similar to: Serie temporal interrumpida del tipo AirPassengers

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 150 matches similar to: "Serie temporal interrumpida del tipo AirPassengers"

2010 Nov 30
confidence interval for logistic joinpoint regression from package ljr
I?m trying to run a logistic joinpoint regression utilising the ljr package. I?ve been using the forward selection technique to get the number of knots for the analysis, but I?m uncertain as to my results and the interpretation. The documentation is rather brief ( in the package and the stats in medicine article is quite technical) and without any good examples. At the moment I?m thinking 1)find
2013 Apr 08
"No such file or directory" error setting up dict quota for mdbox
Hi, I've some troubles setting up the dict based quota plugin for mdbox, it always returns a error when lmtp tries to deliver an e-mail: Apr 8 12:40:16 mb07 dovecot: lmtp(3001, asmarre at Error: fstat(/sharedfs/ failed: No such file or directory Apr 8 12:40:16 mb07 dovecot: lmtp(3001, asmarre at Error: file dict commit:
2007 Nov 16
monthplot () - axis change color
Hi, When I run this code a part of my x-axis and y-axis changes color. Can somebody tell me what is wrong? Also, is there a way to control the color of the average lines? monthplot(AirPassengers+500, ylim=c(min(AirPassengers), max(AirPassengers+500)), ylab="") par(new=T) monthplot(AirPassengers, col="blue", ylim=c(min(AirPassengers), max(AirPassengers+500)),
2012 Jan 21
How to identify data structure?
data(AirPassengers) brings AirPassengers into the workspace. How can I  idenfity what the structure of AirPassengers is? Is it a data.frame, a table etc. etc. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Jul 28
construct a data set
Hi, i want to construct a data set similar to "AirPassengers". Its attributes are following. > attributes(AirPassengers) $tsp [1] 1949.000 1960.917 12.000 $class [1] "ts" How Can I construct a data set similar to it having same class and attributes. Thanks -- Amar Kumar Nandan ?:nandan.amar at
2004 Jul 18
Greetings: I'm using the time series decomposition routine "stl" from the package "stats". But how do I get the results into a vector to work with them? example: data(AirPassengers) m<-stl(AirPassengers,"per") print(m) This lists the output but can't figure out how to extract the individual series like seasonal, trend, irregular. Thanks, Bob
2012 Jan 29
Data Structure to Code
Given: data(AirPassengers) I get a ts data structure AirPassengers in the workspace. How can I generate the code that can create that structure? That is, given an example of a data structure, is there a way to generate the code that can greate that structure? Alternatively, is there a reference that provides a list of dta structures together with a full list of theor respective attributes?
2010 Nov 22
Help: Standard errors arima
Hello, I'm an R newbie. I've tried to search, but my search skills don't seem up to finding what I need. (Maybe I don't know the correct terms?) I need the standard errors and not the confidence intervals from an ARIMA fit. I can get fits: > coef(test) ar1 ma1 intercept time(TempVector) - 1900
2011 Dec 13
Problem with ploting fitted values
Hello! I have such a problem... Estimated a model based on common data (you can find it in R library), and I wanted to plot the orginal values with the estimated one. Unfortunately I can only see the original values. Below is the code with data library: / library(forecast) data(AirPassengers) AP <- AirPassengers class(AP) start(AP) end(AP) frequency(AP) lgAP <- log(AP) t<-2:length(AP)
2004 Aug 10
Check failed after compilation (PR#7159)
Full_Name: Madeleine Yeh Version: 1.9.1 OS: AIX 5.2 Submission from: (NULL) ( After compiling R-1.9.1 on AIX 5.2 using the IBM cc compiler, I ran the checks. One of them failed. Here is the output from running the check solo. root@svweb:/fsapps/test/build/R/1.9.1/R-1.9.1/tests/Examples: ># ../../bin/R --vanilla < stats-Ex.R R : Copyright 2004, The R
2011 Mar 08
This is supposed to predict a time series?!
Hello, I just ran the predict.StructTS function using the AirPassengers data and got a ridiculous result. Here's what I ended up with:!.pdf Who wrote this? Am I seriously supposed to think this function would accurately predict a time series? -AnalogKid
2017 Mar 22
R - Markdown
Estimados todos, quizas la pregunta es simple pero no puedo arreglarlo. Cuando trato de exportar mi archivo a PDf usando el R Markdown me arroja este error: pandoc.exe: pdflatex not found. pdflatex is needed for pdf output.Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 41Además: Warning message:comando ejecutado '"C:/Program Files/RStudio/bin/pandoc/pandoc" +RTS -K512m -RTS
2015 Sep 19
Problemas con rmarkdown
Buenas noches, Escribo este mail porque tengo un problema con rmarkdown, estoy creando un informe y me iba bien al generarlo como pdf, de repente me sale el siguiente error y no sé como solucionarlo: pandoc.exe: Error producing PDF from TeX sourceError: pandoc document conversion failed with error 43Además: Warning message:comando ejecutado '"C:/Program
2012 Jun 13
Reading several tables from stdin
I'm trying to write a Rscript program capable of reading several tables from the standard input. The problem is that the tables aren't in files because they are coming from another process that is generating them. From the R-console the following works pretty well: |> f <- stdin() |> t <- read.table(f) |> t2 <- read.table(f) |> t uno dos 01 3 4
2013 Apr 04
question about message
Hello R, could you tell me please, how to fix this issue? There is installed RStudio-2.15.2 and the next steps where follow but the message appears: > > 1. Download the RMySQL_0.9.tar.gz file to the folder C:\Program > Files\R\R-2.15.1\bin\x64 > 2. Open a Windows command line, and change directory to that folder > 3.
2010 Mar 19
Arima forecasting
Hello everyone, I'm doing some benchmark comparing Arima [1] and SVR on time series data. I'm using an out-of-sample one-step-ahead prediction from Arima using the "fitted" method [2]. Do someone know how to have a two-steps-ahead forecast timeseries from Arima? Thanks, Matteo Bertini [1] [2] AirPassengers example on page 5
2010 Sep 10
How to call to R_KalmanLike from outside StructTS
Dear all: I want to modify the 'StructTS' function from the 'stats' package. First, I am writing a working copy of the original version and got some problems. I have two versions of the function plus the original one. The first version is the same code as the 'StructTS' function: StructTS.v1 <- function (x, type = c("level", "trend",
2012 Feb 20
Confused: Inconsistent result?
This is copy & paste from my session: > xyz<-as.vector(c(ls(),as.matrix(lapply(ls(),class)))) > dim(xyz)<-c(length(xyz)/2,2) > > allobj<-function(){ + xyz<-as.vector(c(ls(),as.matrix(lapply(ls(),class)))); + dim(xyz)<-c(length(xyz)/2,2); + return(xyz) + } > xyz       [,1]              [,2]        [1,] "a"               "character"  [2,]
2011 Feb 22
Problem with forward prediction using StructTS output
I am having problems with forward prediction using the output of the Basic Structural Model from StructTS. The following snippet illustrates the problem: t_end <- 139 nahead <- 20 data(AirPassengers) ap <- log10(AirPassengers)-2 fit <- StructTS(ts(ap[1:t_end], freq=12), type="BSM") p <- stats:::predict.StructTS(fit, n.ahead=nahead) plot(1:t_end, ap[1:t_end],
2017 Apr 30
Byte compilation with window<- in R3.4.0
Hi, I am running into a problem when I use the window<- replacement function in R 3.4.0. It will lead to an error when it is called inside a loop, probably the result of the byte compiler now enabled by default. When I turn it off, it works again, as in older versions of R. I tested on Win, Linux and Mac, and the problem occurs everywhere. Here is a reproducible example: z <-