similar to: Javascript in URLs (was: Markdown doesn't always generate XHTML)

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Javascript in URLs (was: Markdown doesn't always generate XHTML)"

2008 Apr 01
HTML entities in URLs and urlencoding
We recently received the following bug report for the python-markdown implementation: > The "&" are escaped in URLs. > > An example: > [Link]( > > Should output: > <a href="">Link</a> > > Currently outputs: > <a
2009 Apr 30
Trunicating Names in options_from_collection_for_select
Anyone know how I could trunicate the names of a passed in array in options_from_collection_for_select? I tried a few things but nothing worked. Any ideas would be appreciated! <%= options_from_collection_for_select available_projects, :id, :name, @selected_project_id %> -- Posted via
2006 Jul 19
Form helpers produce invalid XHTML code!
Hi all The following scaffold creation form code... <%= start_form_tag :action => ''create'' %> <%= render :partial => ''form'' %> <%= submit_tag "Create" %> <%= end_form_tag %> ...creates this HTML colde: <form action="/en/bookings/create" method="post"> <!--[form:artist]-->
2006 Jul 22
XHTML validation for functional tests
Hi, Is there anyway to validate XHTML during functional tests? Thank you, Jean-Etienne -- Posted via
2006 Jun 08
Is possible to mantain a co0l blog without broke XHTML?
I started to write content in textarea in HTML then I migrated to BBCode, then I came back HTML thanks to TinyMCE, now I see with interest textile and markaby, but will they be "THE solution"? As "internal" language anybody is free to use the language he/she prefers but about the future? Probably you won''t be able to reuse it in another platform/cms Anybody wants
2006 May 11
Doctype -- utf-8 -- html vs xhtml
I was simply trying to write the DOCTYPE line at the top for UTF-8 and got confused. What doctype do I use with rails for utf-8 files? If I put in all the damn closing tags on paragraphs and hr and br and all that will the stuff pass xhml inspection, or will rails insert something I haven'' yet noticed. Warren -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was
2006 May 24
Valid W3C XHTML Code?!
Hi there, i was just asking myself what i can do get my ruby site valid to the w3c specs. my biggest problem is the auto-generated html code of the link_to function which gives the form field an id value which includes an array. that rises the following error: Line 45 column 20: character "[" is not allowed in the value of attribute "id". <input
2005 Sep 29
scriptaculous: Filed Bug #2339: XHTML comments can cause Firefox to throw an error on Sortable.create()
The Wiki page "TheWishList" indicates that bugs should be reported into Trac and to this list. The bug report is here: Description: If there is an XHTML comment in a document at the same level as the elements that are being activated by the Sortable, Firefox 1.0.6 will throw this error: Error: has no properties Source File:
2006 Jan 13
Fwd: [OT] Quick XHTML job
Hi, I have two ten-page websites that I need produced quickly. I can pay a reasonable rate; this isn''t an attempt to lowball--the priority is speed and quality. I have all of the Photoshop files you will need to understand the work you will be producing. More parameters: - Both websites should have identical html, but different stylesheets. (like CSS Zen Garden) - Both websites should
2009 Jul 09
Nested forms, dynamic elements and valid xhtml/DOM ids
Hi, I would like to know if anyone has been able to implement correctly 2.3 nested forms and create dynamically (javascript) a bunch of nested elements with their correct DOM ids. I''ve seen Complex forms Railcasts but they use pre-2.3 nested forms. I''ve seen Alloy solution but it is not working properly to me. When creating more than two lines dynamically the id is repeated.
2008 Dec 05
Rails asset tag helpers outputting invalid xhtml
I am using Rails 2.1 and HAML for some, but not all, of my templates. All of the self-closing asset tags (<link>, <img>) output by the rails asset tag helper methods are not being closed at all, thus rendering my pages as invalid XHTML. Has anyone else dealt with a similar problem? I am completely out of ideas, so if you have any suggestions, by all means, fire away. Thanks. -- Posted
2012 Aug 27
Can't locate object method "html_charset" via package "Podwrapper::XHTML"
[Another one reported on IRC today ...] -- Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat virt-top is 'top' for virtual machines. Tiny program with many powerful monitoring features, net stats, disk stats, logging, etc.
2011 Jan 05
e-pub or downloadable xhtml of the manuals? This document has provided more information to me than I can adequately express, and as masochistic as it sounds, I'd kinda like to pop a copy on my nook and devour it. along with any of the other docs hosted on the samba website. has anyone prepared epubs of the documentation? if not epubs, than at least xhtml files in a zip
2008 Mar 14
Markdown doesn't always generate XHTML
Hello everybody, I've just noticed that markdown doesn't always generate XHTML. In particular the input <script src=""> generates the output: <p><script src=""></p> (This is the markdown dingus at daring fireball, and the markdownj implementation exhibits the same problem. I
2006 Jan 16
SIP hardphones with xml/html/xhtml/microbrowser support?
What hardphones support xml/html/xhmtl/microbrowser? I need an inexpensive SIP hardphone that can run simple applications (queue status, etc). The phones I know of: Aastra 480i, 9112i, 9133i (though limited by 3 LCD lines on the 91xx seems kind of silly) Cisco 79xx Mitel 5235 Polycom IP601 Any others? -Dan
2005 Nov 08
Scriptaculous insertion fails when XHTML Strict used in FireFox
Hi ! I'm getting an uncaught exception requiring the Scriptaculous libraries when everything says XHTML 1.0 Strict: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base before_filter :set_content_type protected def set_content_type response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/xhtml+xml; charset=ISO-8859-1' end end <?xml version="1.0"
2005 Mar 31
Outputting XHTML strict
I''m trying to get a page to validate as XHTML Strict, and I''ve gotten everything fixed except for one <textarea> that Rails is generating. <textarea cols="40" id="estcomment_comment" name="estcomment[comment]" rows="10" wrap="virtual"></textarea> This tag is being called in my view with <%=
2008 Jan 31
Handling multiple Check boxes in a XHTML Strict way
Hi, The default way we handle an array of checkboxes is like this: <% items.each do |item| %> <%= check_box_tag ''item[]'', "#{}" %> <% end -%> this returns an array item[] that holds the ids of all the items. Now the real issue: 1. The above loop will same ids to ''n'' items 2. All ids will be ''item[]''
2008 Mar 12
XHTML validation
Is the dashboard output of 1.2.1 supposed to validate (I get numerous failures)? I''m seeing some issues that I hadn''t been running into before my upgrade. The first time I load the dashboard I''m seeing a blank area at the top and first button isn''t styled. When the refresh triggers the all of the projects except the first are duplicated and the
2013 Mar 16
Admonitions! with Python-Markdown 2.3 release.
Last night I released version 2.3 of Python Markdown (see the release notes [1] for all the details). In addition to various other improvements, a new **experimental** extension was included that added a syntax for generating rST-style admonitions [2]. For a summary of the syntax, see the documentation [3]. A broader sample of the output can be seen on this page [4]. The source text can be found