similar to: [Bug 1147] New: iptables rule to match a 'set' shows [unsupported revision]

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "[Bug 1147] New: iptables rule to match a 'set' shows [unsupported revision]"

2011 Sep 03
[Bug 744] New: set:list behavior Summary: set:list behavior Product: ipset Version: unspecified Platform: All OS/Version: All Status: NEW Severity: enhancement Priority: P5 Component: default AssignedTo: netfilter-buglog at ReportedBy: martinbarrowcliff
2019 Jan 14
CentOS 6.X, iptables 1.47 and GeoLite2 Country Database
Hi Specs in subject line: CentOS 6.X all latest patches), iptables 1.47, Apache2.2 I use the Geolite legacy databases together with iptables 1.47 to filter traffic for a variety of ports and only allow .AU traffic to have access. Maxmind ( changed the default DB to the latest version which is GeoLite2, this leaves all users in need of the old
2017 Jun 16
[Bug 1158] New: using old session data when piping multiple commands Bug ID: 1158 Summary: using old session data when piping multiple commands Product: ipset Version: unspecified Hardware: x86_64 OS: Ubuntu Status: NEW Severity: minor Priority: P5 Component: default Assignee: netfilter-buglog
2013 Aug 16
PATCH for bitmath.h: 1 typo, 1 warning
rutine -> routine Also MSVC complains that FLAC__uint32* (unsigned int*) is not of the same type as unsigned long* --- a\src\libFLAC\include\private\bitmath.h 2013-08-13 13:30:24.000000000 +0400 +++ b\src\libFLAC\include\private\bitmath.h 2013-08-14 10:20:51.484053700 +0400 @@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ return _bit_scan_reverse(v) ^ 31U; #elif defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ >= 4 ||
2015 Mar 01
IP drop list
I wonder if there is an easy way to provide dovecot a flat text file of ipv4 #'s which should be ignored or dropped? I have accumulated 45,000+ IPs which routinely try dictionary and 12345678 password attempts. The file is too big to create firewall drops, and I don't want to compile with wrappers *if* dovecot has an easy ability to do this. If dovecot could parse a flat text file of
2014 Aug 10
ipset module loaded at startup on CentOS 6.5
Anybody on here successfully get ipset iptables sets to work _after_ a reboot? My question on StackExchange Some of the things that need to be in place, otherwise iptables does not load: 1.) The kernel module ip_set needs to be loaded. 2.) The "sets" need to be
2015 Feb 17
Using "ipset" under CentOS7
ipset on CentOS6 comes with /etc/rc.d/init.d/ipset so that "service ipset reload" can be used to (re)load the configuration. CentOS7 doesn't come with an equivalent for systemd: # systemctl reload ipset.service Failed to issue method call: Unit ipset.service failed to load: No such file or directory. # systemctl start ipset.service Failed to issue method call: Unit ipset.service
2016 Sep 13
Iptables not save rules
> -----Original Message----- > From: centos-bounces at [mailto:centos-bounces at] On > Behalf Of John R Pierce > Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2016 10:44 PM > To: centos at > Subject: Re: [CentOS] Iptables not save rules > > On 9/11/2016 8:55 AM, TE Dukes wrote: > > I have been using ipset to blacklist badbots. Works like a champ! >
2017 Jul 19
under some kind of attack
Hi Robert, On 07/18/2017 11:43 PM, Robert Schetterer wrote: > i guess not, but typical bots arent using ssl, check it > > however fail2ban sometimes is to slow I have configured dovecot with auth_failure_delay = 10 secs I hope that before the 10 sec are over, dovecot will have logged about the failed login attempt, and fail2ban will have blocked the ip by then. MJ
2010 Jun 17
shorewall 4.4.10 failing to start; won't recognize ipset "capability"
I have been using shorewall for years with ipsets. I have encountered a problem after upgrading from 4.2.11 to 4.4.10. When I run ''shorewall-check'' or ''shorewall start'', it halts with the error: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ERROR: ipset names in Shorewall configuration files require Ipset Match in your kernel and
2011 Aug 02
[Bug 733] New: ipset restore won't restore from output of ipset save Summary: ipset restore won't restore from output of ipset save Product: ipset Version: unspecified Platform: All OS/Version: Debian GNU/Linux Status: NEW Severity: normal Priority: P5 Component: default AssignedTo: netfilter-buglog at
2016 Sep 11
Iptables not save rules
Hello, I have been using ipset to blacklist badbots. Works like a champ! The only problem is if I do a system reboot, I lose the ipset and the rule. I changed /etc/sysconfig/iptables.conf to: IPTABLES_SAVE_ON_RESTART="yes" IPTABLES_SAVE_ON_STOP="yes" And followed the instructions in: The changes are still not saved.
2013 Dec 17
shorewall add fails with IPSET=
Hi all I have a CentOS6 box with shorewall-4.5.21. If I have IPSET= in shorewall.conf and I issue the command "shorewall add ppp: ptp", I get the error: /usr/share/shorewall/lib.cli: line 585: [: too many arguments ERROR: Zone ptp, interface ppp does not have a dynamic host list The error is corrected setting the actual path to ipset in shorewall.conf, or via the patch:
2012 Sep 30
shorewall dynamic zones confusion
Hi, I''ve been successfully using shorewall in our K12 school since the 2.x days initially on Mandrake and now on Debian. Because of that my config has got quite complicated. The firewall has a working MultiISP setup with four interfaces (I''ve renamed them with udev to easy their identification): lan-if, dmz-if, snt-if and dnt-if (one of the providers (the one on dnt-if) is a DSL
2012 Feb 28
[Bug 773] New: iptables performance limits on # of rules using ipset Summary: iptables performance limits on # of rules using ipset Product: ipset Version: unspecified Platform: All OS/Version: All Status: NEW Severity: enhancement Priority: P5 Component: default AssignedTo: netfilter-buglog at
2023 Dec 05
[Bug 1726] New: invalid json generated by ipset list -output json Bug ID: 1726 Summary: invalid json generated by ipset list -output json Product: ipset Version: unspecified Hardware: x86_64 OS: Debian GNU/Linux Status: NEW Severity: trivial Priority: P5 Component: default Assignee:
2014 Dec 08
ipset not actually blocking
i created an ipset and added to it and used the same iptables working all summer long but ?i can still ping and do nslookup queries against it. ipset or iptables is broken. Anybody else rebooted since ipset-6.11-3.el6.i686 was installed and actually tested that IP addresses that are supposed to be blacklisted are actually blocked? ? Filed CentOS bug report 7977
2011 Jul 25
I haven''t debugged this enough to understand what is happening, but I observe the following: someipset = bitmap:ip,mac 1) br0:+someipset 2) br0:+someipset[2] The first 1) doesn''t match anything in rules or tcrules, the second 2) matches fine. (Also using +someipset[1] doesn''t match anything) Is it possible/sensible/feasible to have shorewall figure out the
2016 Aug 20
What is broken with fail2ban
Hello List, with CentOS 7.2 it is not longer possible to run fail2ban on a Server ? I install a new CentOS 7.2 and the EPEL directory yum install fail2ban I don't change anything only I create a jail.local to enable the Filters [sshd] enabled = true .... ..... When I start afterward fail2ban systemctl status fail2ban is clean But systemctl status firewalld is broken ? firewalld.service -
2019 Jan 15
CentOS 6.X, iptables 1.47 and GeoLite2 Country Database
On Mon, Jan 14, 2019 at 07:29:45AM +0000, Phil Perry (pperry at wrote: > On 14/01/2019 07:09, Jobst Schmalenbach wrote: > > Hi > I use ipdeny's aggregated country lists to do the same thing: > > > > I just feed this data directly into ipset/iptables via a script running on > my firewall (not a C6 box).