similar to: Problemas con ggsave(paste('img/',plotName,'.png', sep='')

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "Problemas con ggsave(paste('img/',plotName,'.png', sep='')"

2013 Aug 26
Problemas con ggsave(paste('img/', plotName, '.png', sep='')
Estimado Linis, Si estás bajo Windows y no has cambiado las rutas (también dentro de las funciones) es posible que no funcionen bien. Por ejemplo la sentencia paste('img/',plotName,'.png', sep='') deberías cambiarla por: paste('img\',plotName,'.png', sep='') o incluso por paste('img\\',plotName,'.png', sep='')
2013 Aug 19
Error in grDevices
Estimados usuarios de R: Estoy corriendo el código de aqui: y al correr la función ggsave(paste('img/',plotName,'.png', sep='') resulta el error: Saving 7.32 x 4.87 in image Error in grDevices::png(..., width = width, height = height, res = dpi, : unable to start png() deviceIn
2013 Aug 23
Problemas con ggsave(...). Estadística Espacial
Estimados usuarios de R: Estoy corriendo el código de aqui: y correr la siguiente instruccion: saveKde2Plot(burgDens, 'BurglaryKde2d', 'Burglary\n Density') Esta función incluye el comando ggsave( ... ), que genera el siguiente error: Saving 7.32 x 4.87 in imageError in
2009 Aug 20
ggsave to .png bug in ggplot2 (?)
Text is really small and legend boxes are huge in this plot when saved to .png with ggsave. Plot is correct (i.e. looks the same as the screen) when saved with dev.print. Saving to .pdf with ggsave give the correct output. I'm a noob at ggplot2 so this may be user error rather than a bug. However the interface to ggsave seems simple enough to exclude many possibilities for screwing this up
2011 Jul 08
Referencing a vector of data labels in ggplot function
Hi, I really feel I've looked everywhere, although I know this can't be a hard problem. I'd like to be able to call the graph below as a function, but I can't get the function to recognize variables beyond 'dframe'. I've read through many papers on writing functions in R, but I can't get this to work. data <- data.frame('date' = as.Date(rep(c(15101,
2010 Feb 24
ggsave in Linux
I have a script that creates a qplot that is then saved as a .png file which works fine on Windows. But I also work on Linux servers via Putty and would like to be able to create and save my plots to my working directory. Is there a way I can ggsave my qplot without utilizing X11 in Linux? I don't need to view the plot in Linux, I just want the plot created and immediately saved to my working
2009 Dec 07
savePlot for Mac and / or Linux?
Hi all, In the package rtlu, I use the function savePlot. It is convenient since it let the user decide in which graphic format he wants his graph to be export. But when I run R CMD check, I get the following message : > rtlu(V1,fileOutput="First.tex",textBefore="\\section{Variable 1 to 3}",graphName="V1") Error in savePlot(filename = nomBarplot, type = type)
2004 Apr 14
A bug report?
Folks, I have a strange situation, which I may have isolated as a bug report. Or, it could just be that there's something about R that I don't know. :-) I have attached the data file and the program file but don't know whether these attachments will make it into the list. Here is my bugreport.R program -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
2013 Mar 18
Windows R-3.0.0 and Tcl/tkrplot issue
Greetings R Developers, I've been testing the alpha release of R-3.0.0 and I noticed that the plotting functionality in package tkrplot was not working correctly. Further diagnosis found the issue to be related to the command '.Tcl("image create Rplot plotname")' from package "tkrplot". The following example is taken from here:
2011 Feb 16
how to create normalized pdf plot?
Hello, I have multiple data files. Each file contains a single column and 1.5 million rows. I want to create normalized pdfs (area under curve is 1) and histograms to compare with one another. Could anybody suggest if there exists an easy way or built in function in R. At present I am using Origin and Excel together to do this. A single file needs 10 minutes and I have a total of 929 files! So
2006 Jan 13
Saving a plot in R-LINUX
Good day, Is there any way to save a plot produced by R in a LINUX (Debian) machine? The window opened by R to put the plot in, does not give any option to save it (there are options to move, close, minimise it, etc. but not to save it). How do you do that? Thanks, Augusto -------------------------------------------- Augusto Sanabria. MSc, PhD. Mathematical Modeller Risk Research Group
2006 Jun 16
problem with join
Hi all, I''m having a problem with a join inside a paginate, the code is like this: @ruta_pages, @rutas = paginate :rutas, :conditions => conds_arr, :joins => "AS ru LEFT JOIN vehiculos AS ve ON ru.vehiculo_id =", :per_page => 10, :order => "fecha DESC" The problem with this, is that the query returns the
2009 Apr 14
subset dataframe by rows using character vector?
Dear List, I'm stuck on what seems like a simple indexing problem, I'd be very grateful to anyone willing to help me out. I queried a dataframe which returns a character vector called "plot". I have another dataframe from which I want to subset or select only those rows that match "plot". I've tried subset, and also the "which" command. plot
2016 May 06
Error al ejecutar /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient -L localhost -U%
Hola, Tod at s, Estoy tratando de instalar un DC con samba 4 y luego de crear el dominio cuando ejecuto este comando para probar si esta funcionando me da error. He compilado y todo esta bien, pero por alguna relazon no veo el proceso de samba corriendo. Lo estoy haciendo en una instalacion limpia, siguiendo este manual pero en este paso me da error.
2009 Jul 22
Link to documentation in another package
Dear all, One of the functions that I wrote (ggsave.latex) extents the functionality of a function (ggsave) in another package (ggplot2). Instead of copying all the information I would like to create a link in the helpfile of ggsave.latex to the helpfile of ggsave. I tried \code{\link{ggsave}} and \code{\link{ggplot2::ggsave}}, but neither worked. Both cases gave a 'missing link' warning.
2017 Oct 13
[FORGED] can't print ggplot with Chinese characters to pdf files
Hi Instead of ... ggsave("test_plot_chinese.pdf", m2) ... try ... cairo_pdf("test_plot_chinese.pdf") print(m2) Paul On 13/10/17 02:12, John wrote: > I install the Chinese font "Kaiti TC" on my mac, but I can't print the > figures to pdf file by "marrangeGrob" command, which is in the package > "gridExtra". Error message
2014 May 29
How to make the tests pass in an elegant way? Ruby on Rails
I am writing a rails app with my colleague who wrote a lot of the tests. He had to take a leave of absence due to a death in his family, and I am needing helps with changing the model so that the tests will pass in our spec file. Here is the model: class Worker < ActiveRecord::Base attr_accessible :first_name, :last_name has_many :writings end Here is the spec:
2016 May 06
Error al ejecutar /usr/local/samba/bin/smbclient -L localhost -U%
You're right, Samba as member of an AD domain or Samba as AD DC are relying on AD database to get its list of users. root user is not into AD database, you can't use it to authenticate yourself against AD. Note that you should be able to create a root user into AD database and then you would be able to log with root against AD but I don't think this is a good idea... 2016-05-06 16:56
2003 Jun 20
Power Law Exponents
I am having difficulty with the calculation of the power law exponent for set of nodes within a graph. Specifically, I am interested in the distribution of in-degree and out-degree among communities of web pages where the web pages are the nodes of the graph and the hyperlinks the edges. According to the literature, the distribution of incoming and outgoing links obeys a power law distribution
2017 Oct 13
[FORGED] can't print ggplot with Chinese characters to pdf files
Hi By the looks of it, you need to install Cairo graphics ... Paul On 13/10/17 15:48, John wrote: > Thanks, Paul. Following your solution, ?I got this error message: > > Warning message: > In cairo_pdf("test_plot_chinese.pdf") : failed to load cairo DLL > > Is there anything else I need to install? > > Thanks, >