similar to: PANDOC

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "PANDOC"

2019 Oct 12
Hola, parece que el problema está relacionado con la versión de Pandoc. La última da problemas, según parece: DataExplorer failed on the iris and mtcars data.frames on 3 of 4 computers today. It took hours, but the problem seems related to newer versions of Pandoc. Only Pandoc 2.6 works with DataExplorer. It will fail with newer versions 2.7
2010 Jan 16
Sweave - How to use local objects in code chunks
Hello, I wrote a function create_report that calls the function Sweave. create_report shall be used to create a pdf-report about an lm-Object which is passed as an argument to create_report. I try to use an object sel_model, that is created within the function environment of create_report and later on used within the first code chunk of the file report_template.rnw. When I use following code I
2015 Mar 12
Requirement for pandoc 1.12.3 in R 3.1.3
Are other developers finding R 3.1.3 problematic because vignette building requires pandoc 1.12.3, while Linux Mint 17 / Ubuntu 14.04 have R 3.1.2 seems to work fine. I'd very much like to avoid having to build as large a Linux package as pandoc, which has given me issues outside of R (it leaves out words, sentences or paragraphs when converting Latex to epub in a novel I'm
2006 Aug 10
pandoc - an implementation of Markdown in Haskell
I've just released an early version of a Markdown implementation in Haskell (using the Parsec parser combinator library). pandoc converts Markdown to HTML, LaTeX, reStructuredText, rich text format, and S5 HTML slide shows. It partially converts HTML, LaTeX, and reStructuredText to Markdown. It also makes it easy to include LaTeX math on HTML pages, using Peter Jipsen's ASCIIMathML.js.
2015 Mar 12
Requirement for pandoc 1.12.3 in R 3.1.3
Thanks Brian. Indeed, the vignette is in markdown form. When I updated my system to R 3.1.3 I ran update.packages() and this seems to have upset things (including R-studio processing of markdown files). I tried removing rmarkdown and reverting to an older version so that my sessionInfo() is Loading required package: rmarkdown > sessionInfo() R version 3.1.3 (2015-03-09) Platform:
2014 Nov 06
updating pandoc and converting to UTF-8
Hi guys, I need to run pandoc. ( I did this: rpm -ivh yum install -y pandoc This is version They are up to 13.1.1. How can I update to the latest? Yum doesn't have anything more that I can see. Also, is there a tool like 'iconv' on OS X where I can
2007 Sep 30
two pandoc web apps
I've put together two small web apps to demonstrate pandoc: 1. [html2x]( can convert most web pages to markdown, reStructuredText, DocBook, LaTeX, ConTeXt, RTF, or groff man. Bookmarklets are provided. html2x is modeled on Aaron Swartz's [html2text](, but it's faster, supports multiple output formats,
2020 May 04
Estimados Instalé r.4 pero me pide que actualice cada paquete, ?hay alguna manera automática?
2005 Dec 20
How to model "Expense Report" in Rails MVC
1st: I am a newbie to Rails & to pure OO. Q: I want to use rails for creating a "master-detail" form. page layout will allow users to type in an "expense report header" and as many "expense report lines" as they need to. I understand how to wrap the final submit action using "transaction" to ensure the inserts to the database happen within the same
2020 May 05
update.packages(ask=F, checkBuilt=T) FUNCIONA BIEN, ESTOY ACTUALIZANDO El 4/5/20, Emilio L. Cano <emilopezcano en> escribió: > Sí la hay, yo antes lo hacía. Pero ahora pienso como Hadley: > > <> > > Te digo de memoria (en Windows): copia
2015 Jul 02
Pregunta sobre RMarkdown
Hola Carlos, creo que no resuelve el problema, de hecho otra de las cosas que no he conseguido aún es generar sencillamente el PDF (con los html para generarlos 1 a 1 sin pb). Siempre suelo obtener el error. Esto me aparece al ejecutar myReport$export(): You may install Pandoc easily with "install.pandoc()" from the "installr" package.Error in Pandoc.convert(fp, format =
2017 Mar 22
R - Markdown
Estimados todos, quizas la pregunta es simple pero no puedo arreglarlo. Cuando trato de exportar mi archivo a PDf usando el R Markdown me arroja este error: pandoc.exe: pdflatex not found. pdflatex is needed for pdf output.Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 41Además: Warning message:comando ejecutado '"C:/Program Files/RStudio/bin/pandoc/pandoc" +RTS -K512m -RTS
2015 Jul 02
Pregunta sobre RMarkdown
Hola, ¿qué tal? Lo que puedes hacer es que tu fichero Rmd lea el parámetro de un fichero externo. Entonces, creas un script que: 1) Actualice el valor del índice en ese fichero externo. 2) Compile el Rmd y le dé el nombre que te interesa. 3) Vuelva a (1). Salud, Carlos J. Gil Bellosta El día 2 de julio de 2015, 16:08, David Duncan <dhduncan1975 en
2012 Mar 10
ANN: pandoc
It has been a while since I've announced a pandoc release on this list, so here's an update. The latest version of pandoc supports conversion of markdown to a host of other formats, including * HTML formats: XHTML, HTML5, and HTML slide shows using Slidy, S5, or DZSlides * Word processor formats: Microsoft Word docx, OpenOffice odt * Ebooks: EPUB * Documentation formats: DocBook, GNU
2008 Sep 14
I'm pleased to announce the release of pandoc version Pandoc is a general text markup format converter. In addition to strict markdown and an extended markdown syntax (including tables, footnotes, definition lists, enhanced ordered lists, LateX math, etc.), pandoc can read HTML, LaTeX, and reStructuredText. It can write HTML, LaTeX, ConTeXt, DocBook, RTF, OpenDocument XML, ODT,
2007 Aug 16
pandoc 0.4 released
I've just released a new version of pandoc (0.4), a program for converting between different markup and markdown formats. Using pandoc, you can convert markdown-formatted plain text to HTML, LaTeX, ConTeXt, DocBook XML, groff man pages, S5 HTML slide shows, RTF, reStructuredText, and (using the associated shell script markdown2pdf) PDF. You can also convert HTML, LaTeX, and reStructuredText
2007 Jan 09
Pandoc 0.3
I'm pleased to announce the release of Pandoc 0.3, with many improvements and bug fixes. Highlights: - A real markdown parser, not based on regex substitutions. - [More accurate] and [faster], in many cases, than - Multiple output formats--HTML, Docbook, LaTeX, reStructuredText, RTF, S5 slide shows--all generated natively, with no XSLT postprocessing. - Converts *to* markdown
2015 Sep 15
Fwd: problema en while y en extraer valores de un vector
Hola chicos, muchas gracias, funcionan vuestros códigos, pero no entiendo porqué el mío no funciona, y me gustaría aprender R bien. Quiero sacar números de 5 en 5, desplazándome una posición cada vez para la derecha: a <- c(8,10,4,1,7,2,4,6,3,8) b <- rep(0,5) i=1 while (i<=6) { b <- a[i:i+4] print(b) i=i+1 } quiero que en la primera iteración me saque en
2020 Jan 02
Estimados quisiera poder salvar a csv y a excell la base de datos titanic data("titanic", package = "prLogistic") saludos José
2016 Oct 26
borrar texto en una gráfica
Hola a todos, Os envío una consulta que considero sencilla pero me está resultando imposible de resolver. Si ejecutáis el siguiente código, obtendréis la gráfica que os adjunto: library(ltm) modelo <- rasch(LSAT) plot(modelo, main="Curva probabilidad pregunta 1",legend = TRUE, cx = "bottomright", items=1,xlab="Conocimiento",ylab="Probabilidad") Resulta