similar to: help on ajax autocompleter

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "help on ajax autocompleter"

2006 Jun 19
Autocompleter enhancement feature request
Hello, I have created a ticket for an enhancement of the autocompleter to show the options immediately when the field gets focus. Right now at least one character must be typed for autocomplete to kick in. I have also made some code changes directly in the script Event.observe(this.element, "blur", this.onBlur.bindAsEventListener(this));
2006 Jan 23
autocomplete=off not working on Firefox
I noticed that the latest control.js disables auto complete: this.element.setAttribute(''autocomplete'',''off''); So I removed my inline "autocomplete=''off''" from my input fields. But Firefox still auto completes. Using the Firefox DOM Inspector I do see that it''s applied by Ajax.Autocompleter as expected. The Inspector
2006 Jan 02
Scriptaculous Autocompleter and new values
Hello. I''m using the Autocompleter to display suggestions when the user enters text in an input field. Sometimes the user wants to add text that is not among the suggestions but that is the prefix of one of the suggested entries. What''s the best way to accomplish this (the problem is, that the first matching entry is selected automatically and can''t be deselected)?
2006 May 16
in_place_editor with local autocomplete
Hi Rails gals n guys I am trying to enhance the "Lightning-Fast JavaScript Autocompletion" rails recipe. For those that do not have the pdf-book the recipe explains how to use a javascript array for an auto-complete text field. I want to combine this with the in_place_editor call. My current (unworking) code: <!-- Load the array for autocomplete --> <script
2006 Mar 29
auto_complete_on_select don''t work correctly
Hi, i hope that''s the correct place for this question. I must update two input text from autocomplete. The list is, for exemple: <ul> <li> <span class="comune_name">pippo</span> <span class="lat" style="display:none">1.2</span> <span class="long" style="display:none">3.0</span>
2006 Mar 07
Ajax.Autompleter not working on IE
I have IE 6.0.2 on an old Win 98 machine (that sounds like a vacuum cleaner when running), but I''m developing with FireFox and on Mac and Linux where things seem to work fine. On IE my Ajax.Updater code and my scriptaculous effects are working fine, but my autocomplete fields are not. I assume I''m doing something wrong in setting up the field: I use this on my form: <input
2006 Jan 10
Changes to Autocomplete?
Hi all, Can anyone confirm if anything has changed in Ajax.Autocompleter (or Autocompleter[.Base]) in 1.5.1 since 1.5? I've updated to this version and either something has changed (unlikely) or I've made a change somewhere that's borked it (much more likely). Events aren't firing on the text box when I enter input or blur away from the control ... Many thanks! Regards, Cam
2005 Aug 23
[][Patch] Autocompleter.selectEntry()
I made a small patch to controls.js. I moved the line this.element.focus() from the end of selectEntry() to the end of updateElement(). The rationale is that if the user uses the options hash to override updateElement, he/she can choose which element to focus next, instead of being forced to the default. You can see an example on the wiki page (still under construction)
2009 Nov 16
Biometric Summit - 2010
JOIN YOUR COLLEAGUES FOR THE 20TH HIGHLY ACCLAIMED INTERNATIONAL FORUM TO HEAR THE LATEST IMPLEMENTATIONS OF BIOMETRICS... THE WINTER 2010 BIOMETRICS SUMMIT: -------------------- Practical Implementation Strategies, Market Trends And Best Practices In Government And Business -------------------- February 22-25, 2010 - Miami, FL
2008 Aug 25
prototype.js Ajax is slow
So I was doing some experimenting with prototype and ajax and discovered something interesting. When I use the first ajax call the response from the server take 53ms. When I use the second on using the prototype functions the request from the server is over 200ms. My question is why, and can it be fixed? <p><a href="#" onclick="serverSideAlert();">Call
2006 Jun 21
scriptaculous question
Hello everybody. I''m wondering if there is away with scriptaculous to update multiple form fields with data after finishing an autocomplete request. Heres an example. Joe BlowSchmoe fills in his name and starts to type in the customer number, he selects the approprate customer number from autocomplete list, and bam the address associated with the customer number is populated into the
2009 Jul 07
[PATCH server] Update app to work with rails 2.3.2
Note that this does not fix gettext for app, that will be done separately in another patch as F10/F11 require different setups for that. In the meantime gettext works if manually changed in environment.rb to gettext_rails instead of gettext/rails Signed-off-by: Jason Guiditta <jason.guiditt at> --- src/app/controllers/application.rb | 200 --------
2007 Nov 21
where do i get the return value of a javascipt method?
how do i get the value of a javascipt confirm() function? a(:href=>R(DeleteUser,, :onclick => "javascript:confirm(''You sure about this?'')"){label} any tips? thanks! -- |^^^^^^^^^^^^\ .|| |NALDEVNGELSTA.___||''""|""\___, | ________________ l | |__|__|_|) (@!)!(@)"""""**|(@) (@)****|(@)
2008 May 08
query strings built by R method can''t handle multiple values from checkbox selections
query strings built by R method can''t handle multiple values from checkbox selections R(SomeRoute, :reply_status=>%w{1 2 4}) should return query_string=" http://localhost:3301/someroute/?reply_status_id=1&reply_status_id=2&reply_status_id=4 " qsp(query_string) -> {"reply_status_id"=>["1", "2", "4"]} from
2006 Mar 08
Autocompletion for <SELECT>
[note: I sent this note to Spinoffs with no takers. Hoping someone here has some advice. Thanx. Jodi] Greetings all. I am looking for an ajax-a-fied select box (single select). Unlike the autocompleter for a text field, it would restrict the entry to only those entries returned. Ala Ticket #2586 [ ] "Essentially an autocomplete that only allows
2006 Mar 06
Autocompletion for <SELECT>
Greetings all. I am looking for an ajax-a-fied select box (single select). Unlike the autocompleter for a text field, it would restrict the entry to only those entries returned. Ala Ticket #2586 [ ] "Essentially an autocomplete that only allows values from a list. Might even be fed by a regular select tags (with options), or by an AJAX call.
2006 Jan 10
Customizing autocomplete to update more than one value upon vaule select
Good day. Currently I have a system that will successfully add a row to a table. Each row in this table will represent a new product being added to a purchase order. The user can enter a quantity and then select a product code. The product code is the auto_complete field. This field works. However, once the user selects a product code then the values for the product description, buy price, and
2008 Jan 05
Patch Review #10712: Auto Complete Option
I''ve posted a patch for support the AutoCompleter updateElement option allowing the auto_complete plugin to customize the behavior of the auto completion. I required this to fix my app and it is deployed in production. Patch is dead simple and should be a quick sign off for anyone using the plugin. -- Gabe da Silveira
2007 Nov 06
help on helper module inclusion/extension
I want to include helper methods included to my Camping App from by requiring an external file but I can''t seem to include helpers from another module. module CampingHelpers def self.included(base) base::Helpers.send(:include, Helpers) end module Helpers def show_test p "test" end end end Camping.goes :CampingApp ... module
2006 Jan 06
|Hi i''m New First Question: to use a it needs to include prototype.js and scriptaculous.js.... but doesn''t work!!; instead ||using ||scriptaculous.shrunk of Alister Cameron, work; what are the expedient to use to include the ||scriptaculous.js ? Second question: in |Ajax.Autocompleter