similar to: Lingering status?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Lingering status?"

2008 Jan 18
Query All Worker
What does the method query_all_workers() do? There is no documentation on what this method returns (1.0.1 version). Orion -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2008 Jan 03
Delete a busy worker
I thought I could delete a busy worker by calling MiddleMan.delete_worker, but doesn''t seem to end. I believe this was possible in 0.2, is it not in 1.0? thanks, Zach -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Nov 22
Hey all, Quick question about handling completed workers... Most of my workers are one-offs that just let me spin off a long-running file transfer process and then they just need to self-destruct when completed. Thus, at the end of my do_work, I just call self.delete to (in theory) self-destruct. However, while checking the jobs.size from the console, I''ve noticed that this
2006 Sep 01
Worker suicide
Hi the list people, hi Ezra, I just read from this message that BackgrounDRb will offer a way to kill a worker from within itself. As this message is from 7/25, I wonder if this feature has been added since. If not, is there any way to do it? I tried this: MiddleMan.delete_worker(@_job_key) But it raise: uninitialized
2008 May 28
nil.send_request = Incorrect worker name?
Hi, Would greatly appreciate some help with this. Is the following error caused by an incorrect worker name? You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! The error occurred while evaluating nil.send_request /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/packet-0.1.5/lib/packet/packet_master.rb:44:in `ask_worker'' Here''s what I''m doing in my rails console.
2006 Jul 24
Hello, Thank you so very much for Backgroundrb. Good Stuff. A general question: Do: - calling ''teminate'' within a worker - calling delete_worker through MiddleMan - letting the :ttl expire - calling MiddleMan.gc! (with an appropriate timestamp) All accomplish the same thing? And here''s a bonus feature request: It''d be cool if you could specify how many
2006 Jul 31
Please help, if @jobs[key].respond_to? :thread is returning false
I noticed in the BackgroundRB class in the delete_worker method there is a line: if @jobs[key].respond_to? :thread For some reason this is returning false for me, it gets down to this line and returns false, not killing the thread. Any idea why this is returning false? Thanks for your help. Thank You, Ben Johnson E: bjohnson at -------------- next part -------------- An
2006 Jul 31
delete_worker doesn''t kill the thread?
I made a worker that run an infinite loop and does the following: while true @logger << "logging #{}" sleep 2 end In my secong console I did: tail log/backgroundrb.log -f This is so I could see the line getting added to the log every 2 seconds. Then in my other console I started script/console and created a new worker. Then killed it with
2012 Mar 22
Recommendations regarding textbooks
Hello I was hoping to get some advice regarding teaching R in an academic environment. What are the best choices with respect to textbooks? When this question was asked a few years back, people were primarily recommending ?Modern Applied Statistics with S? and ?Introductory Statistics with R? as two good choices. I?ve also heard some good thinks regarding ?An R Companion to Applied
2008 Jan 29
Authoritative Documentation
I''ve been using backgroundrb for... about an hour now. I must say, I''m impressed. But I''m a bit stumped on where to find the "official" documentation. There''s an API online at, but I don''t see the methods available for MiddleMan, etc. Right now, I''m trying to figure out how to get a list of all
2007 May 19
Worker cleanup and TTL
Hello. I read in an old announcement by Ezra, relating to the older version of BackgrounDRb, about workers being able to clean up after themselves and a TTL feature. I''m not sure if these things are present in the newer version. I''ve tried overriding the delete method in my worker but when I call delete_worker, the method doesn''t appear to be called. Is there a right
2008 Jan 04
Updates and Fixes on Trunk
Hi, I am pushing some updates and fixes that addresses much of the issues that we talked about since last couple of days. 1. Use configuration option :debug_log: false to disable backgroundrb_debug.log. 2. As shown below, use lazy_load option to disable aggressive loading of models ( and somewhat stupid too). 3. MiddleMan.delete_worker(:worker => :foo_worker) will now ABORT the worker, it
2006 Jul 18
backgroundrb and autotest
Hi, First, thanks for the plugin. Sorry if this is not strictly a backgroundrb issue but I thought others on this list might have come across this problem. I''m trying to run the test that comes via the worker generator. The test works fine when running ''rake test_functional'', but when the tests are run by autotest I get "uninitialized constant BackgrounDRb"
2006 Oct 23
can a worker commit suicide?
Can a worker kill themselves when they''re ''done''? Or do I have to do that either from the controller or the worker manager? Thanks, Bill -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2006 Aug 16
Forward of moderated message
OK I know whats happening. Your while loop completes and calls kill on the worker before your task_progress controller method ever gets called> So the worker is deleted and when you try to access it from rails you get an error because there is no longer a worker at that job key. The kill method is meant to be used within a worker that you fire and forget. If you want to get the
2006 Aug 07
Memory leak?
I am using BackgrounDRb to resize images after they are accepted into our system. However, it has become clear that this creates a memory leak. I''m not sure exactly where the leak exists, but I don''t think it''s in my own code as it is presently being used in production and has resized thousands of images without a leak occurring, thanks to calling GC.start
2008 Jan 10
Worker suicide
I have a worker which wants to delete itself after it finishes its work- how can it do that? Best Regards, Danny Burkes
2008 Jan 03
daemon use-case questions
Hi all, I''m trying to replace an OpenWFEru/daemons-based infrastructure, with the goal being to be able to communicate with the workers to a) monitor current state and to b) initiate new actions. The short version on why these are daemons and not transient workers (that start up and shut down when they''re done with a particular task) is because they''re subscribing to
2007 Sep 24
Trouble using backgroundrb
Hi all, I''m a newbie to backgroundrb and am having trouble integrating it into my rails-app. I''m using namespaces to differentiate between the parts of my app. When I want to create a new worker, it seems that it cannot find the worker object. Here''s my code: -------------------- controller app/passwd/index -------------------- class Passwd::IndexController <
2006 Jul 31
MY worker won''t stop working
> On Jul 30, 2006, at 5:11 PM, Chris H wrote: > >> Hi Ezra, >> >> thanks for the reply. >> >> There''s a ruby process that appears in top when I fire off the do_work >> method. >> It uses around 30-50% cpu and disappears once all processing has >> completed. >> >> When I try to stop processing using delete_worker I was