similar to: arbitrary bit number

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "arbitrary bit number"

2019 Feb 09
how experimental are the llvm.experimental.vector.reduce.* functions?
I'm interested in using @llvm.experimental.vector.reduce.smax/umax to implement runtime overflow checking for vectors. Here's an example checked addition, without vectors, and then I'll follow the example with what I would do for checked addition with vectors. Frontend code (zig): export fn entry() void { var a: i32 = 1; var b: i32 = 2; var x = a + b; } LLVM IR code:
2019 Feb 09
how experimental are the llvm.experimental.vector.reduce.* functions?
The IR update to allow vector types was here: ...we didn't update the docs at that time because it was not clear what the backend would do with that, but that might've changed with some of the more recent patches. On Sat, Feb 9, 2019 at 1:42 AM Craig Topper via llvm-dev < llvm-dev at> wrote: > I don't think I understand your
2009 Aug 17
R : how does %in% operator work?
*Problem-1* CASE-I---------(works fine) > var1<-"tom" > var1 [1"tom" > var1<-as.character(var1) > var1 [1] "tom" > var2<-c("tom","harry","kate") > logc<-(var1 %in% var2) > logc [1] TRUE > typeof(var1) [1] "character" > typeof(var2) [1] "character"
2009 Aug 20
Insert rows in between dataframes
Hi all, Can anyone suggest me how to insert rows in between data frames and also keep the ordering of row numbers correct? Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) recmeanC2 9.275880e-17 6.322780e-17 1.467057e+00 0.14349903 recmeanC3 1.283534e-17 2.080644e-17 6.168929e-01 0.53781390
2013 Apr 17
Merging big data.frame
Hi all, I am trying to merge 2 big data.frame. The problem is merge is memory intensive so R is going out of memory error: cannot allocate vector of size 360.1 Mb. To overcome this, I am exploring option of using data.table package. But its not helping in term of memory as merge in data.table is fast but not memory efficient. Similar error is coming. My inputs are inp1 V1 V2 1 a i1 2 a i2 3 a
2010 Jun 09
counting across leves of factors
I have dataframe with 17factors variables (for example every factor have 3levels) I have maybe 5000 observation. And i need to do table where is in every raw 1 of possible combination of this factors and the numbur how many time is this combination in my dataset. I wrote one code, but this is very slow and dumb. it looks like this: i<-0 for(i1 in levels(hivdat$pohl)){
2011 Sep 27
array extraction
hello everyone. Look at the following R idiom: a <- array(1:30,c(3,5,2)) M <- (matrix(1:15,c(3,5)) %% 4) < 2 a[M,] <- 0 Now, I think that "a[M,]" has an unambiguous meaning (to a human). However, the last line doesn't work as desired, but I expected it to...and it recently took me an indecent amount of time to debug an analogous case. Just to be explicit, I would
2009 Aug 24
natural sorting a data frame /vector by row
How to NATURAL sort a vector or data frame* by row* , in ascending order ? V1 V2 V3 V4 i1 5.000000e-01 1.036197e-17 4.825338e+16 0.00000000 i10 4.001692e-18 1.365740e-17 2.930053e-01 0.76973827 i12 -1.052843e-17 1.324484e-17 -7.949081e-01 0.42735000 i13 2.571236e-17 1.357336e-17 1.894325e+00 0.05922715 i2
2010 Sep 13
SF-36 questionnaire scoring for R?
Dear useRs from the physiology department, Does someone know of an implementation of the SF-36 questionnaire scoring in R? I only found SAS and STATA versions, e.g Dieter
2010 Jun 01
Can any one help it will be very kind, loop statements I have this table and some more records, I want to reshape it V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 V10 TP53 Dis1 Dis2 Dis3 Dis4 Dis5 Dis6 DCI New1 New2 New3 New4 FDI Hi2 H3 H4 GHD I1 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7 I8 I want my new table or matrix to be some thing like this V1 V2 V3 Tp53 Dis1 Dis2 Tp53 Dis1 Dis3 Tp53 Dis1 Dis4 Tp53 Dis1 Dis5 Tp53 Dis1 Dis6 Tp53 Dis2
2015 Jul 24
[LLVMdev] SIMD for sdiv <2 x i64>
On 07/24/2015 03:42 AM, Benjamin Kramer wrote: >> On 24.07.2015, at 08:06, zhi chen <zchenhn at> wrote: >> >> It seems that that it's hard to vectorize int64 in LLVM. For example, LLVM 3.4 generates very complicated code for the following IR. I am running on a Haswell processor. Is it because there is no alternative AVX/2 instructions for int64? The same thing
2008 Mar 06
Help with parsing a data file
Hi All, I need to parse data from a file, example shown below. The first two lines can be skipped, the third line contains the column names. The next 13 lines can be skipped. The next line "1991" is a year value, with the following 13 values data for that year. The file then repeats this format with (year, 13 lines of data for that year). I would ideally like to end up with an
2006 Jan 18
Within-Subjects ANOVA & comparisons of individual means
I am having problems with comparing individual means in a within-subjects ANOVA. From my understanding, TukeyHSD is not appropriate in this context. So I am trying to compute contrasts, as follows: seven subjects participated in each of 6 conditions (intervals). > subject = factor(rep(c(1:7), each = 6)) > interval = factor(rep(c(1:6), 7)) and here is the dependent variable: > dv
2012 Mar 05
Forward stepwise regression using lmStepAIC in Caret
I'm looking for guidance on how to implement forward stepwise regression using lmStepAIC in Caret. The stepwise "direction" appears to default to "backward". When I try to use "scope" to provide a lower and upper model, Caret still seems to default to "backward". Any thoughts on how I can make this work? Here is what I tried: itemonly <-
2006 Nov 16
How Aggegate Data in R
Hello: When I use SPSS I execute the AGGREGATE DATA comand for the next data: 2112141123212213212213334 3143244113442312121213344 2114141123112214212113344 2112211122212413421213221 3114444123442414343413344 2312231223212222323223322 2143241123212313131213234 2113241113212313222213333 2113141123112214212113344 2114141123412111114413344 2113211122342314222313234 2114141123112414212113344
2007 Jul 15
NNET re-building the model
Hello, I've been working with "nnet" and now I'd like to use the weigths, from the fitted model, to iterpret some of variables impornatce. I used the following command: mts <- nnet(y=Y,x=X,size =4, rang = 0.1, decay = 5e-4, maxit = 5000,linout=TRUE) X is (m x n) Y is (m x 1) And then I get the coeficients by: Wts<-coef(mts) b->h1 i1->h1
2017 Sep 15
What should a truncating store do?
For example, truncating store of an i32 to i6. My assumption was that this should write the low six bits of the i32 to somewhere in memory. Should the top 24 bits of a corresponding 32 bit region of memory be unchanged, zero, undefined? Should the two bits that would round the i6 up to a byte be preserved, zero, undefined? I can't write six bits directly so am trying to determine what set
2012 Jun 19
weird --no 'dimnames' attribute for array-- error for R lordif package
Hi All, ? I am trying to use the lordif package in R and can't figure out the reason for the above error when I try to run the calctheta() function. ################## # read data using foreign package - must be Stata 11 or earlier racedata<- read.dta("race.dta")??? # item responses<-racedata[,-c(1:2)] # grouping variable is in the second column
2015 Jul 24
[LLVMdev] SIMD for sdiv <2 x i64>
------------------------------------ IR ------------------------------------------------------------------ if.then.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %if.then4 %S25_D = zext <2 x i32> %splatLDS17_D.splat to <2 x i64> %umul_with_overflow.i.iS26_D = shl <2 x i64> %S25_D, <i64 3, i64 3> %extumul_with_overflow.i.iS26_D = extractelement <2 x i64>
2011 Aug 31
[LLVMdev] A pass to minimize instruction bitwidth?
Does llvm have a pass that minimizes the bitwidth of llvm instructions? For instance:   %8 = and i32 %7, 63 63 is 111111 in binary. So the 'and' instruction only requires 6 bits. We could rewrite the above code as:   %8 = trunc i32 %7 to i6   %9 = and i6 %8, 63 Since we only need the lower 6 bits we could also propagate this change backwards to reduce the bitwidth of prior