similar to: Pregunta sobre rLandsat

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Pregunta sobre rLandsat"

2020 Feb 20
Pregunta sobre rLandsat
Hola Ángel: Yo creo que tendrías que establecer el sistema de coordenadas de referencia de tu objeto raster antes de salvarlo como GTiff. Algo así: crs(r1) <-"+proj=utm +zone=14 +datum=WGS84" Saludos, Marcelino. El 20/02/2020 a las 1:42, Angel Cervantes escribió: > Hola a todos, quisiera pedirles su ayuda. Estoy tratando de crear un raster a partir de una tabla de datos
2012 Oct 29
How can I map numbers to colours with raster?
This code will read binary file and display it as a map. may problem is that this code is using a continuous colour scheme, even though I have discrete data (which is a classification scheme). How can I map numbers to colours with raster? Please require(raster) conne <- file("C:\\lai.bin", "rb") sd<- readBin(conne, integer(), size=1, n=360*720, signed=F)
2012 Feb 28
colour by z value, persp in raster package
Hi all!   My question is how to colour pixels by z value in persp plot in raster package. Here is an example:     x <- seq(-1.95, 1.95, length = 30) y <- seq(-1.95, 1.95, length = 35) z <- outer(x, y, function(a,b) a*b^2) r1 <- raster(nrows=35, ncols=30, xmn=0, xmx=30, ymn = 0, ymx = 35) r1[] <- c(z) persp(r1)   There already exist some function to produce persp plot for anothe
2012 Aug 08
Adjusting coordinates in raster plots
Dear R-Help, When plotting a raster object the origin (0,0) is placed in the center. E.g. using: library(raster) mat = matrix(runif(100),10,10) r <- raster(ncol=10, nrow=10) values(r) <- mat plot(r, main='Raster example',xlab="x",ylab="y") Does anyone know how to adjust the coordinate system? E.g. I would like to have 0,0 at the top left. My naive approach
2017 Aug 30
Dataframe Manipulation
by using these two tables we have to create third table in this format where categories will be on the top and transaction will be in the rows, On 30 August 2017 at 16:42, Hemant Sain <hemantsain55 at> wrote: > Hello Ulrik, > Can you please once check this code again on the following data set > because it doesn't giving same output to me due to absence of quantity,a
2017 Aug 31
Dataframe Manipulation
Hi Hemant, the solution is really quite similar, and the logic is identical: library(readr) library(dplyr) library(stringr) library(tidyr) data_help <- read_csv("data_help.csv") cat_help <- read_csv("cat_help.csv") # Helper function to split the Items and create a data_frame split_items <- function(items){ x <- items$Items_purchased_on_Receipts %>%
2017 Sep 04
Dataframe Manipulation
Hello Ulrik, Can you please explain this code means how and what this code is doing because I'm not able to understand it, if you can explain it i can use it in future by doing some Lil bit manipulation. Thanks data_help <- data_help %>% mutate(Purchase_ID = 1:n()) %>% group_by(Purchase_ID) %>% do(split_items(.)) cat_help %>% gather("Foo",
2004 Jun 06
Average R-squared of model1 to model n
Hi, We got a question about interpretating R-suqared. The actual outputs for a test dataset is X=(x1,x2, ..., xn). model 1 predicted the outputs as Y1=(y11,y12,..., y1n) model n predicted the outputs as Y2=(y21,y22,..., y2n) ... model m predicted the outputs as Ym=(ym1,ym2,..., ymn) Now we have two ways to calculate R squared to evaluate the average performance of committee model. (a)
2017 Aug 30
Dataframe Manipulation
Hey PIKAL, It's not a homework neithe that is the real dataset i have signer NDA for my company so that i can share the original data file, Actually I'm working on a market basket analysis task but not able to convert my existing data table to appropriate format so that i can apply Apriori algorithm using R, and this is very important me to get it done because I'm an intern and if i
2005 Sep 19
Teaching R - In front of the computer?
Dear R-Users, given you have been teaching R to students (grad level, mainly social science background, no previous programming experience, 80% know SPSS), what are your experiences concerning the style of teaching? Do you prefer to stand in front of the class like in "normal" lectures and you show them slides? Or do you you explain some concept (for example things like
2010 Mar 07
CentOS server running java - won't let go of swap
I'm monitoring some CentOS 5 servers running Sun Java. We have set things up so 2048 MB of RAM are available for the base operating system, taking into account the xMx and permgen settings. What we're seeing is the swap space getting used up, and not released. Is this normal behavior? Performance doesn't seem to be affected, however I'm a bit concerned that the swap file is
2006 Jan 10
standardized residuals (rstandard & plot.lm) (PR#8468)
This bug is not quite fixed - the example from my original report now = works using R-2.2.1, but plot(Uniform, 6) does not. The bug is due to if (show[6]) { ymx <- max(cook, na.rm =3D TRUE) * 1.025 g <- hatval/(1 - hatval) # Potential division by zero here # plot(g, cook, xlim =3D c(0, max(g)), ylim =3D c(0, ymx),=20 main =3D main, xlab =3D
2010 Jul 07
use sliding window to count substrings found in large string
Hello together, I'm looking for advice on how to do some tests on strings. What I want to do is the following: (just an example, real strings/sequence are about 200-400 characters long) given set of Strings: String1 abcdefgh String2 bcdefgop use a sliding window of size x to create an vector of all subsequences of size x found in the set (order matters! ). Now create, for every string
2012 Dec 31
(no subject)
Dear useRs, I am getting following error while using my R java machine. >Error: OutOfMemoryError (Java): Java heap space to get rid of it i used >options( java.parameters = "-Xmx1200m") but unfortunatly its not working.... Does anyone ever encountered this error?? thanks in advance... elisa [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Jun 20
Edges and Rasters
Hi everyone! I would like to draw a line surrounding my raster, with i want it in black, and i don't know if its possible to change the colour. A simple example is: r <- raster(nrow=30, ncol=30, xmn=0) r[]<-NA r[393:409]<-99 r[423:439]<-99 r[453:455]<-99 r[456:460]<-30 r[461:469]<-99 r[483:499]<-99 r[513:529]<-99 plot(r,col=terrain.colors(100)) plot( edge(r,
2005 Dec 27
selinux "strict" policy for Centos-4
Is anyone using the "strict" policy with Centos-4? If so which RPM are you using and where did you get it? I have searched a little and haven't been able to find it. Redhat site states that it's "not supported, but will be availble for download" I didn't see it in any of the extra/addon repos either. Thanks, --jesse
2008 Mar 30
Can't find matching timezone
Hello Folks. I am spending some time trying to run AutoCad 2004. I fixed a lot of errors about .dll and some .xmx files (needed to run autocad) and everything is ok. But now, I can not pass by this error: fixme:ntdll:find_reg_tz_info Can't find matching timezone information in the registry for bias 180, std (d/m/y): 17/02/2008, dlt (d/m/y): 12/10/2008 How do i fix the registry? I tried to
2011 Feb 03
ADS 2008 configuration
Hi, I am Inderjit, and have some issues with configuration of samba with ADS 2008. I am able to connect to ADS 2008, but command "getent group" doesn't show always the output with ADS groups. We have more that 25000 users and domain controller is not located at same location. Could you please give me a hints or suggestions, what can be changed to solve this issue. Regards
2006 Feb 01
akima 0.4-5, interpp() bug = COMMON block problem
Hi, I'm currently hunting a bug in the akima library, especially in the code behind the interpp.old function (bi-variate linear interpolation). It is based on a triangulation algorithm, interpolation at a given point needs to know the triangle which contains this point, then the interpolation is a straightforward calculation based on the three vertexes. The problem is: Sometimes the triangle
2013 Jul 04
Java/Solr - Could not reserve enough space for object heap.
Hi All. # cat /etc/redhat-release CentOS release 6.2 (Final) # uname -r # rpm -qa | grep solr apache-solr-3.5.0-1.5... I have a solr installation which is invoked: /usr/bin/java -Xms25g -Xmx25g -DSTOP.PORT=8079 -DSTOP.KEY=mustard -Dsolr.solr.home=multicore -jar start.jar After start/when the java process is running: # free -m total