I'm scheduling a 2.6.3 release for this week (ie, before going on deserved
holidays), around Thursday or Friday.
Apart from what is already there, I'd like to see:
- the latest nut-scanner developments (lowered runtime deps, thanks to
libltdl, and IPMI scan)
- the krauler lang_id patch
- a few warning fixes (from Regid), if possible
If you have anything stagging on your side, or if
2004 Mar 25
Tu mensaje de correo electrónico a lastatu@groups.msn.com no ha podido ser entregado
El siguiente mensaje no ha podido ser entregado. S?lo los miembros de ese grupo pueden enviar mensajes de correo electr?nico a esta cuenta. La direcci?n de correo electr?nico desde la que has enviado este mensaje no te identifica como participante del grupo.
Si eres participante, puedes comprobar o modificar la direcci?n de correo electr?nico con la que te registraste en este grupo en la p?gina
2013 Jul 09
Mensaje de error al terminar la ejecución
Buenos días:
¿Cuál es el modo más apropiado de abortar una ejecución?, Actualmente utilizo stop.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2023 Jan 24
Nuevo Mensaje: hola
Linked In
Te invitamos este 24 de Febrero al seminario virtual de LinkedIn para Recursos Humanos, donde abordaremos temas como:
1. Anuncios como estrategia
2. Ofertas de empleo: Publicaci?n y B?squeda
3. Crear Bases de Datos y Contactos
4. Servicios
2023 Jun 15
Buenas tardes, no se si pudo recibir mi ultimo mensaje, pero dejo nuevamente la invitación
Para m? es un gusto saludarle, me complace invitarle foralmente este 27 de junio al Taller Aire Acondicionado y Refrigeraci?n Industrial, un curso para t?cnicos de mantenimiento, gerentes de edificios, t?cnicos de HVAC o cualquier persona que busque desarrollar y mejorar sus habilidades (y algunos trucos de oficio) de la operaci?n general y el mantenimiento de sistemas de AC&R.
2023 Dec 08
no te llego mi mensaje
Buen d?a,
Le envi? la invitaci?n anteriormente pero es posible que no la haya recibido por fallos electronicos en mi correo, le ofrezco una disculpa por ello.
Le escribo para enviarle una cordial invitaci?n para participar en el evento Implementaci?n Efectiva de la norma ISO 45001:2018 este 27 de Diciembre via Zoom Online.
Especificamente, este curso se enfoca en ayudarle a transformar su
2012 Sep 13
How to migrate over TCP without certs
Hey guys,
I have a private network and I trust it! /me hides behind trees...
So, in order to exercise my trust, I wanna migrate guests over TCP;
with and without shared storage.
This is:
- I want to migrate from host1 to host2; which have shared storage;
over TCP without certs
- I want to migrate from host1 to host99, which don't have shared
storage, over TCP without certs
I am asking
2012 Sep 29
High availability for guests
What is the recommended way to offer high availability to Guests?
For example, let host1, host2 and host3 be libvirt and KVM/Qemu enabled.
If I start a guest in host1, how can I guarantee that it will stay
online if host1 goes down?
GlusterFS, for example, would take care of storage; but what about CPU
and RAM? How can this be accomplished?
Thank you for any feedback or comment in
2017 Nov 20
mensaje de error al usar libreria tibbletime
Hola A todos.
Aún no he podido encontrar la causa de porqué la libraría tibbletime, al transformar la tabla a AS_TBL_TIME ME ARROJA EL SIGUIENTE EL SIGUIENTE MENSAJE
Error: assert_that: assertion must return a logical value
Si alguien ha tenido ese mismo problema, solicito ayuda al foro.
El seguimiento de la transformación es el siguiente;
2011 Nov 08
Consulta sobre mensaje de error al aplicar un Filtro.
Hola Estimdos,
Quería consultar por si alguien sabe que puede estar pasando con la
aplicación de un filtro.
Arroja el siguiente mensaje:
*Mensajes de aviso perdidos
In TransAcProv$idDepartamento == filtro2 :
longitud de objeto mayor no es múltiplo de la longitud de uno menor*
Este es el filtro:
*filtro2 <- c (450, 30 , 449, 862 , 452)*
Y se aplica sobre este data frame:
2012 Sep 20
How to pass info to a guest?
I would love to be able to pass information to a Guest. For example:
- I'd love to sync the root password with the VNC/Spice one
- I'd like to be able to inject stuff to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
All of these at boot time.
How would I do it? I'd make these files/strings available in the BIOS
or something; maybe some kind of storage local to the host and guest
as well. Then,
2011 Apr 02
Significado de un mensaje de error
Hola a todos, estoy procesando unos datos con las siguientes intrucciones que
creo son del paquete stats:
cloud(Imp89 ~ ImpTot89 * NDA | Edad, data = mtif,
+ screen = list(x = -90, y = 45), distance = .4, zoom = .7)
y obtengo el error:
Error en eval(substitute(groups), data, environment(formula)) :
argumento ''envir'' númerico no tiene longitud uno
La verdad es que no se
2012 Jul 09
Metadata accessible within guests
I'd like to know if there is any way to make metadata; for example,
the public part of an SSH, accessible within a Guest?
This would be very useful in order to provide access to Guests in an
automated way.
For example, let's suppose I have an implementation that gives a user
the power to create Guests. The user has stored his public SSH key in
my implementation.
After the user
2016 Mar 02
Traffic mirroring
We're interested in mirroring traffic from a host's guests to another
host's guest. We've been able to achieve that on the same host;
redirecting traffic from the host's bridge interface (VLAN) to one of
the guest's in the same host by using the tc command.
But, when it comes to traffic from one host to the other, we haven't
been able to pull it through.